

单词 mean
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CRIME〕Sending children to adult prisons just means they learn to be ‘better’ criminals from the adult inmates. 将小孩子送入成年人监狱就是意味着他们会从成年人囚犯那里学会成为“更出色的”罪犯。朗文写作活用〔DANGEROUS〕Even a small accident in these mountains can mean that your life is in danger. 在这群山上即使是一个小小的意外事故都可能会危及你的生命。朗文写作活用〔GENEROUS/NOT GENEROUS〕Marsha has always been mean with her money. 玛莎用钱一向很小气。朗文写作活用〔HolyWrit〕Lenin's word was by no means accepted as holy writ.列宁的话没被当作是绝对正确的真理。朗文当代〔I mean〕He has to stop drinking. I mean, he's going to kill himself if he keeps it up.他不能再酗酒了。我是说,如果他继续这样会害死自己的。韦氏高阶〔I mean〕He throws, I mean, really hard! 他投球,我的意思是说,真的很猛!韦氏高阶〔MEANING〕The Victorians understood ‘The environment’ to mean the background to human activity, in particular, industrial activity. 维多利亚时代的人把“环境”一词理解成指人类活动的场所,尤指工业活动的场所。朗文写作活用〔MFP〕Mean free path.平均自由程美国传统〔NOT〕It's not clear by any means where the money is going to come from to fund this project. 从哪里去弄钱来做这个项目,一点眉目也没有。朗文写作活用〔OK〕I mean, OK (= I accept that), I wasn't exactly polite to him, but I don't think I was that rude! 我的意思是,我承认,我对他确实不礼貌,不过我觉得我并没有那么粗鲁。剑桥高阶〔READY/NOT READY〕When everything is in place, the building work begins, even if it means running two massive projects at the same time. 一切就绪之后建筑工程就会启动,尽管这意味着两项巨大的工程将同时进行。朗文写作活用〔SAY〕It was just a casual remark - I didn't mean anything by it. 这只是随便说说的一句话,我并没有别的意思。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕Dark clouds usually mean rain. 乌云一般表示要下雨了。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕His new responsibilities at work mean Leroy will rarely see his children. 勒罗伊的新职务意味着他难得能见到自己的孩子了。朗文写作活用〔Satyagraha〕The policy of nonviolent resistance initiated in India by Mahatma Gandhi as a means of pressing for political reform.不合作主义:印度圣雄甘地倡导的非暴力抵抗政策,是推进政治改革的手段美国传统〔abrasion〕The process of wearing down or rubbing away by means of friction.磨损,磨耗:破损的过程或是因摩擦而损伤美国传统〔abuse〕These verbs mean to treat a person or thing wrongfully, incorrectly, or harmfully.这些动词指错误地、不正确地或伤害性地对待某人或某事。美国传统〔advance〕Recent advances in medical science mean that this illness can now be cured.医学新近取得的进展意味着这种疾病现在不再是绝症了。剑桥高阶〔agency〕The means or mode of acting; instrumentality.手段:行动的方法或方式;媒介美国传统〔ambiguity〕There is considerable ambiguity about what this part of the agreement actually means.协议这一部分的真正含义很不明确。柯林斯高阶〔antinomianism〕The belief that moral laws are relative in meaning and application as opposed to fixed or universal.反律法主义:认为道德准则在意义上和实践上都是相对的,并不是固定的和普遍适用的美国传统〔apocalypse〕We live in the shadow of the apocalypse, of a catastrophe that will mean the end of the world itself.我们生活在意味着世界末日将要到来的灾难的阴影当中。柯林斯高阶〔as〕Why do they never go on holiday? I mean it's not as if they're poor is it? 他们为什么从不去度假呢? 我的意思是他们并不穷,对吗?朗文当代〔batter〕Leaving the relationship does not mean that the battering will stop.结束这段感情并不意味着这种殴打伤害就会停止。