

单词 missions
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WORK〕I flew on over 280 combat missions in two wars, so I'm used to danger. 两次战争中我参加过二百八十多次飞行战斗任务,因此我对危险已习惯了。朗文写作活用〔answer〕That statement seemed designed to answer criticism of allied bombing missions.那份声明似乎是专门反驳对联合轰炸任务所作的批评的。外研社新世纪〔answer〕That statement seemed designed to answer criticism of allied bombing missions.那份声明似乎是专门就联合轰炸任务的批评作出反击。柯林斯高阶〔combat〕Since then he has flown on combat missions and even done sentry duty.从那时起, 他就执行作战飞行任务, 甚至还放哨。外研社新世纪〔combat〕We flew over 200 combat missions .我们完成了 200 多次战斗飞行任务。朗文当代〔death〕Relief missions try to keep the country's population from starving to death.赈灾机构努力不让这个国家的人饿死。外研社新世纪〔grip〕The UN is struggling to get a grip on the management of its peacekeeping missions.联合国艰难地试图掌控其维和任务。外研社新世纪〔mark〕His face bore the marks of many missions.他的脸上有屡次执行任务留下的疤痕。朗文当代〔missionary〕Of or relating to missions or missionaries.传教的或传教会的或与其有关的美国传统〔mission〕Foster flew 400 missions.福斯特执行过400次飞行任务。外研社新世纪〔mission〕He flew a total of 41 missions over the country.他在全国各地上空共执行过 41 次飞行任务。牛津搭配〔mission〕He was sent on over 200 missions before being killed in action.在阵亡之前他奉命执行过 200 多次军事任务。朗文当代〔mission〕He's been on several shuttle missions over the last decade.过去 10 年中他执行过数次航天飞机任务。牛津搭配〔mission〕More funds are needed to establish trade missions in eastern Europe.需要更多的资金在东欧建立贸易代表团。剑桥高阶〔mission〕Of or relating to a style of architecture or furniture used in the early Spanish missions of California.西班牙传教会式的:与一种早期美国加利福尼亚州西班牙传教会所使用的建筑或家具的风格有关的美国传统〔mission〕The country maintains some sixty missions abroad.这个国家在国外设有约60个使馆。英汉大词典〔mission〕They conducted evangelistic missions around Britain.他们在英国各地进行福音传教活动。外研社新世纪〔pluck〕Some refugee children were plucked out of the country in a number of mercy missions.在一些救助行动中有些儿童难民被拯救出那个国家。朗文当代〔presidio〕A garrison, especially a fortress of the kind established in the southwest United States by the Spanish to protect their holdings and missions.驻防地,要塞:驻防地,尤指由西班牙在美国西南部建立要保护其财产或教堂的要塞美国传统〔space〕They intend to begin manned space missions next year.他们打算明年开始执行载人航天任务。牛津搭配〔spot〕To locate targets from the air during combat or training missions.侦察:在战斗中或训练中从空中探明目标位置美国传统John had already flown sixty missions. 约翰已经执行了六十次飞行任务。译典通More funds are needed to establish trade missions in eastern Europe.更多的资金需要被用于建立在东欧的贸易代表团。剑桥国际More than 2600 sorties were flown yesterday, about half of them on combat missions.昨天2600多架次飞机起飞,大约有一半肩负着战斗任务。剑桥国际The country maintains some sixty missions abroad. 该国在海外设有约六十个使馆。译典通The regional government organizes outward trade missions for local exporters.地方政府为当地出口商组织对外贸易代表团。牛津商务




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