

单词 make known
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔announce〕To make known publicly.宣布,宣告:使公开地知道美国传统〔confess〕To make known (one's sins) to God or to a priest.忏悔:向上帝或神父忏悔(自己的罪行)美国传统〔cover〕It would only take one phone call to blow their cover(= make known their true identities and what they were really doing).只要拨打一个电话就可揭穿他们的伪装。牛津高阶〔expose〕To make known (something discreditable).揭发(有损信誉的事)美国传统〔express〕To make known the feelings or opinions of (oneself), as by statement or art.表白,表达:表露(自己的)情感或观点,如通过陈述或技巧美国传统〔familiarize〕To make known, recognized, or familiar.使家喻户晓:使闻名,使被认知,使通晓美国传统〔flash〕To make known or signal by flashing lights.以闪光做记号:通过闪光使人知道或发出信号美国传统〔give〕To reveal or make known, often accidentally.泄露,揭发,经常是偶然地美国传统〔hint〕To indicate or make known in an indirect manner.暗示:以间接的方式表明美国传统〔housetop〕To make known publicly.四处宣扬美国传统〔notify〕Chiefly British To give notice of; make known.【多用于英国】 通知;使…为所知美国传统〔predict〕To state, tell about, or make known in advance, especially on the basis of special knowledge.预测,预知,预告:预先陈述、告诉或公布,尤指以特殊知识为基础美国传统〔release〕To make known or available.准许公开:使为公开或可利用的美国传统〔reveal〕These verbs signify to make known what has been or ought to be kept from the knowledge of others.这些动词都是指使已知或应是鲜为人知的东西为人所知。美国传统〔unfold〕To reveal gradually by written or spoken explanation; make known.展现,披露:通过书面或口头解释逐步揭示;使知道美国传统These pictures will blow the lid off (= make known to the public) his illegal activities.这些照片将会揭露他的非法活动。剑桥国际




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