柯林斯高阶〔bread and butter〕Means of support; livelihood.生计:谋生之道;生活美国传统〔busing〕The transportation of schoolchildren by bus to schools outside their neighborhoods, especially as a means of achieving racial integration.用校车送孩子们上学:用公共汽车将孩子们送到离家远的地方上学,特别作为达到种族融合目的的一种方式美国传统〔bus〕To transport (schoolchildren) by bus to schools outside their neighborhoods, especially as a means of achieving racial integration.用校车接送学生:用校车将(学生)运到远离住所的地方上学,尤指作为达到种族融合目的的一种方式美国传统〔capitalize〕Our intention is to capitalize the company by any means we can.我们的本意是尽全力为公司提供资金。外研社新世纪〔carpet sweeper〕A device used to clean rugs and floors, consisting of a metal or plastic box equipped with rotating brushes and pushed by means of a long handle.扫毯器:用来清洁毛毯与地板的装置,由配置有旋转刷的塑料或金属箱所组成,以长把手推动来使用美国传统〔certain〕Success is by no means certain.并非一定能成功。麦克米伦高阶〔charactery〕A system of characters or symbols used to express or convey thought and meaning.字符:用字符表达或传递思想和意义的体系美国传统〔cipher〕To solve by means of arithmetic.计算:用算术方法解决美国传统〔civilization〕Astronauts circling the earth are able to keep in touch with civilization by means of radio.环绕地球飞行的宇航员可通过无线电与文明世界保持联系。英汉大词典〔clear〕How can you make the meaning clearer? 你如何才能够把意思表达得更明白些?朗文当代〔close〕These words are close in meaning.这些字意义近似。文馨英汉〔co-opt〕It means that rock has been co-opted by high culture.那意味着摇滚乐已为高品位的文化所吸收。英汉大词典〔contain〕These verbs mean to have within or have the capacity for having within.这些动词指包含或有能力包含。美国传统〔context〕Her reply was quoted out of context and seemed to mean something quite different from what she had intended.她的回答遭到断章取义的引用,看上去与她的本义大不相同。牛津搭配〔creep〕To grow or spread along a surface, rooting at intervals or clinging by means of suckers or tendrils.蔓生:间隔一段距离的根或通过吸根或卷须在物体表面上的生长或蔓延美国传统〔crystal clear〕I want to make my meaning crystal clear.我想把我的意思解释得清清楚楚。牛津高阶〔curl〕She had a small, mean mouth that curled disapprovingly each time her husband wrote something in his diary.她有张刁钻刻薄的小嘴, 每次丈夫写日记时就不满地撇起来。外研社新世纪〔damp〕Music To provide (the strings of a keyboard instrument) with dampers as a means of reducing the dynamic level.【音乐】 制音:用制音器来减小(键盘乐器琴键的)强弱变动的程度美国传统〔dam〕To hold back or confine by means of a dam.用水坝阻止,用水坝限制美国传统〔deduction〕Children will soon make deductions about the meaning of a word.儿童很快就能推断出词义。朗文当代〔defense〕A means or method of defending or protecting.护卫措施:防御或保护的手段或方法美国传统〔define〕Define precisely what you mean by 'crime'.把你说的“犯罪”明确定义说明一下。朗文当代〔definition〕The act or process of stating a precise meaning or significance; formulation of a meaning.解释:对意思或意义的精确表达或表达的过程;对意思确切的阐述美国传统〔depend〕It depends what you mean by ‘hostile’.那得看你所说的 hostile 的含义。牛津高阶〔discharge lamp〕A lamp that generates light by means of an internal electrical discharge between electrodes in a gas.放电灯:通过气体中电极间的内部放电而发光的灯美国传统〔door opener〕Informal An effective means of gaining success or seizing an opportunity.【非正式用语】 诀窍:获得胜利或抓住机会等的有效手段美国传统〔double〕Everything he says has a double meaning (= has two possible meanings).