

单词 moan
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔creep〕a moan that made my flesh creep.令我心惊肉跳的呻吟美国传统〔faint〕a faint moan 微弱的呻吟声英汉大词典〔moan〕moan for the dead 哀掉死者英汉大词典〔moan〕moan one's fate 为自己的命运而悲叹英汉大词典〔moan〕moan sb.'s death 哀悼某人之死英汉大词典〔moan〕a moan of despair/pleasure 绝望/快乐的呻吟声韦氏高阶〔moan〕a moan of pleasure / pain / despair 快活的/痛苦的/绝望的呻吟牛津搭配〔moan〕a low moan 低沉的呻吟声朗文当代〔moan〕a low moan of despair/anguish 在绝望╱痛苦中发出的低沉的呻吟声牛津高阶〔moan〕a low/feeble/weak moan 低沉/微弱的呻吟声韦氏高阶〔moan〕her moan of sorrow.她难过的呻吟声柯林斯高阶〔moan〕her moan of sorrow她难过的呻吟声外研社新世纪〔moan〕the moan of distant traffic.远处车流传来的低沉的嘈杂声柯林斯高阶〔moan〕the moan of distant traffic远处车流传来的低沉的嘈杂声外研社新世纪〔moan〕the moan of the brooklet 溪流的呜咽声英汉大词典〔moan〕the moan of the car's engine 汽车引擎的轰隆声韦氏高阶〔moan〕the moan of the wind 萧萧风声英汉大词典〔moan〕the moan of the wind 风的呼啸声韦氏高阶〔moan〕the eerie moan of the night wind.夜风的可怕哀鸣美国传统〔moan〕the occasional moan of the wind round the corners of the house.风刮过屋角时间或发出的呼啸声柯林斯高阶〔moan〕the occasional moan of the wind round the corners of the house风刮过屋角时间或发出的萧萧声外研社新世纪〔moan〕to moan in/with pain 痛苦地呻吟牛津高阶〔moan〕to moan over a new import tax抱怨新的进口税21世纪英汉〔moan〕to moan over the death of one's friend哀悼朋友之死21世纪英汉〔piss〕piss and moan about sth.就某事抱怨不止英汉大词典〔piss〕to piss and moan about sth.抱怨某事21世纪英汉




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