

单词 low-income
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GOVERNMENT〕Congress rejected a measure that would make it easier for low-income workers to get health insurance. 国会拒绝了可方便低收入工人获得健康保险的一项议案。朗文写作活用〔JOB〕The Job Corps is a vocational training program for low-income youths. 职业培训团是一项为低收入青年提供职业培训的计划。朗文写作活用〔PRIVATE〕Private sector housing is just too expensive for low-income families in the city at the moment. 目前,私营部门提供的住房对低收入家庭来说太贵了。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕Social problems plague these low-income communities. 社会问题困扰着这些低收入社区。朗文写作活用〔PROVIDE/SUPPLY〕The center was opened four months ago to serve the health needs of a low-income neighborhood. 该中心于四个月前开业,为一个低收入社区的健康需求服务。朗文写作活用〔SCHOOL/UNIVERSITY〕Low-income children do not have the same educational opportunities as children from wealthier families. 低收入家庭的孩子没法和有钱人家的孩子享受同样的教育机会。朗文写作活用〔SCHOOL/UNIVERSITY〕The grant money is for low-income college students. 这助学金是给低收入家庭的大学生的。朗文写作活用〔contingent〕In effect, growth is contingent on improved incomes for the mass of the low-income population.事实上,发展有赖于大量低收入人群收入的增长。柯林斯高阶〔contingent〕In effect, growth is contingent upon improved incomes for the mass of the low-income population.事实上, 增长依靠的是广大低收入群体收入的增加。外研社新世纪〔coverage〕Medicaid health coverage for low-income families 对低收入家庭的医疗保险牛津高阶〔debatable〕It is highly debatable whether conditions have improved for low-income families.低收入家庭的生活状况是否已得到改善是一个颇有争议的问题。牛津高阶〔demand〕The demand for low-income housing is increasing as the economy gets worse.随着经济的恶化,对低收入保障性住房的需求在不断增长。韦氏高阶〔designate〕Funds were designated for projects in low-income areas.指定专款用于低收入地区的规划项目。朗文当代〔down-market〕Appealing to or designed for low-income consumers; downscale.小商品市场的:面向低收入消费者的;低价的美国传统〔expensive〕For low-income families, children's safety equipment can be prohibitively expensive (=so expensive that most people cannot afford it) .对于低收入家庭来说,儿童的安全设备贵得让人望而却步。朗文当代〔godsend〕This new benefit has come as a godsend for low-income families.这项新的救济金是低收入家庭的及时雨。牛津高阶〔housing project〕A publicly funded and administered housing development, usually for low-income families.住宅区:通常指为低收入家庭而设计的,由公众积累资金并经营管理的住房开发区美国传统〔impact〕The tax increase will impact low-income families the most.增加税收将对低收入家庭产生最大影响。韦氏高阶〔inner city〕The usually older, central part of a city, especially when characterized by crowded neighborhoods in which low-income, often minority groups predominate.内城区:一个城市的通常年代较久远的中心一部分,尤指那些以被低收入,经常是少数民族所占据的拥挤的住宅为特色的地区美国传统〔poor white〕Used as a disparaging term for a member of a class of low-income white farmers and laborers, especially in the southern United States.穷白人:尤指美国南方用来称呼低收入的白人农民或对体力劳动者的底层的人的轻蔑用语美国传统〔rebate〕Low-income families with children can get up to $400 in tax rebates.低收入的有子女家庭可得退还税款达400美元之多。英汉大词典〔safety net〕Welfare is the only real safety net for low-income workers.对于低收入工人来说,福利救济是唯一真正有效的保障措施。柯林斯高阶〔scatter-site〕Relating to or being publicly funded low-income housing units scattered throughout middle-income residential areas.分散的住房建筑:分散在中收入居民地,由公众投资或与之有关的低收入住房单位美国传统〔subsidize〕The state subsidizes housing for low-income families.这个州向低收入家庭提供住房补贴。韦氏高阶〔waive〕The university waives the application fee for low-income students.那所大学免除了低收入家庭学生的报名费。韦氏高阶Many pensioners prefer to put their savings into no income or low-income investments.许多养老金领取者宁愿把自己的积蓄投入到无收入或低收益的投资中。牛津商务The city is planning to sell public housing units to low-income families.这个城市计划把公有住房单元出卖给低收入的家庭。剑桥国际This low-income group is the baseline reference group in our model.这个低收入群体在我们的模型中是基线参照组。牛津商务We offer creative financing for low-income families wanting to buy homes.我们为想购买房屋的低收入家庭提供创造性融资。牛津商务




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