

单词 memorial
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAMOUS〕Martin Luther King Jr. gave his celebrated speech before the Lincoln Memorial in 1963. 1963年小马丁·路德·金在林肯纪念堂前作了著名的演讲。朗文写作活用〔FLAT/NOT FLAT〕The site of the explosion has now been levelled out and is going to be made into a memorial garden. 爆炸地点现已被夷平,准备建成一个纪念公园。朗文写作活用〔Gentile〕The war memorial was dedicated to both Jews and Gentiles.这座战争纪念碑既是为了纪念犹太人也是为了缅怀非犹太人。剑桥高阶〔Madam〕Dear Madam, Thank you for your interest in our Memorial Scheme.尊敬的女士,感谢您对我们的纪念方案的关注。柯林斯高阶〔REMEMBER〕Eliot was asked to give the first Yeats memorial lecture in Dublin in 1940. 1940年艾略特获邀在都柏林发表第一个叶慈纪念演讲。朗文写作活用〔REMEMBER〕He met Saleh after a memorial ceremony for former president François Mitterrand. 他在一次纪念前总统弗朗索瓦·密特朗的活动上遇到了萨利赫。朗文写作活用〔REMEMBER〕The memorial service was attended by the greatest names in Hollywood. 好莱坞最有名望的人出席了这次纪念仪式。朗文写作活用〔Yizkor〕A Jewish memorial service for the dead.追悼仪式:犹太人对亡者的纪念仪式美国传统〔allocate for〕The Government allocated money for the memorial.政府为纪念活动拨了款。21世纪英汉〔around〕The Memorial seems almost ugly, dominating the landscape for miles around.那座纪念碑耸立在方圆数英里景致之中显得近乎难看。柯林斯高阶〔brass〕A memorial plaque or tablet made of brass, especially one on which an effigy is incised.铜匾:黄铜制的纪念匾,尤指上面刻有人像的匾美国传统〔cairn〕A mound of stones erected as a memorial or marker.锥形石冢:一堆石头,用于表示纪念或标志美国传统〔celebration〕This was not a memorial service but a celebration of his life.这不是在开追悼会,而是在颂扬他的一生。柯林斯高阶〔church〕All the local churches were represented at the memorial service.所有的地方教会都派代表参加了这次纪念仪式。剑桥高阶〔closure〕Going to the memorial service for his late wife made it possible for him to achieve closure.参加亡妻的追悼会可能会使他得到一些解脱。韦氏高阶〔commemorate〕To serve as a memorial to.作为纪念物提供美国传统〔commemoration〕The act of honoring the memory of or serving as a memorial to someone or something.纪念仪式:纪念某物、某人或作为纪念物提供给某人、某事的行为美国传统〔conduct〕The memorial service was conducted by the Rev. David Prior.这次追悼仪式由戴维‧普赖尔牧师主持。朗文当代〔dedicate〕A memorial stone was dedicated to those who were killed in the war.为阵亡将士纪念碑举行了落成典礼。牛津高阶〔dedicate〕The memorial is dedicated to all the soldiers who died in the war.这座纪念碑的落成是为了纪念在那场战争中阵亡的所有将士。韦氏高阶〔deliver〕My mother delivered me at Sibly Memorial Hospital.我母亲在西柏利纪念医院生下了我。英汉大词典〔engrave in〕The inscription was engraved in the stone of the memorial.铭文刻在纪念碑上。21世纪英汉〔erection〕Local people opposed the erection of a memorial.当地人反对修建纪念馆。麦克米伦高阶〔erect〕A memorial to her was erected after her death.她逝世后为她竖立了一座纪念碑。麦克米伦高阶〔erect〕It would be splendid to erect a memorial to the regiment.为该政权建立纪念碑该是件美事。外研社新世纪〔erect〕The war memorial was erected in 1950.这座战争纪念碑建于1950年。剑桥高阶〔fallen〕Work began on establishing the cemeteries as permanent memorials to the fallen.已经开始建造墓地, 以永久纪念阵亡将士。外研社新世纪〔fallen〕Work began on establishing the cemeteries as permanent memorials to the fallen.把公墓建成阵亡战士的永久性纪念碑的工作已经开始。柯林斯高阶〔festschrift〕A volume of learned articles or essays by colleagues and admirers, serving as a tribute or memorial especially to a scholar.纪念文集:同事或仰慕者写的尤指送给一位学者作为礼物或纪念的学术性论文或散文的汇编美国传统〔fitting〕I thought the memorial was a fitting tribute to the President.我认为这座纪念碑恰如其分地表达了对总统的敬意。朗文当代〔from the bottom of your heart〕His speech at the memorial service was straight from the heart.他在追思会上的演讲是发自内心的。韦氏高阶〔ground〕This memorial stands on sacred ground.