他说的每句话都有双重含义。剑桥高阶〔elevate〕The platform was elevated by means of hydraulic legs.平台由液压支架抬升起来。剑桥高阶〔elucidate〕The book sets out to elucidate the meaning of the principal symbols in occultism.这本书旨在阐释神秘学体系中主要符号的含义。外研社新世纪〔euphemize〕To speak of or refer to by means of a euphemism.委婉地说:用委婉语表达或提及,婉转表示美国传统〔every〕He is every bit as mean as she is.他完全与她同样平庸美国传统〔extort from〕How can you extort the meaning from the word ?你怎能曲解(或牵强地解释)这个词?21世纪英汉〔extraordinary〕His decision to hold talks is extraordinary because it could mean the real end of the war.他作出举行谈判的决定非同寻常, 因为这可能意味着战争真的要结束了。外研社新世纪〔faithful〕These adjectives mean adhering firmly and devotedly to someone or something, such as a person, cause, or duty, that elicits or demands one's fidelity.如下形容词都有对人、事,比如人、事业或责任等坚定和忠诚的意思。美国传统〔feat〕We've remained profitable for 27 years, and that's no mean feat.了不起的业绩麦克米伦高阶〔fixity〕I have been working on exploding the myth of fixity of meaning.我一直在致力于推翻有关意义恒定性的谬谈。外研社新世纪〔fool〕Being an actor doesn't just mean playing the fool.当演员不是装傻逗乐就行了。牛津搭配〔frighten〕Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you.对不起,我没有吓唬你的意思。牛津高阶〔geoid〕The hypothetical surface of the earth that coincides everywhere with mean sea level.大地水准面:处处与平均海平面一致的大地水准面美国传统〔gillnet〕To catch (fish) by means of a gill net.刺网:用鱼刺网捕(鱼)美国传统〔give〕Doing this course will mean giving up a lot of my spare time.做这道菜意味着我要放弃很多休息时间。麦克米伦高阶〔glocalization〕Our policy of glocalization means that our products are always adapted to specific markets.我们的全球本土化政策意味着我们的产品总是适合特定的市场的。剑桥高阶〔grasp〕I don't grasp your meaning.我不明白你的意思。21世纪英汉〔grope〕Throughout the ages, men have groped after the meaning of the Universe and their own role in it.长期以来,人们一直在探索宇宙的意义以及人类自身在宇宙中的作用。21世纪英汉〔high〕These adjectives mean extending to a greater than usual height.这些形容词的意思是延伸至超出正常的高度。美国传统〔hook〕A means of catching or ensnaring; a trap.陷阱:捕捉或诱捕的方式;圈套美国传统〔horny〕But don't you get frustrated sometimes? I mean, don't you get a bit horny?但你难道不会有时觉得不满足吗?我的意思是, 你难道不会感到, 嗯, 有点欲火中烧吗?外研社新世纪〔inactive〕These adjectives mean not involved in or disposed to activity.这些形容词均意味着不参与或进行活动的。美国传统〔inconsiderable〕It now appeared mean and inconsiderable.现在它显得简陋而渺小。外研社新世纪〔independence〕The council's relative independence of the government means it can negotiate its own agreements.市政会相对独立于政府,意味着它可以自主谈判签订协议。牛津搭配〔inlet〕An opening providing a means of entrance or intake.入口:公开地提供入场的方式或入口美国传统〔insignificant〕Having little or no meaning.几乎无意义或毫无意义的美国传统〔interpret〕Freud's attempts to interpret the meaning of dreams 弗洛伊德解释梦的含义的尝试朗文当代〔joke〕I didn't mean that—I was only joking.我并没有那个意思,我只是说着玩儿的。牛津高阶〔know〕You don't know what this means to me.你是不知道这对我意味着什么。外研社新世纪〔lastly〕And lastly, what do we mean by 'acceptable technology'?最后一点, 我们所说的“可接受的技术”是什么意思?外研社新世纪〔law〕Defence attorneys can use any means within the law to get their client off.辩护律师可在法律许可的范围内利用任何手段为当事人脱罪。