

单词 literature
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-aided〕The book is an invaluable aid to teachers of literature.这本书对于教授文学的老师来说帮助非常大。柯林斯高阶〔ACTOR/ACTRESS〕Shakespeare's plays were written for the theater, but many people study them as literature. 莎士比亚的剧本是为舞台表演而写,但是许多人也把它们作为文学来研究。朗文写作活用〔BEGINNING〕A small group of poets and writers ushered in the dawn of the Romantic era in literature. 一小群诗人和作家开创了浪漫主义文学的新纪元。朗文写作活用〔BL.〕Bachelor of Literature.文学学士美国传统〔BOOKS〕Ancient literature uses fictional characters to illustrate moral dilemmas. 古代文学作品中常用虚构的人物来表现道德困境。朗文写作活用〔BOOKS〕I teach Japanese literature. 我教的是日本文学。朗文写作活用〔BOOKS〕Mitterrand's oratory and writings displayed a wide grasp of history, philosophy, religion and literature. 密特朗的演讲词与文章均显示了他对历史、哲学、宗教及文学的广泛认识。朗文写作活用〔BOOKS〕She is a professor of language and literature at Arizona State University. 她是亚利桑那州立大学的语言文学教授。朗文写作活用〔English〕A course or individual class in the study of English language, literature, or composition.英语的课程:学习英语语言、文学或作文中的一门课程美国传统〔French〕French literature 法国文学韦氏高阶〔GAY〕Greek literature provides evidence for homosexual activity among both males and females. 古希腊文学中提供了男女同性恋行为的实据。朗文写作活用〔GET〕Yasunari Kawabata was the first Japanese writer to be awarded the Nobel Prize for literature. 川端康成是第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的日本作家。朗文写作活用〔Germanist〕A specialist in the study of German or Germanic culture, literature, or language.德国文化专家:研究德语、德国文化、文学或语言的专家美国传统〔Halakah〕The legal part of Talmudic literature, an interpretation of the laws of the Scriptures.哈拉卡:塔木德经中的法律条文,对犹太圣经中的律法的解释美国传统〔Hellenist〕A devotee or student of Greek civilization, language, or literature.希腊文明、语言或文学的热爱者或学习者美国传统〔Hispanist〕A specialist in Spanish language or literature or in the languages and literatures of Spain, Portugal, and Latin America.西葡文化研究者:精通西班牙语言或文学专家,西班牙、葡萄牙、拉丁美洲语言或文学专家美国传统〔Isis〕The upper Thames River in south-central England in the vicinity of Oxford. The name is used locally and in literature.伊希斯:英格兰中南部的泰晤士河上流,在牛津附近。该名称使用于该地和文学中美国传统〔Parsee〕The Iranian dialect used in the religious literature of the Parsees.帕西伊朗方言:印度袄教徒的宗教文学作品中用的伊朗方言美国传统〔SATISFIED/NOT SATISFIED〕The literature course has been hard work, but very rewarding. 文学课很艰苦,但是让人受益匪浅。朗文写作活用〔STUDY〕I was just a schoolkid - I didn't know anything about poetry or literature. 那时我还只是个小学生,对诗歌和文学一无所知。朗文写作活用〔Slavist〕A specialist in the study of Slavic culture, literature, or languages.斯拉夫专家:专门研究斯拉夫文化、文学或语言的专家美国传统〔TEST〕Students will be examined on all aspects of Russian literature and history. 学生将参加俄国文学和历史各方面知识的考试。朗文写作活用〔WIN〕His book won the Pulitzer Prize for literature. 他的书赢得普利策文学奖。朗文写作活用〔acquainted〕He was well acquainted with the literature of France, Germany and Holland.他对于法国、德国和荷兰的文学了如指掌。柯林斯高阶〔acquainted〕He was well acquainted with the literature of France, Germany and Holland.他对法国、德国及荷兰的文学了如指掌。外研社新世纪〔acquainted〕She was well acquainted with classical literature.她对古典文学很熟悉。朗文当代〔admire〕Lewis was much admired for his work on medieval literature.刘易斯因其对中世纪文学的研究而备受仰慕。朗文当代〔amazed〕I was amazed at her knowledge of French literature.她的法国文学知识之丰富使我大为惊奇。牛津高阶〔appreciate〕You can't really appreciate foreign literature in translation.看翻译作品不能真正欣赏到外国文学原著的美妙之处。牛津高阶〔appreciation〕It helps children to develop an appreciation of poetry and literature.这有助于儿童培养对诗歌和文学作品的鉴赏力。