

单词 lieutenant
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔IN CHARGE OF〕A group of 80 planes, led by Lieutenant Commander Egusha, was on its way to attack. 由80架飞机组成的机群在江草少佐的率领下正在出击途中。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕Lieutenant Peterson shouted the order to retreat. 彼得森中尉大声下令撤退。朗文写作活用〔NEW〕We were under the command of a young lieutenant who was fresh out of officer training school. 指挥我们的是一个刚从军官培训学校里出来的年轻中尉。朗文写作活用〔NO〕When asked to confirm whether all the missing soldiers were accounted for, the Lieutenant answered in the negative. 中尉被要求确认失踪的士兵是否都有下落的时候,他的回答是否定的。朗文写作活用〔POSITION/RANK〕He joined the Los Angeles police department and was eventually promoted to the rank of lieutenant. 他加入洛杉矶警察局,最终晋升为中尉警衔。朗文写作活用〔PROTECT〕An army lieutenant and 14 soldiers were guarding the air strip. 一名陆军中尉和十四名士兵守护着简易机场。朗文写作活用〔SHORT〕Lieutenant, I'll be brief and I'll be candid -- when do you plan to leave? 中尉,我就长话短说,单刀直入了—你打算什么时候走?朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕Lieutenant Marche's actions showed great courage and leadership. 马奇中尉的行为显出他极大的勇气和领导才能。朗文写作活用〔UNSUITABLE〕The Lieutenant was by nature a man ill-suited to the discomforts of army life. 中尉天生过不了军队的艰苦生活。朗文写作活用〔accusation〕He is thought to have made accusations against an American lieutenant which led to the latter's execution.据信他曾控告一名美国中尉, 致使后者被处决。外研社新世纪〔advance〕After ten years she had advanced no further than the rank of lieutenant.10年时间她只晋升到中尉军衔。外研社新世纪〔between〕An army major ranks between a captain and a lieutenant colonel.陆军少校军衔在上尉之上,中校之下。英汉大词典〔breeding〕The young lieutenant had an air of wealth and good breeding .这位年轻中尉具有富有人家受过良好教养的气度。朗文当代〔bump〕When the general found there were no additional seats on the plane, he bumped a second lieutenant.上将发现飞机上没有额外的座位时,他挤掉了一名少尉的座位。21世纪英汉〔camp〕The patrol led by Lieutenant Andrews attacked an enemy camp.安德鲁斯中尉率领的巡逻队袭击了一处敌营。外研社新世纪〔captain〕A commissioned rank in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps that is above first lieutenant and below major.上尉:美军陆军、空军、或海军陆战队的经过委任授予的军衔,位居中尉之上少校之下美国传统〔captain〕A precinct commander in a police or fire department, usually ranking above a lieutenant and below a chief.警察局副巡官;消防队中队长:警察局消防队的辖区指挥官,通常级别高于中尉,低于警长(或队长)美国传统〔catch〕At most, all they would accomplish was tracking down one moderately corrupt police lieutenant. It seemed a poor catch.他们充其量只是查到一名贪腐情节轻微的警察尉官。这一成绩有点拿不出手。外研社新世纪〔colonel〕A commissioned rank in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps that is above lieutenant colonel and below brigadier general.上校:美国陆军、空军或海军陆战队中校之上准将之下的军衔美国传统〔commander〕A commissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is above lieutenant commander and below captain.海军中校:美国海军和海岸自卫队军衔,高于少校但低于上校美国传统〔command〕Lieutenant Peters was now in command.彼得斯中尉现在负责指挥。朗文当代〔commission〕He was commissioned as second lieutenant in the Air Force.他被任命为空军少尉。柯林斯高阶〔commission〕He was commissioned as second lieutenant in the Air Force.他被授予空军少尉军衔。外研社新世纪〔correlate〕Lieutenant Ryan closed his eyes, first mentally viewing the different crime scenes, then correlating the data.