

单词 noble
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔bastard〕the bastard son of a rich noble 一个富有贵族的私生子英汉大词典〔bastard〕the bastard son of a wealthy noble 富有贵族的私生子韦氏高阶〔birth〕a woman of noble birth 一个出身高贵的女子朗文当代〔birth〕a woman of noble birth 出身贵族的女子牛津高阶〔birth〕of noble birth.贵族出身。牛津同义词〔born〕to be born of noble parents 生于贵族之家牛津搭配〔breeding〕a person of noble breeding.一个贵族血统的人美国传统〔cast〕a person of noble cast 品格高尚的人英汉大词典〔friend〕my noble friend(= in the House of Lords) 我尊贵的朋友(上院用语)牛津高阶〔kingly〕a noble man, kingly in stature.拥有国王般地位的贵族柯林斯高阶〔love〕the noble loser backing down for the love of a good woman因为一个好女人而退让的高尚的失败者外研社新世纪〔maiden〕stories of noble princes and their brave deeds on behalf of beautiful maidens.高贵的王子和他们英雄救美的故事柯林斯高阶〔maiden〕stories of noble princes and their brave deeds on behalf of beautiful maidens高贵的王子及其英勇救美的故事外研社新世纪〔motive〕speculation that less noble motives were driving the country's foreign policy 认为驱动该国外交政策的动机不够高尚的推测牛津搭配〔noble〕noble ideals 崇高的理想牛津高阶〔noble〕noble wines 上等美酒英汉大词典〔noble〕a noble aim 崇高的目标英汉大词典〔noble〕a noble and courageous leader 高尚而勇敢的领导人麦克米伦高阶〔noble〕a noble and pure wine.优质纯葡萄酒柯林斯高阶〔noble〕a noble bearing/gesture 高贵的气质/仪态剑桥高阶〔noble〕a noble building 雄伟的大楼牛津高阶〔noble〕a noble cathedral 宏伟的大教堂韦氏高阶〔noble〕a noble deed (example) 光辉的事迹(榜样) 英汉大词典〔noble〕a noble deed.光辉的事迹。牛津同义词〔noble〕a noble edifice.壮丽的大厦。牛津同义词〔noble〕a noble family 贵族家庭剑桥高阶〔noble〕a noble family 贵族家庭英汉大词典〔noble〕a noble family.贵族家庭。牛津同义词〔noble〕a noble gesture 高姿态剑桥高阶〔noble〕a noble horse 骏马英汉大词典〔noble〕a noble ideal/ambition/cause/purpose 尚的理想/抱负/事业/追求韦氏高阶〔noble〕a noble leader 伟大的领袖牛津高阶〔noble〕a noble spirit.崇高的精神美国传统〔noble〕a building with a noble façade 外观气派的建筑剑桥高阶〔noble〕a man of noble birth 出身高贵的人牛津高阶〔noble〕a man of noble character品行高尚的人外研社新世纪〔noble〕a man of noble mind 思想高尚的人英汉大词典〔noble〕a member of an ancient noble family 古代贵族家庭成员朗文当代〔noble〕be of a noble line 出身高贵英汉大词典〔noble〕his noble ancestry 他的贵族祖先韦氏高阶〔noble〕his noble brow 他那浓密的眉毛麦克米伦高阶〔noble〕the noble class 贵族阶级韦氏高阶〔noble〕the great parks with their noble trees.树木参天的大公园柯林斯高阶〔noble〕the old church with its noble tower 有宏伟塔楼的老教堂朗文当代〔noble〕young men of noble birth 出身高贵的青年英汉大词典〔parentage〕a person of noble (humble) parentage 出身高贵(卑微)的人英汉大词典〔part〕play a noble (an unworthy) part 行为高尚(卑劣) 英汉大词典〔place〕a noble building that would not have been out of place along the Grand Canal in Venice.与威尼斯大运河边景物相称的宏伟建筑柯林斯高阶〔presence〕a man of (a) noble presence 仪态高贵的人文馨英汉〔proud〕a proud noble 显赫的贵族英汉大词典〔race〕a girl of noble race 出身高贵的女子英汉大词典〔self-defence〕the noble art of self-defence 拳击(术)英汉大词典〔sentiment〕a noble sentiment 高尚的情操韦氏高阶〔sentiment〕be animated by noble sentiments 受崇高情操的驱使英汉大词典〔steed〕a brave knight and his noble steed 勇敢的骑士和他的骏马韦氏高阶〔think〕to think noble thoughts有高尚的思想21世纪英汉〔touch〕a friend of noble touch 品质高尚的朋友英汉大词典〔upstage〕the large upstage box that Noble used for his 1990 production of King Lear诺布尔在1990年制作《李尔王》时使用过的大型舞台背景箱外研社新世纪〔warrior〕a noble warrior 忠勇的战士朗文当代〔yea〕a good, yea, a noble man 一个好人,甚至可以说是个高尚的人英汉大词典




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