

单词 location
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔PLACE〕a new hotel in an attractive location 地处优美环境的一家新酒店朗文写作活用〔allocate〕designated a location for the new hospital; 指定地点建新医院;美国传统〔centrality〕a central location in the capital.首都的中心地带柯林斯高阶〔central〕a central location 中心位置牛津高阶〔central〕a central location for the new store.新店的中心位置美国传统〔central〕a central location for the new theatre 用于修建新剧院的地处中心的场地英汉大词典〔co-ordinated〕the latitude and longitude co-ordinates of any location in the world.世界各地的经纬坐标柯林斯高阶〔east〕a location just east of the centre of town就在市中心以东的一个地点外研社新世纪〔encamp〕the location where Napoleon's troops were encamped 拿破仑军队曾经的驻扎地点韦氏高阶〔favored〕a favored location 有利位置韦氏高阶〔film〕film on location 拍外景英汉大词典〔handsome〕a handsome location for the new school.新学校合适地址美国传统〔location〕location of refugees 难民的安置英汉大词典〔location〕a honeymoon in a secret location 在一个秘密地点度的蜜月牛津高阶〔location〕a house in a fine location 地点很好的一所房屋英汉大词典〔location〕a mining location 采矿的指定地区英汉大词典〔location〕a thriller filmed entirely on location 全部在外景地拍摄的惊悚片麦克米伦高阶〔location〕filming a Western on location in the Mexican desert.在墨西哥沙漠外景地拍摄一部西部片美国传统〔location〕go on location 去拍摄外景英汉大词典〔location〕its isolated geographical location 它偏远的地理位置朗文当代〔location〕the location of the missing document 散失文件的查找英汉大词典〔position〕a house in a central location 地处中心位置的一栋房子朗文当代〔position〕the location of the new headquarters 新总部的所在地朗文当代〔precise〕the precise location 确切位置英汉大词典〔precise〕the precise location of the ship 那艘船所处的确切位置朗文当代〔precise〕the precise location of the wreck失事船只的确切位置外研社新世纪〔prime〕a prime location for a business park 商业园的最佳选址麦克米伦高阶〔quicksand〕reveal the location of any financial quicksands 揭示财政方面的危险区英汉大词典〔reckoning〕the reckoning of a ship's location 船的推算定位英汉大词典〔shooting〕location shooting 外景拍摄英汉大词典〔strategic〕a strategic location 重要的战略位置韦氏高阶




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