

单词 membranous
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔adventitia〕The membranous outer covering of an organ or a blood vessel.外膜:器官或血管的膜状外表覆盖物美国传统〔ascus〕A membranous, often club-shaped structure in which typically eight ascospores are formed through sexual reproduction of ascomycetes.子囊:一种膜质的,常是棍状的结构,典型的结构中经由子囊菌的有性生殖形成的八个子囊孢子美国传统〔basilar membrane〕A membranous portion of the cochlea in the mammalian inner ear that supports the organ of Corti.基膜:哺乳动物内耳的耳蜗的膜状部分,它可支撑外皮器官美国传统〔bladder〕Anatomy Any of various distensible membranous sacs, such as the urinary bladder or the swim bladder, that serve as receptacles for fluid or gas.【解剖学】 膀胱,囊:一种可膨胀有膜囊状物,如膀胱或鳔,作为储存液体或气体的器官美国传统〔casing〕A membranous case, often made of animal intestine, used to contain sausage or other processed meat.肠衣:通常由动物的肠制成的膜状套子,用来装香肠或者其它的肉类制品美国传统〔choroid〕Resembling the chorion; membranous.膜状的:类似绒毛膜的;膜的美国传统〔cuticle〕Zoology The noncellular, hardened or membranous protective covering of many invertebrates, such as the transparent membrane that covers annelids.【动物学】 护膜:许多非脊椎动物的非细胞的、硬化或膜状的保护性覆盖层,如覆盖节肢动物的透明膜状物美国传统〔cyst〕Pathology An abnormal membranous sac containing a gaseous, liquid, or semisolid substance.【病理学】 囊肿:一种含有气态、液态或者半固态物质的异常膜性囊美国传统〔diaphragm〕A membranous part that divides or separates.隔膜,隔板:一个分开的膜和薄分隔板美国传统〔embryonic membrane〕Any of the membranous structures closely associated with or surrounding a developing vertebrate embryo, including the amnion, chorion, allantois, and yolk sac.胚膜:任何与发育中的胚胎相关或包围胚胎的膜状结构,包括衣胞、绒膜胚囊、尿膜和卵黄囊美国传统〔endolymph〕The fluid in the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear.内淋巴:耳内部膜质内耳中的水样液美国传统〔esophagus〕The muscular, membranous tube for the passage of food from the pharynx to the stomach; the gullet.食道:把食物从咽喉运送到胃中的肌肉发达的、膜质的管子;食道美国传统〔fin〕A membranous appendage extending from the body of a fish or other aquatic animal, used for propelling, steering, or balancing the body in the water.鳍:从鱼类或其他水生动物的身体延伸的膜状附肢,用以在水中推进、平衡或引导身体美国传统〔granum〕A stacked membranous structure within a chloroplast that contains the chlorophyll and is the site of the light reactions of photosynthesis.叶绿体基粒:叶绿体内的一种堆叠状的膜结构,其中含有叶绿素,是光合作用中光反应的场所美国传统〔hemelytron〕One of the forewings of a hemipterous insect, having a thick membranous apex.半鞘翅:半翅目昆虫的前翅的一支,带有厚实细胞腊尖端美国传统〔husk〕The outer membranous or green envelope of some fruits or seeds, as that of a walnut or an ear of corn.果壳,种膜:某些水果或种子的外膜或绿色的外壳,如胡桃或玉米穗的壳和膜美国传统〔hymen〕A membranous fold of tissue that partly or completely occludes the external vaginal orifice.处女膜:一种膜性的褶皱组织,部分或全部闭塞阴道美国传统〔labyrinthine fluid〕The fluid separating the osseous and the membranous labyrinths of the inner ear.迷路液:分离内耳中骨和膜的迷路的液体美国传统〔lepidopteran〕An insect belonging to the large order Lepidoptera, which includes the butterflies and moths, characterized by four membranous wings covered with small scales.鳞翅目昆虫:一种属于大鳞翅目的昆虫,包括蝴蝶和飞蛾,其特点是长有四个覆盖着鳞片的膜状翅膀美国传统〔ligule〕A straplike structure, such as the corolla of a ray flower or a membranous or hairy appendage between the sheaf and blade of a grass leaf.