瑞安中尉闭上眼睛,先是在脑海里回想了一遍不同的犯罪现场,然后将这些信息联系起来。柯林斯高阶〔crime〕He and Lieutenant Cassidy were checking the scene of the crime.他和卡西迪中尉那时正在勘查犯罪现场。外研社新世纪〔desert〕He was a second lieutenant in the army until he deserted.他擅离部队前是一名陆军少尉。外研社新世纪〔ensign〕A commissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is below lieutenant junior grade.海军少尉:美海军或海岸警卫队中比海军中尉职低一级的军衔美国传统〔exodus〕Lieutenant Malcolm said she saw no sign that the exodus from Haiti was abating.马尔科姆上尉说, 她看不到海地人口大批外流有减少的迹象。外研社新世纪〔exodus〕Lieutenant Malcolm said she saw no sign that the exodus from Haiti was abating.马尔科姆海军上尉说她没有发现人们大批逃离海地有减缓的迹象。柯林斯高阶〔finagle〕He somehow finagled his way into the army as a lieutenant.他不知耍什么花招以中尉的身份混进了军队。剑桥高阶〔first lieutenant〕A commissioned rank in the U.S. Army, Air Force, and Marines that is above second lieutenant and below captain.中尉:美国陆军、空军和海军中受委任的一个比少尉高而比上尉低军衔美国传统〔flight lieutenant〕Flight Lieutenant Richard Clarkson 理查德 · 克拉克森空军上尉牛津高阶〔general〕A commissioned rank in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps that is above lieutenant general.一级上将:美国陆军、空军或海军中在上尉之上一军阶美国传统〔grade〕I was a naval officer, lieutenant junior grade.我是一名海军中尉军官。柯林斯高阶〔grade〕I was a naval officer, lieutenant junior grade.我曾是一名海军军官, 军衔中尉。外研社新世纪〔have〕Lieutenant, do you have to keep repeating everything I've just said? 中尉,你非得重复我刚刚讲过的一切吗?朗文当代〔knowledge〕It has come to my knowledge that Lieutenant General Sanchez was present during some of these interrogations.我知道在这些询问当中有时桑切斯中尉也在场。外研社新世纪〔lieutenant commander〕A commissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is above lieutenant and below commander.海军少校:美国海军或海岸警卫队的军衔,高于海军上尉,低于海军中校美国传统〔lieutenant junior grade〕A commissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is above ensign and below lieutenant.海军中尉:美国海军或海岸警卫队的军衔,高于海军少尉,低于海军上尉美国传统〔lieutenant〕Lieutenant Campbell ordered the man at the wheel to steer for the gunboat.坎贝尔上尉命令舵手将船开向炮艇。柯林斯高阶〔lieutenant〕Lieutenant Campbell ordered the man at the wheel to steer for the gunboat.坎贝尔上尉命令舵手驾驶炮艇。外研社新世纪〔lieutenant〕Lieutenant Colonel Gale Carter.盖尔·卡特中校柯林斯高阶〔lieutenant〕Lieutenant Paul Fisher 保罗 · 费希尔陆军中尉牛津高阶〔lieutenant〕Lieutenant Woods/Charles Woods 伍兹/查尔斯·伍兹中尉剑桥高阶〔lieutenant〕A first lieutenant.中尉美国传统〔lieutenant〕A second lieutenant.少尉美国传统〔lieutenant〕Abbr. Lt.A commissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is above lieutenant junior grade and below lieutenant commander.缩写 Lt.海军上尉:美国海军或海岸警卫队的军衔,高于海军中尉,低于海军少校美国传统〔lieutenant〕Good morning, Lieutenant Smith.早上好,史密斯中尉。韦氏高阶〔lieutenant〕He was my right-hand man, my lieutenant on the field, a cool, calculated footballer.他是我的得力助手,球场上的代理人,是一个冷静而有头脑的足球运动员。柯林斯高阶〔lieutenant〕He was my right-hand man, my lieutenant on the field, a cool, calculated footballer.他曾是我的左膀右臂、运动场上的得力助手——一位冷静而精明的足球运动员。外研社新世纪〔lieutenant〕He was promoted to the rank of lieutenant.他晋升为中尉。韦氏高阶〔lieutenant〕He was promoted to the rank of lieutenant.他被升为中尉。剑桥高阶〔lieutenant〕One who holds the rank of lieutenant, first lieutenant, or second lieutenant.尉级军官:有上尉,中尉或少尉军衔的人美国传统〔lieutenant〕She has her best lieutenants working on a proposal.她让她最得力的几位助理做一份提案。