

单词 no-nonsense
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SENSIBLE〕Jason, with his no-nonsense approach, has been an asset to the project. 贾森办事干脆利落,对这个项目来说是个人才。朗文写作活用〔SENSIBLE〕Mathews is a no-nonsense veteran of the police department. 马修斯是警局里实事求是的老将。朗文写作活用〔bluff〕He was a bluff no-nonsense administrator.他是一个干脆豪爽的主管。朗文当代〔earthiness〕There's a no-nonsense earthiness and humour in her face.她总是一副干练、直率和幽默的表情。外研社新世纪〔manner〕His no-nonsense manner gave him the reputation of being a good doctor.他讲求实际的作风为他赢得了好医生的美名。牛津搭配〔no-nonsense〕I liked his no-nonsense approach to the whole matter.我喜欢他对整个事情直截了当的处理方法。英汉大词典〔no-nonsense〕I want to wear something that will make me look like a no-nonsense professional.我想穿得看上去像是个严肃的专业人士。韦氏高阶〔no-nonsense〕She saw herself as a direct, no-nonsense modern woman.她认为自己是个直截了当、不拖泥带水的现代女性。外研社新世纪〔no-nonsense〕She saw herself as a direct, no-nonsense modern woman.她认为自己是个直截了当、不拖泥带水的现代女性。柯林斯高阶〔no-nonsense〕The floor was no-nonsense concrete.这地板是地地道道混凝土的。英汉大词典〔no-nonsense〕You'll need no-nonsense boots for the jungle.你需要一双实用的靴子穿越丛林。柯林斯高阶〔no-nonsense〕You'll need no-nonsense boots for the jungle.在丛林里你需要穿一双简单实用的靴子。外研社新世纪She is a tough, no-nonsense manager.她是一位强硬的、做事直截了当的经理。牛津商务




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