这块纪念碑屹立于圣地之上。柯林斯高阶〔ground〕This memorial stands on sacred ground.这座纪念碑屹立在圣地上。外研社新世纪〔hall of fame〕A building housing memorial items honoring illustrious persons.名人纪念堂:存放著名人物纪念物的建筑物美国传统〔headstone〕A memorial stone set at the head of a grave.墓石:竖在墓前的纪念性石碑美国传统〔iconic〕Having a conventional formulaic style. Used of certain memorial statues and busts.具有标准传统风格的。用于某些纪念雕塑和半身像美国传统〔in memoriam〕In memory of; as a memorial to. Used especially in epitaphs.为了纪念:纪念,如作为纪念物纪念。特别用于写在墓志铭上的铭文美国传统〔madam〕Dear Madam, Thank you for your interest in our Memorial Scheme.尊敬的女士, 感谢您对我们纪念方案的关注。外研社新世纪〔mark〕A memorial plaque will mark the spot where he died.纪念牌将标明他的死亡地点。麦克米伦高阶〔memorialist〕A person who writes or signs a memorial.请愿书起草或署名人美国传统〔memorialize〕To present a memorial to; petition.向…递交请愿书;向…请愿美国传统〔memorialize〕To provide a memorial for; commemorate.为…作传;纪念美国传统〔memorial〕A memorial service for the bombing victims will be held.将为轰炸的受害者举行一场纪念仪式。麦克米伦高阶〔memorial〕A memorial service is being held for her at St Paul's Church.她的追悼会正在圣保罗教堂举行。柯林斯高阶〔memorial〕A memorial service was held for him in Los Angeles last year.去年在洛杉矶为他举行了纪念活动。牛津搭配〔memorial〕A memorial service will be held at 7 pm on Saturday.周六晚上七时将举行追悼仪式。朗文当代〔memorial〕Although this was one of his most successful films, it is not the best memorial to his talents.尽管这是他最成功的影片之一, 但并不是他才华的最好见证。外研社新世纪〔memorial〕An appeal has been launched to build a lasting memorial to the composer.已经发出呼吁为这位作曲家建一座永久的纪念碑。朗文当代〔memorial〕Building a memorial to Columbus has been his lifelong dream.为哥伦布建一座纪念碑是他一生的梦想。柯林斯高阶〔memorial〕By the road was a memorial to victims of the bombing.路边是一块悼念那次轰炸的受害者的纪念碑。麦克米伦高阶〔memorial〕Every village had its war memorial.每个村庄都有自己的战争纪念碑。外研社新世纪〔memorial〕Every village had its war memorial.每座村庄都有自己的战争纪念碑。柯林斯高阶〔memorial〕He went on to win the James E. Sullivan Memorial Trophy as the outstanding amateur athlete of 1962.接着,他又作为1962年度杰出业余运动员赢得了“詹姆斯·E.沙利文纪念奖”。柯林斯高阶〔memorial〕His memorial to his father was published.他为纪念父亲而写的书已出版了。英汉大词典〔memorial〕Hundreds of people came to Professor Conner's memorial service.数百人参加了康纳教授的追悼仪式。剑桥高阶〔memorial〕She invited him to choose a book as a memorial of his mentor.她邀请他选一本书作为对他导师的纪念。外研社新世纪〔memorial〕Shouldn't we erect a suitable memorial to them somewhere in London?难道我们不应该在伦敦某处给他们竖立一座合适的纪念碑吗?外研社新世纪〔memorial〕The memorial garden is dedicated to those who died in the accident. 谨以这座纪念花园献给那些在事故中失去生命的人们。剑桥高阶〔memorial〕The memorial service will be held at a local church.悼念仪式将在当地的一所教堂举行。牛津高阶〔memorial〕The memorial stands where the two roads meet.纪念碑矗立在两条路的交会处。牛津搭配〔memorial〕The article is a memorial to her aunt who died last month.这篇文章是为了悼念她上月去世的姨母。麦克米伦高阶〔memorial〕The book won the 1981 George Orwell Memorial Prize.此书获得1981年乔治·奥韦尔纪念奖。英汉大词典〔memorial〕The city's rather uncompromising bleakness is a permanent memorial to its dark and mysterious founders.这座城市毫不妥协的荒凉面貌是对其神秘莫测的创建者的永久纪念。柯林斯高阶〔memorial〕The garden is a memorial to one of the finest Victorian gardeners.这座花园是对维多利亚时期一位最优秀的花匠的纪念。朗文当代〔memorial〕The hospital was built as a memorial to King Edward VII.该医院是为了纪念国王爱德华七世而建的。朗文当代〔memorial〕The museum will serve as a memorial to the millions who passed through Ellis Island.这个博物馆将用来纪念经过埃利斯岛的数百万移民。柯林斯高阶〔memorial〕The museum will serve as a memorial to the millions who passed through Ellis Island.