

单词 life cycle
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LIFE〕Despite decades of study, the life cycle of the tiny shellfish, krill, is still something of a mystery. 尽管研究了几十年,磷虾这种微小的甲壳类动物的生命周期仍然是一个谜。朗文写作活用〔alternate host〕One of two species of host on which some pathogens, such as certain rust fungi, must develop to complete their life cycles.交替宿主:两种宿主中的一种,某些病原体,如锈真菌要在宿主中生存并结束生命循环美国传统〔annual〕Botany A plant that completes its entire life cycle in a single growing season.【植物学】 一年生植物:全部生命周期为一个生长季节的美国传统〔autoecious〕Having all stages of a life cycle occurring on the same host.异苞同株的:全部生活史的各个阶段都在同一寄主之上发生的美国传统〔biennial〕Botany Having a life cycle that normally takes two growing seasons to complete.【植物学】 二年生的:需要两个生长季来完成生命周期的美国传统〔haplont〕An organism that is haploid throughout its life cycle except as a zygote, when it is diploid, as in many algae and fungi.单元体:一种在其整个生命循环过程中保持单倍体,而只有在海藻或真菌中作为合子才呈现二倍体状态的生物组织美国传统〔heteroecious〕Spending different stages of a life cycle on different, usually unrelated hosts. Used of parasites such as rust fungi and tapeworms.异寄主的:在生命周期的不同阶段,寄生于不同的、通常为不相关的寄生主上的,如锈菌真菌和绦虫等寄生虫美国传统〔heteromorphic〕Having different forms at different periods of the life cycle, as in stages of insect metamorphosis.异态的:在生命周期中的不同阶段有不同的形态的,如在昆虫变形的阶段美国传统〔holoplankton〕Plankton that remains free-swimming through all stages of its life cycle.终生浮游生物:一种在其生命的所有阶段可自由游动的浮游生物美国传统〔homoecious〕Of or being a parasite that spends all stages of its life cycle on the same host.单种宿主寄生的:这种寄生虫在同一宿主身上度过生命周期的每一阶段美国传统〔hydroid〕Any of numerous characteristically colonial hydrozoan coelenterates having a polyp rather than a medusoid form as the dominant stage of the life cycle.水螅虫:许多典型的移居的腔肠动物中水螅虫类的任何一种,在生命循环中最重要阶段以水螅的形状而不是水母的形状出现美国传统〔hydroid〕The asexual polyp in the life cycle of a hydrozoan.水螅虫类:生命循环中的无性生殖水螅虫美国传统〔hydromedusa〕A hydrozoan in the medusoid stage of its life cycle.水母:一只在生命循环期间处于水母阶段的水螅虫美国传统〔incomplete metamorphosis〕A life cycle of certain insects, such as crickets and grasshoppers, characterized by the absence of a pupal stage between the immature and adult stages.不完全蜕变:蟋蟀、草蜢等昆虫的生命循环,以缺少幼年期和成年期之间的蛹期为特色美国传统〔incorporate〕The life cycle typically incorporates the following stages...生命周期通常包括以下几个阶段⋯牛津搭配〔life cycle〕Each new product would have a relatively long life cycle.每种新产品都将会有相对较长的生命周期。柯林斯高阶〔life cycle〕Each new product would have a relatively long life cycle.每一种新产品都会有一个相对较长的生命周期。外研社新世纪〔life cycle〕Many of these technological products have only a very short life cycle.这些技术产品的生命期都很短。剑桥高阶〔life cycle〕The life cycle of new electronic products is becoming ever shorter.新的电子产品生命周期越来越短。外研社新世纪〔life cycle〕The dormant period is another stage in the life cycle of the plant.休眠期是这种植物生活史中的另一个阶段。柯林斯高阶〔life cycle〕The dormant period is another stage in the life cycle of the plant.休眠期是这种植物生活史的另一个阶段。外研社新世纪〔life cycle〕They studied the life cycle of the frog.他们研究青蛙的生命周期。剑桥高阶〔medusa〕The tentacled, usually bell-shaped, free-swimming sexual stage in the life cycle of a coelenterate, such as a jellyfish.水螅水母:有触手的,通常呈带状的,生命周期中有性阶段自由游动的腔肠动物,如水母美国传统〔meroplankton〕Any of various organisms that spend part of their life cycle, usually the larval or egg stages, as plankton.季节浮游生物:任一种其部分生命周期以浮游生物形式存在的生物,通常指其幼虫或卵美国传统〔merozoite〕A protozoan cell that arises from the schizogony of a parent sporozoan and may enter either the asexual or sexual phase of the life cycle.裂殖子:亲本孢子虫通过裂殖法产生的原生动物细胞,能开拓新的无性或有性生命循环美国传统〔metamorphosis〕Beetles undergo a complete metamorphosis in their life cycle.甲虫在它们的生命周期里要经历一个完全变形的过程。朗文当代〔monogenean〕Any of various trematodes of the order Monogenea that typically pass the entire life cycle as ectoparasites on a single fish.单殖亚纲动物,单殖吸虫:任一种单殖目亚钢寄生虫,通常在一条鱼上作为寄生物度过整个生命周期美国传统〔monogenetic〕Having a single host through the course of the life cycle.单性生殖的:在生命周期过程中只有一个寄主的美国传统〔pleomorphism〕Biology The occurrence of two or more structural forms during a life cycle, especially of certain plants.【生物学】 多型现象:一个生命循环中两个或多个结构形态的现象,尤指某些植物美国传统〔sporont〕An organism or a cell produced by sporogony, especially in the life cycle of various parasitic microorganisms.孢细胞:由孢子生殖产生的器官或单细胞,尤其在各种寄生在微生物的生命周期中美国传统〔sporophyte〕The spore-producing phase in the life cycle of a plant that exhibits alternation of generations.孢子生成期:在植物世代交替的生命周期中形成孢子的阶段美国传统〔trophozoite〕A protozoan, especially of the class Sporozoa, in the active stage of its life cycle.营养子,滋养子,营养体:尤指孢子纲的处于其生命周期活跃期的原生动物美国传统Clothing needs differ throughout the family life cycle.整个家庭生命周期中的服装需求是不同的。牛津商务Perhaps the main event in the life cycle of a salmon is the return to its breeding grounds.大麻哈鱼生命周期中主要的事情可能就是回到它的繁殖地。剑桥国际The tasks will vary over the life cycle of the project.这些任务随项目的生命周期而有所不同。牛津商务These models are nearing the end of their life cycles.这些型号快要被淘汰了。牛津商务With personal computers and software, the trend is toward shorter and shorter product life cycles.个人计算机和软件的产品生命周期趋于越来越短。牛津商务




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