

单词 line
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔-lined〕the man who stands next in line for the presidency.总统职位的第一顺位接任者柯林斯高阶〔-lined〕the muscles that line the intestines.肠道内壁的一层肌肉柯林斯高阶〔along〕a group of children walking along in a line 列队向前走的一群孩子朗文当代〔assembly〕workers on the assembly line 装配线上的工人牛津搭配〔broken〕a broken white line 一条断断续续的白线朗文当代〔chorus〕the chorus line(= a line of singers and dancers performing together) 排成一排同台表演的歌舞演员牛津高阶〔classical〕a line of classical Arabic poetry.古阿拉伯语诗歌的一行诗句柯林斯高阶〔continuous〕a continuous line of cars 络绎不绝的车流英汉大词典〔curve〕the railway line curving out of one valley and curving into another 从一个山谷间蜿蜒伸展而出又蜿蜒进入另一个山谷的铁路线英汉大词典〔dead〕a dead telephone line 有故障的电话线韦氏高阶〔distort〕a contorted line of reasoning.歪曲奇异的思路。美国传统〔divide〕the artificial line that divides the city.划分城市的人为分界线柯林斯高阶〔drudgery〕the monotonous drudgery of the assembly line 装配线上单调乏味的工作文馨英汉〔dub〕dub a line for fly fishing 给钓线装上假蝇以便作蝇钩钓英汉大词典〔equinoctial〕the equinoctial line 昼夜平分线文馨英汉〔every〕b) used to say how much distance there is between the things in a line 每隔〔用于表示间隔距离〕:朗文当代〔expose〕a gesture that deliberately exposed the line of her throat 故意显露颈前线条的动作牛津搭配〔front line〕a life spent in the front line of research 在研究的第一线度过的一生牛津高阶〔furthermost〕the furthermost station on the train line 铁路线的最远车站英汉大词典〔halfway〕the halfway line 中线文馨英汉〔hold〕had to hold the line on salary increases in the fourth quarter.在第四季度时只好维持工资的涨幅了美国传统〔inactive〕a city built on a relatively inactive fault line 建在相对不活跃的断层带上的城市麦克米伦高阶〔indented〕the indented line of the battlements.雉堞上的犭牙交错状。牛津同义词〔intersection〕the intersection of line A and/with line B *A线和B线的相交韦氏高阶〔isogonic〕an isogonic line 等偏[方位]角线文馨英汉〔line〕line blank paper for writing 在空白纸上划线以便书写英汉大词典〔line〕a line drawn on paper.画在纸上的一条…。牛津同义词〔line〕a line from the film ‘Casablanca’ 电影《卡萨布兰卡》里的一句话牛津高阶〔line〕a line of clothing = a clothing line 服装种类韦氏高阶〔line〕a line of command 一系列按职务排序的指挥人员牛津高阶〔line〕a line of darker water beyond the reef.礁石外深色水域分界线美国传统〔line〕a line of monarchs; comes from a long line of bankers.皇族;来自银行世家美国传统〔line〕a diagonal line 对角线文馨英汉〔line〕a district/county line 行政区╱郡界牛津高阶〔line〕a power line 电线文馨英汉〔line〕carries a complete line of small tools.包揽了小工具的全部商品美国传统〔line〕the London to Brighton line 从伦敦到布赖顿的铁路线麦克米伦高阶〔line〕to line up a series of lectures雇到一批讲演者21世纪英汉〔nylon〕a nylon fishing line 尼龙钓线牛津高阶〔peak〕a line of rocky peaks 一排岩石山峰韦氏高阶〔peg〕trying to peg a double sheet on a washing line on a blustery day.大风天试图用衣夹把双人床单固定在晾衣绳上柯林斯高阶〔people〕a line of limousines carrying very important people 一排载有极重要人物的豪华轿车牛津搭配〔play〕play out a length of line 放出一段线英汉大词典〔point〕draw a line between two points 在两点之间划一条线英汉大词典〔porjectable〕to project a vertical line from point A upward to B从A点向上画一条线到B21世纪英汉〔punch〕punch a spoken line 有力地演述一句台词英汉大词典〔railway line〕an old disused railway line 废弃的旧铁路朗文当代〔rectification〕the rectification of a frontier line 一条国境线的修正英汉大词典〔repetition〕the mindless repetition of the official line 对官方路线的机械重复牛津搭配〔second〕write on every second line 隔一行写英汉大词典〔soft〕take a soft line towards the enemy 对敌人采取温和的方针英汉大词典〔soft〕took a soft line toward their opponents.对他们的对手们采取了温和的方法美国传统〔solid〕a solid line of people 一列人与人紧挨着的横队英汉大词典〔take〕a line taken straight (verbatim) from Shakespeare 直接(一字不差地)引自莎士比亚的一行诗英汉大词典〔take〕took exception to the prosecutor's line of questioning.对检查官的质疑提出反对美国传统〔top〕line 4 from the top 从上数起第四行英汉大词典〔unbroken〕a single unbroken line 一条连续的线牛津高阶〔wear〕a new line of evening wear 新的晚礼服系列韦氏高阶〔weight〕weights on a fishing line 钓线上的坠牛津高阶〔zigzag〕a zigzag line 曲折线英汉大词典




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