这座博物馆将用来纪念数百万通过埃利斯岛的人。外研社新世纪〔memorial〕The new hospital is a fitting memorial to her.这所新建的医院是对她最好的纪念。韦氏高阶〔memorial〕The painting will be a lasting memorial to a remarkable woman.这幅油画将成为对一位杰出女性的永久纪念。牛津高阶〔memorial〕The president today unveiled a memorial to those who died in the disaster.总统今天为灾难遇难者纪念碑揭了幕。牛津搭配〔memorial〕The statue is a lasting memorial to those who died in the war.这座雕像是对那些在战争中死去的人们的永久纪念。牛津搭配〔memorial〕The statue was erected as a memorial to those who died in the war.这尊雕像是为纪念战争中死去的人而竖立的。剑桥高阶〔memorial〕They are holding a memorial for it.他们正在为之举行纪念活动。牛津搭配〔memorial〕This ruin became a memorial for the victims of the bombing.这处废墟变成了那次大轰炸遇难者的纪念碑。牛津搭配〔memorial〕Today, those taking part in the Anzac Day parade will gather around the two memorials.今天, 那些参加澳新军团节大游行的人将聚集到那两座纪念碑周围。外研社新世纪〔monument〕A structure, such as a building or sculpture, erected as a memorial.纪念碑:为纪念而树立的一座建筑物,如建筑物或雕塑美国传统〔monument〕The Lincoln Memorial is a national monument.林肯纪念堂为国家级文物单位。英汉大词典〔mould〕Memorial services have become tedious and expected. I would like to help break the mould.纪念仪式已变得令人生厌且毫无新意,我想为打破这种既有模式做点什么。柯林斯高阶〔mould〕Memorial services have become tedious and expected. I would like to help break the mould.追悼仪式已变得冗长乏味、毫无新意, 我想为打破这种既有模式做点什么。外研社新世纪〔movingly〕He spoke movingly at the memorial service.他在葬礼上做了感人的发言。韦氏高阶〔moving〕Attending the memorial service was a moving experience .参加追悼仪式是一次十分感人的经历。朗文当代〔moving〕He gave a moving speech at the memorial service.他在葬礼上发表了感人肺腑的讲话。韦氏高阶〔officiate〕A memorial service was held yesterday at Wadhurst Parish Church. The Rev Michael Inch officiated.昨天,悼念仪式在沃德赫斯特堂区教堂举行,迈克尔·英奇牧师担任主持。柯林斯高阶〔officiate〕The bishop officiated the memorial Mass.主教主持了悼念弥撒。韦氏高阶〔overrun〕We overran a million copies of the memorial issue.我们超印了100万份纪念刊。英汉大词典〔pagoda〕A religious building of the Far East, especially a many-storied Buddhist tower, erected as a memorial or shrine.塔,宝塔:一种远东的宗教建筑,尤指一种多层的佛塔,作为纪念塔或神龛而建立美国传统〔past〕The house is about a mile past the first stoplight. They walked past the memorial in silence.这座房子在第一个交通指示灯大约一英里以外的地方。他们静静地走过纪念碑美国传统〔place〕In place of our advertised programme, we will have live coverage of the special memorial service.我们将对这次特别纪念仪式作现场报道,取代原本预告要播出的节目。朗文当代〔raise〕The chapel was raised (= built) as a memorial to her son.这座小教堂是为了纪念她的儿子而修建的。剑桥高阶〔raise〕The town raised a memorial to those killed in the war.这座小镇为战争中牺牲的人树立了一座纪念碑。牛津高阶〔remembrance〕Something serving to celebrate or honor the memory of a person or an event; a memorial.纪念:为庆祝或尊重某人或某事件的物品;纪念品美国传统〔service〕A memorial service is being held on Sunday for victims of the explosion.星期天将为爆炸事件中的罹难者举行一个追悼仪式。剑桥高阶〔tablet〕We had a memorial tablet put up on the church wall.我们在教堂墙上挂了一块纪念牌匾。牛津搭配〔taps〕A bugle call or drum signal sounded at night, as at a military camp, as an order to put out lights and also sounded at military funerals and memorial services.熄灯号,葬礼号:一种在夜间发出的军号声或鼓点,如在军营中,用作熄灯的命令和在军人的葬礼和纪念仪式上的奏号美国传统〔tribute〕Memorial Day is a tribute to the dead soldiers.(美国)阵亡将士纪念日是对阵亡战士悼念的日子。英汉大词典〔unveil〕Plans are afoot to unveil a memorial.正在为纪念碑揭幕做准备。外研社新世纪〔unveil〕The memorial to those who had died in the war was unveiled by the Queen.缅怀战争死难者的纪念碑由女王揭幕。剑桥高阶〔will〕There will be a short ceremony at the war memorial.在战争纪念碑旁要举行一个简短仪式。