牛津高阶〔lose out〕The new tax means that the vast majority of working people will lose out.征收新税意味着大多数正在工作的人将会受损失。剑桥高阶〔machine〕A device used to produce a stage effect, especially a mechanical means of lowering an actor onto the stage.舞台装置:一种制造舞台效果的装置,特指用机械升降方式把演员置于舞台之上美国传统〔magnify〕To increase the apparent size of, especially by means of a lens.扩大外观上的尺寸,特别是利用透镜美国传统〔manner〕He was by no manner of means a cruel man.他绝不是个残忍的人。外研社新世纪〔masturbation〕Excitation of one's own or another's genital organs, usually to orgasm, by manual contact or means other than sexual intercourse.手淫,自淫:非性交的手动的接触或方式以刺激自己或他人的生殖器使其达到高潮美国传统〔meaning〕His novels often have (a) hidden meaning.他的小说常有隐含意义。剑桥高阶〔meaning〕Move this word and you change the meaning of the sentence.移动这个词的话,句子的意思就变了。麦克米伦高阶〔meaning〕We seem to have forgotten the true meaning of Christmas.我们似乎忘记了圣诞节的真正意义。朗文当代〔meaning〕What is the precise/exact meaning of this word in English? 这个词确切的英文意思是什么?韦氏高阶〔means〕Eligibility for the benefit was determined by a means test.是否有资格获得救济取决于经济状况调查。牛津搭配〔means〕He did not have the means to compensate her.他没有钱来补偿她。柯林斯高阶〔means〕It is by no means certain that the game will take place.比赛是否会举行完全不能肯定。朗文当代〔means〕They had no means of communication.他们没有通讯手段。剑桥高阶〔mean〕Does he really mean it when he says he's sorry?当他说对不起的时候, 他真的有那个意思吗?外研社新世纪〔mean〕Don't be so mean to your sister.不要对你姐姐那么残忍。麦克米伦高阶〔mean〕He rose from mean origins to high office.他从底层升到了要职。外研社新世纪〔mean〕I mean what I say.=I mean it.我这话是当真的(不是说著玩儿的)。文馨英汉〔mean〕In this poem, the budding flower means youth.在这首诗中,含苞待放的花朵象征着青春美国传统〔mean〕It was his idea - Gordon's, I mean.这是他的主意——我是说戈登的。外研社新世纪〔mean〕No, I don't mean her – I mean the tall woman.不,我不是指她,我指的是那个高个女人。麦克米伦高阶〔mean〕Oh yeah! I see what you mean (=I understand what you are trying to say) .噢! 我明白你的意思。朗文当代〔mean〕Sorry, I didn't mean it.(向人认错道歉时用语)对不起,我不是有意的。英汉大词典〔mean〕The word means something different in French.这个词在法语中有不同的意思。麦克米伦高阶〔mean〕What do you mean by calling me at this time of night? 你这么晚打电话给我是什么意思?朗文当代〔mean〕Your sympathy will mean a great deal to him.你的同情对他来说非常重要。文馨英汉〔medium〕A means of mass communication, such as newpapers, magazines, radio, or television.大众传媒:大众传播手段,如报纸、杂志、广播或电视美国传统〔miscellaneous〕These adjectives mean consisting of a number of different kinds.这些形容词都意味着包含有一定数量的不同类型的东西。美国传统〔mishear〕You may have misheard her—I'm sure she didn't mean that.你可能听错她的话了,我肯定她不是这个意思。牛津高阶〔native〕These adjectives mean of, belonging to, or connected with a specific place or country by virtue of birth or origin.这些形容词因为出生或起源而意味着,关于,或和一特定地点和国家相辖的。美国传统〔neuron〕Information is transferred along each neuron by means of an electrical impulse.信息在电脉冲作用下经神经元传递。柯林斯高阶〔no mean achievement/feat〕Getting the job finished on time was no mean achievement.按时完成这项工作可真是不简单。剑桥高阶〔nothing〕She means nothing to him.她在他心目中算不了什么。英汉大词典〔now〕You don't mean it, now.喂,你这话不是当真的吧。文馨英汉〔offend〕I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.