韦氏高阶〔lieutenant〕Yes, Lieutenant.是的,中尉。剑桥高阶〔major general〕A commissioned rank in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps that is above brigadier general and below lieutenant general.少将:美国陆军、空军或海军中在准将之上中将之下的军衔美国传统〔major〕A comissioned rank in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps that is above captain and below lieutenant colonel.少校官阶:美国陆军、空军或海军在上尉之上而在中校之下的军衔美国传统〔make〕She made lieutenant.她的军衔为中尉美国传统〔martinet〕He's a retired Lieutenant Colonel and a bit of a martinet.他是一位退休的中校, 保持着几分纪律严明的作风。外研社新世纪〔martinet〕He's a retired Lieutenant Colonel and a bit of a martinet.他是个退役中校,有点军人作风。柯林斯高阶〔master〕Used formerly as a title for a man holding a naval office ranking next below a lieutenant on a warship.(昔日)海军少尉:曾指在战舰上职位仅低于上尉军衔的海军军官美国传统〔nearness〕As a second lieutenant, he had to salute damned near everybody.身为少尉,他几乎是逢人便得敬礼。柯林斯高阶〔novice〕I'm a novice at these things, Lieutenant. You're the professional.中尉, 在这些事上我是新手, 您是内行。外研社新世纪〔novice〕I'm a novice at these things, Lieutenant. You're the professional.中尉,做这些事情我是新手,你是行家。柯林斯高阶〔op〕Fusilier Jones ran towards the Ops Room to find his lieutenant.燧发枪团士兵琼斯奔向作战指挥室寻找他的中尉长官。柯林斯高阶〔outrank〕A captain outranks a lieutenant.上尉级别比中尉高。英汉大词典〔over〕A colonel is over a lieutenant colonel.上校军阶高于中校。英汉大词典〔platoon〕Abbr. plat.A subdivision of a company of troops consisting of two or more sections and usually commanded by a lieutenant.缩写 plat.排:由两个或多个分排组成,通常由一名中尉指挥的军队中连的划分美国传统〔prefer〕He was preferred to lieutenant.他被晋升为陆军中尉。21世纪英汉〔prefer〕He was preferred to lieutenant.他被晋升为陆军中尉。英汉大词典〔promote〕The army major was promoted to lieutenant colonel.那名陆军少校晋升为中校了。韦氏高阶〔range〕A captain ranges between a lieutenant and a major.上尉军阶在中尉之上,少校之下。英汉大词典〔rank〕A captain ranks (= has a position) above a lieutenant.上尉比中尉军衔高。剑桥高阶〔rank〕A general ranks above a lieutenant general.上将军阶高于中将。英汉大词典〔rank〕He never rose above the rank of lieutenant.他一辈子只是个陆军中尉。牛津搭配〔salute〕The two soldiers saluted Lieutenant Cecil.那两名士兵向塞西尔中尉行了礼。朗文当代〔sergeant〕The rank of police officer next below a captain, lieutenant, or inspector.警官:紧接着低于上尉、中尉或监察长的警察官员美国传统〔slantwise〕Kostas looked slantwise at the Lieutenant Colonel.科斯塔斯斜瞥了中校一眼。外研社新世纪〔sting〕Lieutenant Budden was stung by a bee.布登中尉被蜜蜂蜇了。外研社新世纪〔stock-still〕The lieutenant stopped and stood stock-still.上尉停住了,站着一动不动。柯林斯高阶〔the〕Lieutenant Taylor was wounded in the knee.泰勒中尉膝盖受伤。朗文当代〔under〕A lieutenant is under a captain.中尉的阶级低于上尉。文馨英汉〔volunteer〕Since it would be a highly dangerous mission, the Lieutenant asked for volunteers.由于那项任务非常危险,所以中尉请大家自告奋勇。剑桥高阶She's got her commission at last and is now a lieutenant.她终于接到了委任状,成为了一名中尉。剑桥国际Since it would be a highly dangerous mission, the Lieutenant asked for volunteers.由于那任务可能极其危险,队长要求志愿者上。剑桥国际The lieutenant was grim-faced (= looked very serious) as he stared into the camera and answered the question put to him without emotion.中尉盯着摄像机一脸严肃,不带任何感情色彩地回答向他提出的问题。剑桥国际The young lieutenant was lolling about/around with several dozen others in the armchairs of the hotel lobby.年轻的中尉和其它几十个人懒洋洋地坐在旅馆大堂的扶手椅里。剑桥国际




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