

单词 lineage
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Rajput〕A member of any of several powerful Hindu landowning and military lineages inhabiting northern and central India.拉基普特人:居于印度北部和中部的几个有权势、有土地、有军事武装的家族的成员美国传统〔ancestry〕Ancestral descent or lineage.世系,血统美国传统〔august〕The family claims an august lineage.这个家族有贵族血统。韦氏高阶〔blood〕Descent from a common ancestor; parental lineage.血统,家世,家族:源自于同一祖宗;父母血统美国传统〔cladogenesis〕The evolutionary change and diversification resulting from the branching off of new taxa from common ancestral lineages.系枝进化:从共同远祖世系分支出的新类别而形成的进化和多样化美国传统〔clone〕To establish and maintain pure lineages of (a cell) under laboratory conditions.纯系生殖:在实验室条件下建造或保持纯正的(细胞)世系美国传统〔consanguineous〕Of the same lineage or origin; having a common ancestor.同宗的:同血统或同源;有共同祖先的美国传统〔descent〕One generation of a specific lineage.一代家族:某种特殊世家的后代美国传统〔family〕Lineage, especially distinguished lineage.名门:家庭,尤指闻名的家族美国传统〔genealogy〕Direct descent from an ancestor; lineage or pedigree.家系:从一个祖先传下来的直接世系;家系或家族美国传统〔introduce〕Most cultivated strawberries can trace their lineage back to the Chilean strawberry and the Virginian strawberry introduced in the 17th century.大部分培育草莓的世系可以追溯到17世纪引入的智利草莓和弗吉尼亚草莓。外研社新世纪〔lineage〕He could trace his lineage back many centuries.他的家世可以回溯很多世纪。文馨英汉〔lineage〕He was of (an) aristocratic lineage.他有贵族的血统。文馨英汉〔lineage〕She can trace her lineage back to the 17th century.她的家系可以追溯到17世纪。外研社新世纪〔lineage〕She was of humble lineage.她出身卑微。文馨英汉〔lineage〕She's very proud of her ancient royal lineage.她为自己拥有古老的皇室血统倍感自豪。剑桥高阶〔lineage〕They can trace their lineage directly back to the 18th century.他们的世系可以直接追溯到18世纪。柯林斯高阶〔line〕Ancestry or lineage.家系,血统美国传统〔pedigree〕A line of ancestors; a lineage.家系;血统美国传统〔purebred〕Of or belonging to a recognized strain established by breeding individuals of unmixed lineage over many generations.纯种的:属于一个几代以来建立在不混杂的生殖个体的链状结构之上的家族的美国传统〔race〕A genealogical line; a lineage.家族:家族血统;门第美国传统〔royalty〕A person of royal rank or lineage.王族成员:皇家阶层或家族的一员美国传统〔royalty〕The lineage or rank of a monarch.国王的家系或阶层美国传统〔sib〕Anthropology A kinship group consisting of two or more lineages considered as being related, as by common descent from a mythic ancestor.【人类学】 氏族:由两条或更多被认为有血缘关系的世系组成的亲族,如来自一神秘祖先的同一后代的美国传统〔strain〕Any of the various lines of ancestry united in an individual or a family; ancestry or lineage.品系:联合在个人或家族上的任何一个祖先的血系;血统或家系美国传统〔trace〕She has never traced back her lineage, but believes her grandparents were from Aberdeenshire.她从没有查考过自己的家系,不过她认为她祖父母来自阿伯丁郡。柯林斯高阶〔wellborn〕Of good lineage or stock.出身名门的,出身高贵的美国传统She's very proud of her ancient royal lineage.她非常为自己古老的皇室血统而感到自豪。剑桥国际They're offering a service to trace people's lineages back at least 500 years.他们正在提供一项可将人们的家族史追溯到至少500年前的服务。剑桥国际




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