

单词 make sure
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔CHECK〕to make sure that something is true or correct 检查某事或某人朗文写作活用〔STOP〕to make sure that something does not happen 确保某事不发生朗文写作活用〔WATCH〕to watch to make sure that nothing bad happens to someone or something 看着以确保不会有不好的事发生在某人或某物上朗文写作活用〔check〕checked the brakes and lights for defects; checked out the system to make sure there were no errors in the software.检查刹车和车灯有没有毛病;对系统进行检查以确保软件没有任何错误美国传统〔overturn〕overturn the drawers to make sure everything was out 将抽屉翻转过来以保证把东西全部倒出英汉大词典〔refine〕refine a programme and make sure it works 优化计划并确保其可行英汉大词典




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