对不起,我并不想惹你生气。韦氏高阶〔of〕It was mean of you to mention her weight.你提到她的体重真是有点太刻薄了。剑桥高阶〔palletize〕To store or move (freight, for example) by means of pallets.用货盘装运:用货盘装运(如货物)美国传统〔pantomime〕An ancient Roman theatrical performance in which one actor played all the parts by means of gesture and movement, accompanied by a narrative chorus.古罗马哑剧表演:一种古罗马剧场表演形式,一个演员通过手势和姿势,并伴以讲述的合唱来演出全部的情节美国传统〔partner〕Wanting other friends doesn't mean you don't love your partner.想交其他朋友并不意味着你不爱你的伴侣。柯林斯高阶〔people〕I don't think people should make promises they don't mean to keep.我认为人们不应作出自己无意信守的承诺。柯林斯高阶〔phonograph〕A machine that reproduces sound by means of a stylus in contact with a grooved rotating disk.留声机、唱机:通过与有磁道的、转动的唱盘连在一起的唱针来发声的机器美国传统〔picayune〕Petty; mean.卑劣的,可鄙的美国传统〔pipe〕To convey (liquid or gas) by means of pipes.用管道来传输(液体或气体)美国传统〔placard〕To announce or advertise by means of placards.(用海报)做广告:用布告、海报宣布或做广告美国传统〔plain〕I mean, taking the wrong equipment with you - that's just plain stupid.我的意思是,你拿错仪器简直是愚蠢透顶。剑桥高阶〔play to〕He didn't mean what he was saying. He was just playing to the crowd.他言不由衷,只是在哗众取宠。韦氏高阶〔pop〕I didn't mean to say that – it just popped out.我不是有意要那么说的,只是说漏了嘴而已。麦克米伦高阶〔power play〕A strategic maneuver, as in politics, diplomacy, or business, based on the use or threatened use of power as a means of coercion.强权行为:如在政治、外交或商业等中以使用或威胁使用权势作为压制手段的战术策略美国传统〔pow〕When I shout "Pow!" that means I've shot you and you have to pretend to be dead.我喊“砰!”时表示我打中你,你应该装死。剑桥高阶〔print〕Lettering or other impressions produced in ink from type by a printing press or other means.印刷字:通过印刷机或其他方式用墨从字型上印制出来的字或其他印记美国传统〔privative〕Abbr. priv.Grammar Altering the meaning of a term from positive to negative.缩写 priv.【语法】 表否定的:将一个词的意义由肯定变为否定的美国传统〔pull〕He pulled a really mean trick on his sister.他对妹妹耍了个非常卑鄙的花招。外研社新世纪〔punish〕These verbs mean to subject a person to a penalty, such as loss, pain, or confinement, for an offense, a sin, or a fault.这些动词的意思是使某人因为冒犯、罪过或过错而受到如损失、痛苦或监禁等惩罚。美国传统〔purpose〕Sometimes his life seemed to lack purpose or meaning.有时候,他的生活似乎缺少目标或者意义。韦氏高阶〔pussyfoot〕Stop pussyfooting around and say what you mean.别那么缩手缩脚的,说说你到底是什么意思。21世纪英汉〔racket〕An easy, profitable means of livelihood.容易赚钱的生计:一种轻松、有利可图的营生办法美国传统〔read〕To examine and grasp the meaning of (written or printed characters, words, or sentences).读,阅读:检查并掌握(书面或印刷体的文字、词语或句子的)意思美国传统〔redundant〕Changes in technology may mean that once-valued skills are now redundant.技术上的革新可能意味着曾经被重视的技术现在已变得多余。柯林斯高阶〔reside〕Meaning resides within the text of the poem.诗的含义体现在诗文中。韦氏高阶〔responsible〕Having the means to pay debts or fulfill obligations.有能力履行的,有偿债能力的:具有还债或履行义务的手段的美国传统〔rise〕These verbs are compared as they mean to move upward from a lower to a higher position.当这些动词表示从某个较低的位置向某个较高的位置向上移动的意思时,他们均可进行比较。美国传统〔scatter〕These verbs are compared as they mean to cause a mass or an aggregate to separate and go in different directions.