麦克米伦高阶〔wreath〕A ring or circlet of flowers, boughs, or leaves worn on the head, placed on a memorial, or hung as a decoration.花冠,花圈,花环:用鲜花、树枝或树叶缠绕而成的环或圈,戴于头上、放于纪念碑前或挂起来作装饰物美国传统〔wreath〕The British and Australian Prime Ministers laid wreaths at the war memorial.英国首相和澳大利亚总理向战争纪念碑献了花圈。外研社新世纪〔wreath〕The British, Australian and Turkish Prime Ministers laid wreaths at the war memorial.英国首相、澳大利亚总理和土耳其总理向战争纪念碑敬献了花圈。柯林斯高阶〔wreath〕The President laid a wreath at the war memorial.总统向阵亡将士纪念碑献了花圈。牛津搭配〔wreath〕The Queen laid a wreath at the war memorial.女王向阵亡将士纪念碑献了花圈。牛津高阶〔wreath〕The Queen laid a wreath at the war memorial.女王在战争纪念碑前敬献了花圈。麦克米伦高阶〔wreath〕The president ended his visit by laying a wreath at the war memorial.总统向战争纪念碑敬献了花圈,以此结束了自己的访问。剑桥高阶〔wreath〕The prime minister laid a wreath at the war memorial.首相向战争纪念碑献了花圈。朗文当代〔yearbook〕A documentary, memorial, or historical book published every year, containing information about the previous year.年鉴:每年发行的文献性、纪念性或历史性的书籍,包含有关前一年的信息美国传统A memorial service is being held on Sunday for victims of the bomb explosion.对爆炸中受害者的追悼仪式将在星期天举行。剑桥国际All the local churches were represented at the memorial service.所有的地方教会都有代表出席这次纪念仪式。剑桥国际Hundreds of friends and former students came to Professor Conner's memorial service.成百上千的朋友和以前的学生参加了考纳教授的纪念仪式。剑桥国际On the memorial plaque these words are inscribed: ‘At the rising of the sun, until the setting of the same -- we shall remember them’.纪念匾上刻着:“从日出到日落,我们将永远记着他们。”剑桥国际The memorial ceremonies marked the 100th anniversary of the disaster.这些追悼仪式是纪念灾难发生100周年的。剑桥国际The memorial to those who had died in the war was unveiled in 1948.为战争中死去的人树的纪念碑是在1948年揭幕的。剑桥国际The President ended his visit by laying a wreath at the war memorial.总统将一个花圈放在战争纪念碑下,结束了他的访问。剑桥国际The monument is a memorial to the glorious dead of two world wars.这座纪念碑是为了纪念在两次世界大战中光荣牺牲的烈士们。剑桥国际The museum houses a memorial to the 2000 sailors who went down with the Scharnhorst (= died when that ship sank) in 1943.这个博物馆有一块纪念1943年随沙恩霍斯特号沉入海底的2000名水手的纪念碑。剑桥国际The names of the 58 000 American military personnel who died in Vietnam are engraved on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington.在越南战死的58 000 美国军人的名字被刻在华盛顿的越南退伍军人纪念碑上。剑桥国际The president surprised everyone with his unusual conduct (=behaviour) at the memorial service.总统在纪念仪式上举止失常,令人吃惊。剑桥国际The service is a memorial to those killed in the war. 祈祷仪式是为纪念在战争中牺牲的人。译典通The statue was erected as a memorial to all the people who died in the war.这尊雕像是作为一座纪念碑而建立的,以纪念所有在战争中牺牲的人。剑桥国际The war memorial was dedicated to both Jews and Gentiles.这座战争纪念碑既是为犹太人又是为非犹太人建造的。剑桥国际The war memorial was erected in 1950 in the centre of the park.公园中央的战争纪念碑建于1950年。剑桥国际There were scores of tourists at the memorial when we visited it.当我们参观纪念碑时,有许多旅游者在那儿。剑桥国际This memorial to victims of the holocaust is a chilling (=frightening and upsetting) reminder of a tragedy that must never be repeated.这次对大屠杀中的受难者的追悼活动令人心寒,提醒人们那一幕永远不该重复的悲剧。剑桥国际Thousands of people go to visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington every year.每年成千上万的人来到华盛顿参观越战将士纪念碑。剑桥国际To celebrate the centennial of the founding of our country, the Central Bank especially issued a set of memorial coins. 为了庆祝建国百年,中央银行特别发行了一套纪念币。译典通Washington memorial is a noble monument. 华盛顿纪念碑是很宏伟的。译典通




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