

单词 memory loss
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FORGET〕Heimdal was critically injured in an accident and suffered head and back injuries, and memory loss. 海姆达尔在一次事故中严重受伤,造成了头部、背部受伤以及记忆缺失。朗文写作活用〔OLD〕Some memory loss is a normal part of the aging process. 衰老过程中失去部分记忆是正常现象。朗文写作活用〔aging〕Memory loss is often a part of ageing.记忆力衰退往往是衰老的一种表现。朗文当代〔corporate memory〕Corporate memory loss is a major problem for some businesses who cut their staff in the early 1990s.对于一些在20世纪90年代初裁员的公司来说,公司记忆的失去是一个大问题。剑桥高阶〔exhibit〕The patient exhibited signs of fatigue and memory loss.病人表现出疲劳和记忆力丧失的迹象。牛津高阶〔memory〕The first symptom of the disease is often short-term memory loss.这种疾病的最初症状通常是短时记忆缺失。朗文当代〔part〕Memory loss is a normal part of the ageing process.记忆力下降是衰老的正常表现。麦克米伦高阶〔related〕He suffers with memory loss related to his disease.他因病丧失了记忆。朗文当代〔short-term〕She's suffering from short-term memory loss.她短时记忆有问题。朗文当代〔sprout〕As well as sprouting a few grey hairs, Kevin seems to be suffering the occasional memory loss.除长出了些许白发外,凯文似乎还患上了间歇性失忆。柯林斯高阶〔sprout〕As well as sprouting a few grey hairs, Kevin seems to be suffering the occasional memory loss.除了长出几根灰头发外, 凯文似乎还患上了间歇性失忆。外研社新世纪〔tacrine〕A drug that halts or reverses memory loss temporarily in some individuals with Alzheimer's disease, but does not alter the course of the disease.塔克宁:一种适用于某些阿滋海默症患者,可以暂时性阻止或改善其失忆症状恶化的药物,但是无法完全治愈此疾病美国传统If you take this drug over a long period, it can lead to memory loss, confusion, irritability and even depression.如果你长期服用这种药,会造成记忆丧失、神志不清、易怒,甚至抑郁。剑桥国际Regular smoking of marijuana can cause short-term memory loss and long-term health problems.经常吸食大麻会导致短期失忆和长期健康问题。剑桥国际Since the accident, he has suffered from memory loss and impaired vision.事故之后,他就从此失去记忆,视力受损。剑桥国际




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