当这些动词的意思为使人群或人的集合群朝不同方向分离并走开时,它们之间可作比较。美国传统〔self-evident〕The meaning is self-evident.意思是显而易见的。韦氏高阶〔sell〕Do you sell? I mean your car?你卖吗?我是说你的汽车?21世纪英汉〔severe〕These adjectives mean unsparing and exacting with respect to discipline or control.这些形容词的意思是顾及原则与限制而严厉的或苛刻的。美国传统〔shake〕I thought I had a deal – I mean I shook on it with the guy.我想我已经达成协议了——我是说我跟那家伙握手商定了。外研社新世纪〔shift〕A means to an end; an expedient.达到目的的手段;对策美国传统〔shortly〕He explained his meaning shortly but clearly.他扼要而清楚地解释了自己的意思。英汉大词典〔signal〕A message communicated by such means.信号:用这种手段传达的信息美国传统〔slaughter〕Lack of chicken feed means that chicken farms are having to slaughter their stock.鸡饲料的缺乏意味着养鸡场将不得不杀掉饲养的鸡。柯林斯高阶〔slide〕A playground apparatus for children to slide on, typically consisting of a smooth chute mounted by means of a ladder.滑梯:供儿童滑行的一种操场器械,通常有一条光滑的斜道,可以用梯子爬上去美国传统〔sly〕These adjectives mean disposed to or marked by indirection or deviousness in the gaining of an end.这些形容词都有通过或表明通过间接或迂回手段最终获得。美国传统〔spread-eagle〕To place in a spread-eagle position, especially as a means of punishment.四肢展开状,尤指刑罚方式中美国传统〔stabilize〕To maintain the stability of (an airplane or ship, for example) by means of a stabilizer.使稳定平衡:通过平衡装置维持(如,飞机或船)的稳定美国传统〔step〕One false step could mean disaster.一步走错就可能酿成灾难。牛津搭配〔support〕He supported himself by means of a nearby post.他靠在旁边的柱子上。柯林斯高阶〔symbolic〕Each element of the ceremony has a symbolic meaning .仪式的每一个环节都具有象征意义。朗文当代〔talkative〕These adjectives mean having or marked by an inclination to talk.这些形容词指具有一种爱说话的倾向的或以这种倾向为特征的。美国传统〔that beats everything〕You mean she just left her job without telling anyone she was going? Well, that beats everything! 你是说她刚刚离职却没有告诉任何人她要走了?嗬,这可真是怪事!剑桥高阶〔think〕People need time to think through what the changes will mean for them.人们需要时间才能想清楚这些变化对他们意味着什么。朗文当代〔thyroid〕Thyroid deficiency means that the thyroid gland is producing too little thyroid hormone.甲状腺功能减退意味着甲状腺分泌的甲状腺素量过低。剑桥高阶〔time〕Greenwich Mean Time 格林尼治时间牛津高阶〔too〕I mean to do it too.(不仅是说说而已)我是真要这么做。文馨英汉〔ultimate〕I mean, tackling six men single-handedly - that really is the ultimate in stupidity! 我的意思是,独自对付6个人——真是愚蠢至极!剑桥高阶〔unintentional〕Perhaps I misled you, but it was quite unintentional(= I did not mean to).也许我误导了你,但那绝不是有意的。牛津高阶〔unzip〕To open or unfasten by means of a zipper or become unzipped.拉开链条:通过拉开一条拉链来打开或解开;拉链被拉开美国传统〔valuable〕Just because a camera is old does not mean it is valuable.古旧的相机不一定就值钱。柯林斯高阶〔way〕The committee is discussing new ways and means of improving profits.委员会正在讨论提高利润的新方法。麦克米伦高阶〔way〕The cost of a new car is way above my means.一辆新轿车的费用远远超出我的支付能力。麦克米伦高阶〔wetly〕The left, the so-called 'wets', thought more state spending would mean more jobs.左派,也就是所谓的“温和派”,认为更多的政府支出将意味着更多的就业机会。柯林斯高阶〔what〕What do you mean (by that)? 你(那)是什么意思?文馨英汉〔what〕What! You mean he can't read or write? 什么!你的意思是说他既不会读书也不会写字?