

单词 made of
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔CONDITION〕things made of paper or cloth that are in bad condition 用纸、布做的破旧的东西朗文写作活用〔alloy〕a part made of aluminum alloy 铝合金制作的零件韦氏高阶〔beech〕a chair made of beech 山毛榉木椅剑桥高阶〔block〕a wall made of concrete blocks 由混凝土块砌成的墙朗文当代〔brick〕a house made of brick 砖房韦氏高阶〔brushed〕a dress made of brushed cotton.用起绒棉布制成的服装美国传统〔china〕a small boat made of china.瓷制小船柯林斯高阶〔coarsely〕a jacket made of very coarse cloth.粗布制成的夹克柯林斯高阶〔concrete〕a floor made of bare concrete 光秃秃的混凝土地面牛津搭配〔corduroy〕a jacket made of corduroy 灯芯绒夹克韦氏高阶〔corduroy〕corduroys Trousers made of corduroy. corduroys 灯芯绒裤:用灯芯绒做的裤子美国传统〔crease〕a shirt made of crease-resistant material 用防皱布料制造的衬衫牛津高阶〔daub〕walls made of wattle and daub 用枝条和灰泥做成的墙牛津高阶〔denim〕denims Trousers or another garment made of this cloth. denims 工装裤:用粗斜棉布制成的裤子或服装美国传统〔diamond〕a sphere made of diamond without impurity or flaw.用钻石制成的完美无瑕的圆球柯林斯高阶〔fabric〕scarves made of woven fabrics 织布做的围巾韦氏高阶〔glass〕car windows made of bulletproof glass 防弹玻璃车窗麦克米伦高阶〔humble〕a meal made of humble ingredients 用普通原料做成的饭菜韦氏高阶〔jewel〕a jewel made of rock crystal over cloisonne enamel, set in gold.有景泰蓝镶嵌的一件镶金水晶首饰外研社新世纪〔khaki〕a military uniform made of khaki 用卡其布做的军装韦氏高阶〔kid〕gloves made of kid 小山羊皮手套韦氏高阶〔lambskin〕gloves made of lambskin 羔羊皮手套韦氏高阶〔leather〕a coat made of leather 皮上衣英汉大词典〔leftover〕leftovers A dish made of food remaining from a previous meal. leftovers 残羹剩菜:上一顿饭菜中剩下的部分所做成的一道菜美国传统〔make〕a table made of wood 一张木质桌子朗文当代〔make〕earrings made of gold 金制的耳环剑桥高阶〔metal〕a frame made of metal 金属框架麦克米伦高阶〔mix〕a pair of wool mix socks(= made of wool and other materials) 一双羊毛混纺袜子牛津高阶〔mud〕mud bricks/huts(= made of dried mud) 泥砖;土坯屋牛津高阶〔napkin〕napkin rings made of silver 银质餐巾环牛津搭配〔natural〕furniture made of natural materials 天然材料制成的家具韦氏高阶〔odd〕decorations made of odd scraps of paper 用各种各样的纸片做的装饰牛津高阶〔piece〕a piece of china (= an object made of china) 一件瓷器剑桥高阶〔plank〕a bridge made of planks 用厚木板搭成的桥朗文当代〔plastic〕children's toys made of plastic 塑胶儿童玩具朗文当代〔pliable〕a shoe made of soft, pliable leather 柔韧的皮革做成的鞋子朗文当代〔plywood〕a floor made of plywood = a plywood floor 胶合板地板韦氏高阶〔poor〕of poor quality (=not made well or not made of good materials) 品质差的朗文当代〔sheepskin〕parchment made of sheepskin羊皮制的羊皮纸外研社新世纪〔silver〕a bracelet made of silver 银手镯韦氏高阶〔solid〕a chest made of solid oak 纯橡木做的箱子朗文当代〔stiff〕a table made of rigid plastic; 硬塑料做的桌子;美国传统〔terra-cotta〕planters/jars made of terra- cotta 赤陶土花盆/罐子韦氏高阶〔thatch〕a roof made of thatch 茅草屋顶牛津高阶〔thick〕a thick (= made of thick material) sweater/coat 厚毛衣/外套剑桥高阶〔thick〕a thick coat(= one made of heavy cloth) 厚大衣牛津高阶〔turf〕primitive dwellings made of sods of turf and sticks 由草皮和木条搭建的原始村舍牛津搭配〔unusual〕a suit made of unusual material 用不一般的面料制作的西装朗文当代〔wood〕furniture made of a variety of different woods 用各种不同的木材制作的家具牛津高阶〔wrought iron〕a chair made of wrought iron 熟铁椅韦氏高阶




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