舌叶:带状结构,如伞形头状花序的花冠,或草叶的叶束与叶片之间的膜状或茸毛状附着物美国传统〔membrane bone〕A bone that forms directly in membranous connective tissue, as some cranial bones, instead of developing from cartilage.膜化骨:不经过软骨雏型,而直接从膜状结缔组织骨化为骨的一种骨,如一些头胪骨美国传统〔membranous labyrinth〕The fluid-filled membranous sacs of the inner ear that are associated with the senses of hearing and balance.膜迷路:内耳之充满液体的膜状结构,与听觉及平衡感觉有关美国传统〔membranous nephropathy〕Frothy urine due to large amounts of protein is a sign of membranous nephropathy.尿液因含有大量蛋白质而呈现泡沫是膜性肾病的症状。剑桥高阶〔membranous〕Diphtheria is a membranous disease.白喉是一种假膜性疾病。英汉大词典〔membranous〕Joints in the body have a membranous lining.身体关节内有一层膜状的内衬。剑桥高阶〔membranous〕The hind pair of wings are membranous and are used in flying.后面的一对翅膀是膜状的,用于飞行。文馨英汉〔neurilemma〕The delicate membranous covering of a nerve fiber.神经鞘:神经纤维外层敏感的膜美国传统〔patagium〕An expandable, membranous fold of skin between the wing and body of a bird.翅翼:鸟翼和躯干间的一种可伸展开的皮肤褶美国传统〔pericardium〕The membranous sac filled with serous fluid that encloses the heart and the roots of the aorta and other large blood vessels.心包:囊状膜层,其间充满了包围着绕心脏、大血管的根部和其它大血管的浆状液体美国传统〔pericarp〕A membranous structure surrounding the cystocarp of red algae.红藻皮:包在红藻囊外的膜结构美国传统〔perilymph〕The fluid in the space between the membranous and bony labyrinths of the inner ear.外淋巴:在内耳道粘膜与骨之间的液体美国传统〔rag〕The stringy central portion and membranous walls of a citrus fruit.橘络:柑橘果实中间多纤维的部分和膜壁美国传统〔saccule〕The smaller of two membranous sacs in the vestibule of the inner ear.球囊:内耳的膜的迷路的两个隔膜小室中较小的一个美国传统〔semimembranous〕Partly membranous, as one of the hamstring muscles.半膜的:部分为膜的,如腿腱肌肉之一美国传统〔skin〕The membranous tissue forming the external covering or integument of an animal and consisting in vertebrates of the epidermis and dermis.皮,皮肤:形成动物的外皮或覆盖物,并在背椎动物中形成表皮和真皮的膜状组织美国传统〔tapetum〕A membranous layer or region, especially the iridescent membrane of the choroid of certain mammals.毯:一个膜质层或区域,尤指某些哺乳动物的脉胳膜的虹膜美国传统〔tunic〕Botany A loose, membranous outer covering of a bulb or corm, as of the onion, tulip, or crocus.【植物学】 皮膜:球茎或鳞茎,如洋葱、郁金香或番红花的球茎的一种松散的、薄膜状的外皮美国传统〔tympanum〕Zoology A membranous external auditory structure, as in certain insects.【动物学】 鸣腔:某些昆虫的薄膜状外部听觉结构美国传统〔utricle〕A membranous sac contained within the labyrinth of the inner ear and connected with the semicircular canals.小囊,椭圆囊:位于内耳迷路内的细胞膜的囊,与半圆管相连美国传统〔veil〕Biology A membranous covering or part, as that on the developing fruiting body of certain mushrooms; a velum.【生物学】 菌幕,缘膜:一种膜性覆盖层或其中的部分,如在特定蘑菇的正在发展中的子实体上;菌幕美国传统〔vein〕Anatomy Any of a branching system of membranous tubes that carry blood to the heart.【解剖学】 静脉:把血带到心脏的支状膜性管系统之一美国传统〔velamen〕Anatomy A membranous covering or partition; velum.【解剖学】 膜,软腭:一种膜性覆盖物或分隔物;软腭美国传统〔velum〕Biology A covering or partition of thin membranous tissue, such as the veil of a mushroom or a membrane of the brain.【生物学】 菌幕,缘膜:一种由薄膜组织构成的覆盖物或分隔物,如蘑菇的菌幕或脑膜美国传统〔wing〕A thin or membranous extension, such as of the fruit of the elm, maple, or ash or of the seed of the pine.翼膜:榆树、枫树或白蜡树的果实或松树的种子的薄的或膜状附加部分美国传统〔wing〕Any of usually four membranous organs for flying that extend from the thorax of an insect.昆虫翅膀:昆虫的胸部延伸出的用于飞行的器官,通常是四个美国传统




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