

单词 metal plate
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PUT〕A very thin sheet of paper is then inserted between the metal plates. 然后在两只金属板之间插入一张很薄的纸片。朗文写作活用〔bite〕The corrosive action of acid upon an etcher's metal plate.腐蚀:蚀刻器的金属盘上的酸腐蚀美国传统〔bonnet〕A removable metal plate over a machine part, such as a valve.阀帽:机器某部分上可移动的金属盘,比如阀上的美国传统〔brigandine〕Flexible body armor of small metal plates or rings, often covered with cloth.锁子甲:用小金属板或金属环制成的柔韧甲胄,通常罩在衣服外美国传统〔celesta〕An instrument with a keyboard and metal plates struck by hammers that produce bell-like tones.钢片琴:用锤子敲击可发出铃声似的声音的带键盘和金属片的乐器美国传统〔cerotype〕The process of preparing a printing surface for electrotyping by first engraving on a wax-coated metal plate.蜡模,蜡刻制版法:一种通过先在涂蜡金属板上刻字来准备电版印刷平面的工序美国传统〔crawler〕A vehicle, such as a bulldozer, that moves on continuous belts of metal plates.履带式车辆:推土机之类的在延续的金属履带上移动的车辆美国传统〔drill through〕He drilled through a metal plate.他在金属板上打孔。21世纪英汉〔electrotype〕A metal plate used in letterpress printing, made by electroplating a lead or plastic mold of the page to be printed.电铸版:用于凸版印刷的金属版,由电镀所印页的铅或塑料模版而制成美国传统〔etching〕The art of preparing etched plates, especially metal plates, from which designs and pictures are printed.蚀刻:蚀刻工艺,特指用金属版印制图样或图画的技术美国传统〔graft〕Surgeons inserted a metal plate in the arm and grafted around it some small pieces of bone taken from the hip.外科医生将一块金属板嵌入手臂, 然后在其周围移植了一些从髋部取下的小块骨头。外研社新世纪〔horseshoe〕A flat U-shaped metal plate fitted and nailed to the bottom of a horse's hoof for protection.马蹄铁:"U"形扁平金属块,钉于马蹄的底部以保护马蹄美国传统〔incise〕The design is incised into a metal plate.这图案是刻在金属板上的。剑桥高阶〔lame〕A thin metal plate, especially one of the overlapping steel plates in medieval armor.重叠金属片:一种薄的金属片,尤指那种用于中世纪盔甲上的重叠金属片美国传统〔line engraving〕A metal plate, used in intaglio printing, on the surface of which design lines have been engraved by hand.线雕铜版:用于凹版印刷术的金属版,表面图案用手刻制美国传统〔matrix〕A metal plate used for casting typefaces.金属版:浇铸铅字字面的金属版美国传统〔metal〕The wooden beam is reinforced with a metal plate.木梁用金属板加固了。剑桥高阶〔plate〕A shiny metal plate was screwed to the door.门上钉了一块闪闪发光的金属牌。韦氏高阶〔plate〕She had a metal plate inserted in her arm.她的胳膊里嵌着一块接骨板。牛津高阶〔plate〕Surgeons covered the wound in his skull with a metal plate.外科医生用一块金属片把他头骨上的伤口盖住。麦克米伦高阶〔plate〕The shoes had metal plates attached to the heels.那双鞋后跟钉有金属片。朗文当代〔print〕The metal plate is too worn to print.这金属印版太旧,不能印了。英汉大词典〔rocker〕A small curved blade with a toothed edge used in mezzotint engraving to roughen the surface of the metal plate.锯齿形篦板:一种用于金属板印刷雕刻术中打毛金属板面的带齿形刃的小弯刀美国传统〔shako〕A stiff, cylindrical military dress hat with a metal plate in front, a short visor, and a plume.筒状军帽:一种前面有金属板的硬质圆柱形军队着装帽,并带有短帽舌及羽毛美国传统〔shield〕Electronics A structure or arrangement of metal plates or mesh designed to protect a piece of electronic equipment from electrostatic or magnetic interference.【电子学】 屏蔽:保护一台电子装备不受静电或磁干扰的一种金属片或网孔结构或装置美国传统〔speculum〕A mirror or polished metal plate used as a reflector in optical instruments.反射镜:光学仪器中用作反射镜的镜子或抛光的金属盘美国传统〔tally〕Nautical A metal plate attached to a ship's machinery and bearing instructions for its use.【航海】 金属牌:附在一艘船的机构上的一块金属片,上有其使用说明美国传统〔tap〕A metal plate attached to the toe or heel of a shoe, as for tap-dancing.钉在鞋底的铁皮:钉在一只鞋的脚后跟或脚掌处的一块金属片,如为跳踢踏舞而钉的这种金属片美国传统〔tap〕To attach metal plates to (shoe toes or heels).给(鞋)钉掌:将金属片附钉在(鞋的脚趾处或后跟)美国传统〔template〕A pattern or gauge, such as a thin metal plate with a cut pattern, used as a guide in making something accurately, as in woodworking.样板:一个样板或标准规格,如在木工中用作在制造某物时的样板的一个刻有图案的薄金属板美国传统〔tramp〕A metal plate attached to the sole of a shoe for protection, as when spading ground.底铁:装在鞋后跟上起保护作用的一块铁片,如用铲子挖地时美国传统〔web〕A thin metal plate or strip, as the bit of a key or the blade of a saw.金属薄条片:金属薄条板或片,如钥匙齿或锯片美国传统The design is incised into a metal plate.这图案是刻在金属板上的。剑桥国际The prints were made from an etched metal plate.版画是用一只蚀刻的金属板做的。剑桥国际The wooden beam is reinforced with a metal plate.木梁由金属板加固。剑桥国际




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