

单词 line of sight
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔collimate〕To adjust the line of sight of (an optical device).校准:调整光学仪器瞄准器美国传统〔line of sight〕He was trying to keep out of the bird's line of sight.他试图躲到那只鸟看不到的地方。柯林斯高阶〔line of sight〕He was trying to keep out of the bird's line of sight.他企图避开小鸟的视线。外研社新世纪〔line of sight〕Jack was in my line of sight and I angled the gun towards him.杰克在我的瞄准线范围内, 我调整枪的角度瞄准了他。外研社新世纪〔line of sight〕She sat down very conspicuously in my line of sight.她非常惹眼地在我视线范围内坐下来。外研社新世纪〔line of sight〕The cannon can be linked to the line of sight of the gunner so that it points in the same direction that he is looking in.大炮可与炮手的视线连成一线,因此它所瞄准的方向和炮手观察的方向一致。剑桥高阶〔line of sight〕Their line of sight was blocked by hordes of journalists.他们的视线让大队的记者给挡住了。外研社新世纪〔line of sight〕There was a column directly in my line of sight, so I could only see half the stage.有一根柱子正挡着我的视线,所以我只能看见舞台的一半。牛津高阶〔obstruct〕Claire positioned herself so as not to obstruct David's line of sight.克莱尔为了不挡住戴维的视线挪了一下位置。柯林斯高阶〔obstruct〕Claire positioned herself so as not to obstruct David's line of sight.克莱尔为了不挡住戴维的视线, 挪了一下位置。外研社新世纪〔parallax〕An apparent change in the direction of an object, caused by a change in observational position that provides a new line of sight.视差,视差量:由决定新视线的观察位置的变化引起的物体方向的明显变化美国传统〔sightline〕A line of sight, especially one between a spectator and the spectacle in a theater or stadium.光线:一条光线,尤指戏院和体育馆中观众和景象之间的光线美国传统〔sight〕He had placed himself directly in my line of sight.当时他恰好出现在我的视线中。牛津高阶〔sight〕She was now standing just out of his line of sight.她现在正好站在他看不见的地方。牛津搭配The cannon can be linked to the line of sight of the gunner so that it points in the same direction that he is looking in.炮可以与炮手的视线相连,以使之与其瞄准的方向一致。剑桥国际




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