朗文当代〔area〕His interest lies in the area of literature.他的兴趣主要在文学领域。外研社新世纪〔balsam〕Great literature is balsam to the soul.伟大的文学是心灵的慰藉。剑桥高阶〔byway〕My research focuses on the byways of children's literature.我的研究着眼于儿童文学这一非主流领域。外研社新世纪〔byway〕My research focuses on the byways of children's literature.我的研究集中于儿童文学中的一些冷门领域。柯林斯高阶〔chair〕A private benefactor endowed the new Chair of Japanese Literature.一位私人赞助者捐资设立了新的日本文学教授职位。牛津搭配〔classical〕Of or relating to the ancient Greeks and Romans, especially their art, architecture, and literature.古希腊罗马的:古希腊和古罗马的,或与其有关的,尤指其艺术、建筑和文学美国传统〔classical〕Of, relating to, or being a variety of a language that is epitomized by a prestigious body of literature.规范的:属于为语言权威团体视为标准的一种语言的多方面的美国传统〔classicism〕Adherence to the aesthetic values embodied in ancient Greek and Roman art and literature.古典美学:信奉古希腊和古罗马艺术和文学体现的美学价值美国传统〔classic〕Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" is a classic of English literature.简•奥斯汀的《傲慢与偏见》是英国文学中的经典作品。剑桥高阶〔classic〕Jane Austen's novels are among the best-loved classics in English literature.简·奥斯汀的小说是英国文学中最受欢迎的经典作品之一。麦克米伦高阶〔class〕These writers form a distinct class in Russian literature.这些作家在俄罗斯文坛自成一派。牛津搭配〔companion〕A Companion to French Literature 《法国文学指南》牛津高阶〔companion〕A Companion to Japanese Literature 《日本文学指南》朗文当代〔consume〕As a teenager she consumed literature eagerly.年少的她对文学作品如痴如醉。外研社新世纪〔convention〕His latest novel uses the conventions of early 19th-century literature.他最新创作的小说采用了19世纪初的传统文学手法。韦氏高阶〔critique〕A critical review or commentary, especially one dealing with works of art or literature.评论文:批判性文章或评论,尤指关于艺术或文学作品的评论美国传统〔derive〕He derived his enthusiasm for literature from his father.他对文学的爱好是受他父亲影响。英汉大词典〔dip into〕She dipped into literature while she worked in a library.她在图书馆工作时曾涉猎过文学。21世纪英汉〔dive into〕She has been diving into the Chinese literature.她一直在钻研中国文学。21世纪英汉〔domain〕My sister is the math expert in the family, but literature is my domain.我姐姐是家里的数学专家,但文学是我擅长的领域。韦氏高阶〔drone on〕I remember him droning on about how important it was to study literature.我记得他不停地唠叨研究文学的重要性。外研社新世纪〔eclipse〕His remarkable contribution to literature has been too long in eclipse.他对文学的杰出贡献已被人们遗忘太久了。剑桥高阶〔erotica〕Literature or art intended to arouse sexual desire.色情作品:目的在于引起性欲的文学或艺术作品美国传统〔excursion〕Radio 3's latest excursion into ethnic music, dance and literature.第三广播台最近开始涉及有关少数民族音乐、舞蹈和文学的节目柯林斯高阶〔extend〕His interests extend to art and literature.他的兴趣涉及艺术和文学。韦氏高阶〔fall in with〕At university, Taylor had fallen in with a small clique of literature students.大学时, 泰勒曾参与一个文学小团体的活动。外研社新世纪〔fashion〕Fashions in art and literature come and go.文艺的潮流总是昙花一现。牛津高阶〔fiction〕The category of literature comprising works of this kind, including novels and short stories.小说类:由这类文学作品,包括小说和短篇小故事美国传统〔fire〕I had a brilliant English teacher who fired me with enthusiasm for literature at an early age.我有过一位出色的英语老师,在我很小的时候就激起了我对文学的热情。剑桥高阶〔first-class〕Harriet graduated with a first class degree in literature.哈丽雅特毕业时获文学一级学士学位。柯林斯高阶〔florilegium〕A collection of excerpts from written texts, especially works of literature.花谱,诗选:文字摘录集,尤其是文学作品的美国传统〔germinal〕He was one of the rare germinal minds in literature.在文学方面他是为数不多具有创造性头脑的人之一。英汉大词典〔great〕She is among the greats of literature.她是文学界的一位大家。韦氏高阶〔hagiology〕Literature dealing with the lives of saints.