麦克米伦高阶〔whom〕I know the man (whom) you mean.我认识你指的那个人。英汉大词典〔wile〕To influence or lead by means of wiles; entice.引诱,诱骗:通过使用诡计来影响或怂恿;诱使美国传统〔year〕The global economy means that all types of fruit and vegetables are available throughout the year.全球化的经济意味着全年都可买到各种水果和蔬菜。牛津搭配〔yourself〕They mean to share the business between them, after you yourself are gone, Sir.先生,他们两个打算等您本人离开后瓜分这个企业。柯林斯高阶A lot of small business loans are, in fact, demand notes, meaning that the banks have the right to ask for full payment at any time.不少小企业贷款实际上是即期票据,这意味着银行有权随时要求全额偿还。牛津商务A single yellow line painted on the side of the road means that you can only park there at certain times.画在路边的一条黄线意味着你只能在某些时间在那里停车。剑桥国际Asymmetry in language learning means that learners tend to understand more than they can say.语言学习中的不平衡是指学习者理解能力高于表达能力。剑桥国际For a computer company, vertical integration might mean doing everything from manufacturing chips to running computer shops.对一个电脑公司而言,垂直一体化可以指从生产芯片到开办电脑商店什么都干。剑桥国际He's no mean (= a very good) cook.他是个高级厨师。剑桥国际I cannot get at the meaning of this sentence. 我不能理解这句句子的意思。译典通I really didn't mean (to cause/give) any offence (= did not intend to upset anyone) -- I was just stating my opinion.我真的不想冒犯任何人----我只是陈述我的观点。剑桥国际I've been meaning to do (= look around) the British Museum for ages.我好久一直想去伦敦博物馆参观。剑桥国际It is all a means to an end. 这只是达到目的的一种手段。译典通Our two countries are at the edge of the precipice -- if we don't pull back it will mean war.我们两国在危机的边缘----如果不回头的话就意味着战争。剑桥国际Possessions mean nothing to him.财富对他毫无意义。剑桥国际Silence means consent. 沉默意味著同意。译典通Some natural crystals such as quartz are piezoelectric, which means they generate an electrical charge when they are pressed or distorted.一些自然晶体,如石英是可压电的,即当它们被挤压或变形时可发出电流。剑桥国际The breakdown of the talks means that a strike is likely.谈判破裂意味着有可能举行罢工。牛津商务The continuous white line (=line without spaces) in the middle of the road means no overtaking! 公路当中连续的白线表示禁止超车。剑桥国际The products had a mean price of €3.44.这些产品的平均价格是 3.44 欧元。牛津商务The savage cuts in education spending will mean bigger classes and fewer books.教育经费的大量削减将意味着班级越来越大,书本越来越少。剑桥国际The two words are identical in meaning. 这两个字的字义完全一样。译典通They compared the means of the different groups.他们比较了各组的平均值。剑桥国际They sought to reassure broadcasters that the new rules would not mean certain news programmes disappearing from television schedules.他们尽力向广播电台保证,新的规定并不意味着某些新闻节目会从电视节目单上消失。剑桥国际This answer is incorrect, which means you lose a point.这回答不正确,这意味着你失去一分。剑桥国际This isn't the last we'll hear of it by any means (= We will certainly hear more about it).这当然不会是我们最后一次听到它的消息。剑桥国际Wall Street analysts expect a mean of 93 cents per share.华尔街分析师们预期平均收益为每股 93 分。牛津商务We are being continually deluged with messages by radio, television, cellular phone and every other means of communication.我们正不断被来自无线电,电视,移动电话及其他通讯方式传来的信息所包围。剑桥国际




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