圣徒传记文学美国传统〔heroic〕Of, relating to, or resembling the heroes of literature, legend, or myth.英雄的:文学、传说或神话中的英雄的,类似这样的英雄的美国传统〔hierology〕The sacred literature of a people.一个民族的宗教文学美国传统〔historiography〕A body of historical literature.历史文学的主体:美国传统〔humanity〕The languages and literatures of ancient Greece and Rome; the classics.古典文学:古希腊、古罗马的语言和文学;古典文学美国传统〔humanity〕Those branches of knowledge, such as philosophy, literature, and art, that are concerned with human thought and culture; the liberal arts.人文科学:研究人类思想和文明的学科,如哲学、文学、艺术;自由主义艺术美国传统〔illiterate〕Marked by inferiority to an expected standard of familiarity with language and literature.墨水少的:显得不够公认的语言文字水平的美国传统〔interpretation〕An explanation or a conceptualization by a critic of a work of literature, painting, music, or other art form; an exegesis.评注:评论家对一部文学作品、绘画、音乐或其他音乐形式所作的解释或概念;评注美国传统〔interpret〕Literature helps to interpret life.文学有助于阐明人生的意义。英汉大词典〔in〕Mr Micawber is one of the best-loved characters in English literature.米考伯先生是英国文学中最受欢迎的人物之一。麦克米伦高阶〔knew〕He knows literature.他对文学很有研究。21世纪英汉〔knowledgeable〕He's very knowledgeable about German literature.他精通德国文学。剑桥高阶〔know〕He knows literature.他精通文学。文馨英汉〔lecture〕He regularly gives lectures on modern French literature.他经常作有关现代法国文学的讲座。朗文当代〔lecture〕He was invited to lecture on American literature at our college.他被请到我们学院讲授美国文学。21世纪英汉〔lecture〕She lectures in Russian literature.她讲授俄罗斯文学。牛津高阶〔lecture〕She lectures on Greek Literature at the Sorbonne.她在巴黎大学讲授希腊文学。麦克米伦高阶〔literature〕Brahms' piano literature 勃拉姆斯的钢琴曲英汉大词典〔literature〕Could you send me your literature on/about car insurance policies, please? 请给我寄一份贵公司汽车保险方面的资料好吗?剑桥高阶〔literature〕English literature 英国文学英汉大词典〔literature〕He has read many of the major works of literature .他读过许多主要的文学作品。朗文当代〔literature〕He's an expert in American/German literature.他是美国/德国文学方面的专家。韦氏高阶〔literature〕Her education gave her an appreciation for great literature.她接受的教育使她能够欣赏伟大的文学作品。韦氏高阶〔literature〕I shall take literature next term.下学期我将选修文学 (研究) 课。英汉大词典〔literature〕It may not be great literature but it certainly had me riveted!.这可能不算伟大的文学作品,但它无疑深深地吸引了我!柯林斯高阶〔literature〕It may not be great literature but it certainly had me riveted!这可能不算伟大的文学作品, 但它无疑深深地吸引了我!外研社新世纪〔literature〕It's important to keep up-to-date with the literature in your field.跟踪阅读自己专业的最新文献非常重要。剑桥高阶〔literature〕Italian literature 意大利文学朗文当代〔literature〕Recent literature on cancer emphasizes the importance of diet.近来有关癌症的学术文章强调了日常饮食的重要性。麦克米伦高阶〔literature〕Several cases of mercury poisoning have been recorded in the literature.资料上记载了几起汞中毒事件。朗文当代〔literature〕She is studying German language and literature.她在学习德语和德国文学。麦克米伦高阶〔literature〕Some companies have toned down the claims on their promotional literature.一些公司已降低了宣传资料中标榜之词的调门。柯林斯高阶〔literature〕The literature on immigration policy is almost unrelievedly critical of the state.关于移民政策方面的著述几乎总是会一成不变地批评政府。柯林斯高阶〔literature〕The literature on immigration policy is extremely critical of the state.关于移民政策方面的著述对政府持极端批评态度。外研社新世纪〔literature〕The Republicans were quick to highlight the Democrats' proposed tax increases in their campaign literature.共和党不失时机地在其竞选宣传材料中强调了民主党提议增税的情况。剑桥高阶〔literature〕The salesman gave me some literature on the new automobile.推销员给了我一些关于那种新汽车的宣传品。英汉大词典〔literature〕There is a growing literature on technological changes in developing countries.关于发展中国家技术进步的文献越来越多。牛津搭配〔littérateur〕One who is devoted to the study or writing of literature.文学家,文人:投身于文学研究或写作的人美国传统〔love〕This is no way to encourage a love of literature.靠这种办法想激起对文学的热爱是行不通的。柯林斯高阶〔lustre〕Their names have lustred Chinese literature.他们的名字给中国文学增添了光辉。英汉大词典〔magnificence〕Chaucer brought a new stylistic magnificence to Middle English literature.乔叟给中古英语文学带来了文体上的新辉煌。外研社新世纪〔mark〕The book marked a change in direction for Scottish literature.这本书标志着苏格兰文学方向的转变。麦克米伦高阶〔mention〕There is scant mention of her in the literature.文献中很少提及她。牛津搭配〔mimesis〕The imitation or representation of aspects of the sensible world, especially human actions, in literature and art.模仿:文学或艺术中对可感知世界的某些侧面的模仿或表现,尤指人类的行为美国传统〔minimalism〕Use of the fewest and barest essentials or elements, as in the arts, literature, or design.在艺术、文学或设计中只使用最少的基本成份和要素美国传统〔move on〕We've talked too much about modern literature, let's move on.关于现代文学我们已经谈得很多了,让我们换个话题吧。21世纪英汉〔much〕He is not much on literature.他不怎么擅长于文学。 英汉大词典〔naturalism〕The practice of describing precisely the actual circumstances of human life in literature.自然主义:在文学中精确地描述人类现实环境的实践美国传统〔noir〕Of or relating to a genre of crime literature featuring tough, cynical characters and bleak settings.黑色文学的:表现艰苦愤世与荒凉背景的犯罪文学类的美国传统〔nonfiction〕The category of literature consisting of works of this kind.写实文学:包括此类作品的文学种类美国传统〔noted〕She is a noted scholar specializing in Latin-American literature.她是一位专门研究拉丁美洲文学的著名学者。韦氏高阶〔objectivism〕An emphasis on objects rather than feelings or thoughts in literature or art.客观主义:在文学或艺术中对客观物体的强调而并非对情感或思想的强调美国传统〔obscurantism〕A style in art and literature characterized by deliberate vagueness or obliqueness.蒙昧文体:在文学或艺术中以含糊和缺乏明确定义为特征的风格美国传统〔occupiable〕No man could occupy his place in French literature.没有人能够取代他在法国文学中的地位。21世纪英汉〔offer〕They offer up their lives to art and literature.他们把生命献给文学艺术。英汉大词典〔on〕Her talk is on Italian women's literature.她的论文是关于意大利女性文学的。剑桥高阶〔pact〕Faust was a character in literature who made a pact with the devil.浮士德是与魔鬼订立契约的文学人物。外研社新世纪〔palette〕The range of qualities inherent in nongraphic art forms such as music and literature.一套颜料:在非图形艺术中的通用要素的类似范围,如在音乐和文学中美国传统〔parade〕The book is just propaganda parading as literature.这本书就是伪装成文学作品进行宣传的。韦氏高阶〔parallel〕These are two very different views of literature, which are parallel to two very different views of sexuality.这是两种截然不同的文学观点, 它们对应的是对性的两种截然不同的态度。外研社新世纪〔pass sth off as sth〕It's hard to believe anyone would try to pass this nonsense off as literature.很难相信有什么人会试图把这种毫无意义的文章当作文学。剑桥高阶〔perspective〕Most literature on the subject of immigrants in France has been written from the perspective of the French themselves.大多数以移民为主题的法国文学作品是从法国人自己的视角来写的。外研社新世纪〔poetry〕A piece of literature written in meter; verse.诗:以诗律写成的一篇文学作品;诗美国传统〔pose〕He posed as an authority on European literature.他自命为欧洲文学的权威。文馨英汉〔postclassical〕Of, relating to, or being a time following a classical period, as in art or literature.古典时代后的:(艺术或文学)在古典时期之后的,与古典时代后有关的或是古典时代的美国传统〔predominate〕Good predominates over evil in many works of literature.在许多文学作品中正义战胜邪恶美国传统〔preponderance〕There is a definite preponderance of women among those who study English Literature.学习英语文学的人中女生占绝对多数。外研社新世纪〔prize〕He won the Nobel Prize for Literature.他荣获诺贝尔文学奖。牛津搭配〔production〕A work of art or literature.作品:艺术或文学作品美国传统〔profess〕Those learned intellectual historians all profess literature.那些博学多识的历史学家都教授文学。21世纪英汉〔put〕He tried to put down her knowledge of literature.他试图贬低她的文学知识美国传统〔qua.〕Qua literature the work is negligible.就文学本身而论,这本著作不是很重要。21世纪英汉〔rationalize〕He rationalized his decision to go abroad for further study of literature.他为出国留学继续在文学方面深造进行辩解。21世纪英汉〔read for〕She was reading for a degree of classical literature in Oxford when the war broke out.战争爆发时她正在牛津大学攻读古典文学学位。21世纪英汉〔reading〕Moby-Dick is required reading for any scholar of 19th-century American literature.《白鲸》是任何一位研究19世纪美国文学的学者都必须阅读的作品。韦氏高阶〔realism〕The representation in art or literature of objects, actions, or social conditions as they actually are, without idealization or presentation in abstract form.真实性,现实主义:在艺术或文学中将事物,行为或社会状况按其起初情况进行的表现,而不用模糊的形式来表现或理想化美国传统〔refuge〕He found a refuge in literature.他在文学中寻得了慰藉。英汉大词典〔relatabilities〕They can't relate to modern literature.他们对现代文学很不理解。21世纪英汉〔relation〕Short stories are the poor relations of literature, no longer cared for in the home.短篇小说是文学作品中品类较低的作品,不再是家庭中受欢迎的读物了。英汉大词典〔retell〕It is a tale which has often been retold within West Indian literature.这是西印度群岛文学中广为流传的故事。柯林斯高阶〔review〕A periodical devoted to articles and essays on current affairs, literature, or art.定期专栏评论:时事、文学及艺术方面文章或评论的期刊美国传统〔richness〕My collection of Victorian literature turned out to be a rich and often hilarious source of information.我收藏的维多利亚时代的文学作品竟成了一个资源丰富的信息宝库,而且内容常常令人捧腹。柯林斯高阶〔romantic〕European romantic literature 欧洲浪漫主义文学 英汉大词典〔samizdat〕The literature produced by this system.此种方式产生的出版物美国传统〔samizdat〕The secret publication and distribution of government-banned literature in the Soviet Union.禁书:苏联的秘密出版和发行政府禁止的出版物美国传统〔seep〕Given the intense secrecy of the arms business, information only seeps out in company literature.由于军火贸易极度保密,只能从公司的宣传资料中获得点滴信息。剑桥高阶〔series〕He delivered a series of lectures on Chinese literature.他发表了一系列讨论中国文学的演讲。文馨英汉〔serious〕Serious students of music must familiarize themselves with the literature and idiom of all the important composers.认真的学音乐的学生必须熟悉所有主要的作曲家的乐曲和风格。美国传统〔set〕Art and literature flourished and this set the pattern for the whole of Europe.艺术和文学的兴盛为整个欧洲树立了典范。朗文当代〔socialist realism〕A Marxist aesthetic doctrine that seeks to promote the development of social consciousness through didactic use of literature, art, and music.社会主义现实主义:一种马克思主义的审美学说,企图用对文学、艺术和音乐的说教来促进社会意识的发展美国传统〔spare time〕I enjoy literature and languages in my spare time.闲暇时我喜欢文学和语言。麦克米伦高阶〔spark〕He showed not a spark of interest in literature.他对文学丝毫不感兴趣。英汉大词典〔steep〕He steeped himself in Chinese literature.他浸淫于中国文学。文馨英汉〔stricture〕I don't agree with all of her strictures on the state of contemporary literature.我不赞同她对当代文学现状的严厉批评。韦氏高阶〔study〕A preliminary sketch, as for a work of art or literature.习作:如一幅画或一部文学作品的初稿美国传统〔sublime〕A great deal of literature is only the obvious transformed into the sublime.很多文学作品都是化寻常为神奇。剑桥高阶〔subliterate〕Not interested in or able to read artistic literature.粗通文墨的:对阅读文学作品无兴趣的,不能阅读文学作品的美国传统〔take〕After seeing the newsreel, Lu Xun gave up medicine and took to literature.看了那部新闻短片后,鲁迅弃医学文。英汉大词典〔talk of〕We talked of English literature.我们谈到了英国文学。21世纪英汉〔tension〕The interplay of conflicting elements in a piece of literature, especially a poem.涵延,谐力:在文学作品尤其是在诗歌中相互矛盾的要素之间的相互作用美国传统〔the grand old man of sth〕He's been called the grand old man of Latin American literature.他一直被称为拉美文学的元老。剑桥高阶〔theatre〕He's really interested in literature and the theatre.他对文学和戏剧很感兴趣。朗文当代〔transfusable〕The teacher transfused a love of literature to his students.老师向学生们灌输对文学的爱好。21世纪英汉〔travel〕We share a love of literature, food and travel.我们都爱好文学、美食和旅游。剑桥高阶〔view〕This book will give you a general view of English literature.这本书使你对英国文学有个总的了解。英汉大词典〔well-grounded〕She's very well grounded in French literature.她的法国文学基础很扎实。麦克米伦高阶〔whit〕He cared not a whit for the social, political or moral aspects of literature.他根本不在乎文学的社会、政治和道德层面。外研社新世纪〔whit〕He cared not a whit for the social, political or moral aspects of literature.他毫不在乎文学的社会、政治或道德层面。柯林斯高阶〔work〕This is a minor but moving work of literature.这是一部名气不大但很感人的文学作品。麦克米伦高阶〔zoomorphism〕Use of animal forms in symbolism, literature, or graphic representation.动物造型:在象征、文学或生动描述中使用动物的形式美国传统He destroyed feudal ideas in literature. 他摧毁了文学中的封建思想。译典通He forsook medicine to study literature. 他放弃医学去研究文学。译典通He has an intimate knowledge of American literature. 他精通美国文学。译典通He has little knowledge of classical literature.他对于古希腊和古罗马的文学所知甚少。剑桥国际He majors in Russian literature. 他主修俄罗斯文学。译典通He versed himself in European literature. 他精通欧洲文学。译典通He wanted science students to take an interest in the arts, and to this end (=to help achieve this) he ran literature classes at his home on Sunday afternoons.他想让理科学生对人文产生兴趣,为着这个目标,他周日下午在自己家里开文学课。剑桥国际I spent a few days sampling the literature of social science. 我花了几天时间浏览有关社会科学的文献。译典通I was just enjoying a daydream about winning the Nobel Prize for literature.我正做着获得诺贝尔文学奖的白日梦。剑桥国际I've got an honorary degree in literature.我拥有文学名誉学位。剑桥国际It's important to keep up-to-date with the literature in your field.保持接触你这一领域中最新的文献是很重要的。剑桥国际Jane Austen's‘Pride and Prejudice’ is a classic of English literature.简·奥斯汀的《傲慢与偏见》是英国文学中的经典作品。剑桥国际Oedipus Rex is considered as the archetype of tragedy in Western literature. 在西方文学中,「伊迪帕斯王」被认为是悲戏的原型。译典通Russian literature and politics were ever inseparably linked.俄国文学和政治从来是密不可分地联系在一起的。剑桥国际She is a graduate student in literature. 她是个念文学的研究生。译典通She is the university's resident expert (= their own expert) on Italian literature.她是这所大学的专聘意大利文学专家。剑桥国际She was a scholarly woman who had specialized in Italian literature at university.她是个学问精深的女人,她在大学里读的专业是意大利文学。剑桥国际She's studying for/doing an MA in French literature.她正在攻读法国文学的硕士学位。剑桥国际That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。译典通That playwright has a high place in the history of American literature. 那位剧作家在美国文学史上占有重要地位。译典通The Republicans were quick to highlight the Democrats’proposed tax increases in their campaign literature.共和党人不失时机地在他们的竞选宣传材料中着重攻讦了民主党增加税收的建议。剑桥国际The book is part travel literature, part reportage, and part history.这本书部分是游记,部分是报道,还有部分是历史。剑桥国际The festival is to encompass everything from music, theatre and ballet to literature, cinema and the visual arts.节日内容从音乐、戏剧、芭蕾到文学、电影和视觉艺术,无所不包。剑桥国际The novelist James Joyce broke with many of the conventions of literature.小说家詹姆斯·乔伊斯突破了文学创作上的许多传统手法。剑桥国际They understand literature as language well used. 他们把文学解释为用得好的语言。译典通To project a strong corporate image, we apply our house style to all the sales literature.为了建立鲜明的公司形象,我们所有的销售广告都使用统一的公司风格。剑桥国际We share a love of literature, food and travel.我们都爱好文学,食品和旅行。剑桥国际




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