

单词 moment
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔(at) any moment (now)〕She should be arriving at any moment now.她应该很快就到。韦氏高阶〔ABOUT〕I'm reading a really good book at the moment - it's about the French Revolution. 我正在看一本非常好的书,是关于法国大革命的。朗文写作活用〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕It's two all at the moment, but Germany seems the better team. 现在是2平,但是德国队好像表现得更好一些。朗文写作活用〔HAPPEN〕The cell phone is a relatively recent phenomenon. It's difficult at the moment to assess its effects. 手机是一个较近出现的现象,目前还难以评估其影响。朗文写作活用〔NICE〕There's a delightful moment towards the end of the film, when they see each other briefly again. 接近电影的尾声时有一个动人的场面,就是他们又匆匆地见了面。朗文写作活用〔POPULAR〕Suzannah and I are both in favour at work at the moment. 苏珊娜和我目前在工作中都很有人缘。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕Don't bother your mother -- she's got a lot on her plate at the moment. 不要给你母亲添麻烦了—眼下她有很多事要操心。朗文写作活用〔REMEMBER〕I can't think of the title at the moment, but it'll come back to me. 现在我想不起那书名了,但慢慢会想起来的。朗文写作活用〔REMEMBER〕What's your most memorable moment from your years on the stage? 你登上舞台这么多年,最难忘的一刻是什么时候?朗文写作活用〔SAVE〕Excuse me a moment, I must go and rescue Mary from boring old Mr. Potter. 失陪一会儿,我得把玛丽从乏味的老波特先生那里解救出来。朗文写作活用〔SHORT〕Just a moment Susie, can I have a quick word with you? 等一会儿,苏茜,我和你说一两句话好吗?朗文写作活用〔SHORT〕They're living in temporary accommodation at the moment. 他们目前住在一个临时居所里。朗文写作活用〔SPREAD〕There's some type of throat infection going around at the moment. 这阵子好像流行一种喉疾。朗文写作活用〔SUBJECT〕The audience's reaction surprised him, and he lost his train of thought for a moment. 观众的反应让他吃了一惊,他一时之间乱了头绪。朗文写作活用〔SWEAT〕He stopped working for a moment to wipe the sweat off his face. 他歇了一会,擦去脸上的汗水。朗文写作活用〔TEMPORARY〕For the moment, I'm quite happy in the job I'm doing. 目前我对自己的工作很满意。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕For one anxious moment, I thought the rope was going to break. 有一阵子我非常担心,以为那根绳就要断了。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕I admit I'm preoccupied and snappy at the moment -- I'm sorry. 我承认这阵子我心不在焉,脾气不好—对不起。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕The meningitis outbreak is a major cause of worry at the moment. 爆发脑膜炎是目前人们主要担心的事。朗文写作活用〔anxious〕We had an anxious few moments while the results were coming through.等待结果出来时我们担心了一阵子。麦克米伦高阶〔around〕There's a lot of flu around (= a lot of people have it) at the moment.现在流感肆虐。剑桥高阶〔assignment〕The photographer is on assignment in China at the moment.这位摄影师目前正在中国公干。牛津搭配〔assume〕Let us assume for a moment that the plan succeeds.我们暂时假设这个计划能成功。牛津搭配〔awkwardly〕There was an awkward moment as couples decided whether to stand next to their partners.大家在决定是否要站到自己配偶身旁时,这一刻令人尴尬。柯林斯高阶〔between〕This paper has moments of inspiration, but these are far between.这篇论文有几处神来之笔,可惜难得出现。英汉大词典〔birth〕She's due to give birth at any moment.她随时可能分娩。外研社新世纪〔blind〕It was a moment of blind panic.这是一阵莫名的惊慌。牛津高阶〔book〕We have very few nurses on our books at the moment.目前在我们这里登记备用的护士很少。牛津高阶〔break〕Katie's voice broke and for a moment she couldn't continue.凯蒂声音都变了, 有那么一会儿她都说不下去了。外研社新世纪〔bring〕It is all very tragic and I am afraid I just cannot bring myself to talk about it at the moment.这是件很不幸的事,恐怕现在我还无法开口谈论此事。柯林斯高阶〔broke〕I'm stony / stone broke at the moment.我现在一分钱都没有。牛津搭配〔busy〕Mr Haynes is busy with a customer at the moment.海恩斯先生此时正忙着接待一位顾客。朗文当代〔calm〕The financial markets are calm at the moment.金融市场目前很稳定。朗文当代〔cheapen〕We have to cheapen commodities at the moment.目前我们只好使商品削价。21世纪英汉〔chicken〕She promised to climb up the perilous peak along with us the next day,but she chickened out at the last moment.她答应第二天和我们一道去攀登险峰,但到时候却不敢去了。21世纪英汉〔choke〕The coffee was almost too hot to swallow and made him choke for a moment.咖啡烫得几乎咽不下去, 呛了他好一阵子。外研社新世纪〔clear〕We're expecting this weather to clear any moment.我们预计天气随时都会放晴。外研社新世纪〔collect〕She paused for a moment to collect herself.她停了一会儿, 以使自己镇定下来。外研社新世纪〔collect〕She paused for a moment to collect herself.她停了一会儿,让自己镇定下来。柯林斯高阶〔come〕We'll come on to the politics of the situation in a moment.一会儿我们要转到对政治形势的讨论上来。麦克米伦高阶〔continue〕He paused for a moment to listen and then continued eating.他停下来听了一会儿,又继续吃饭。剑桥高阶〔control〕He failed to regain control of the aircraft, and it crashed moments later.他没能重新控制住飞机,不一会儿飞机就坠毁了。麦克米伦高阶〔crowning moment〕It was a crowning moment in his presidency.那是他在总统任期内的巅峰时刻。韦氏高阶〔crowning moment〕It was a defining moment for him.对他而言,那是个决定性时刻。韦氏高阶〔cry off〕She cried off at the last moment.她在最后时刻打了退堂鼓。外研社新世纪〔debate〕For a moment Mary debated telling Rick the truth.有一刻玛丽在考虑是否把真实情况告诉里克。朗文当代〔debate〕For a moment he debated going after her.他仔细思考了片刻要不要去追求她。牛津高阶〔depend〕Matters of greatest moment were depending.至关重要的问题尚待解决。英汉大词典〔dicey〕There was a dicey moment as one of our party made a risky climb up the cliff wall.我方一名队友冒险攀爬崖壁时, 出现了危险的一刻。外研社新世纪〔digress〕Let me digress for a moment and tell you a short story.请允许我暂时离开话题一会儿,我给你讲个小故事。21世纪英汉〔dirt〕We hit the dirt the moment we heard the machine-gun fire.我们一听到机枪声立刻卧倒。英汉大词典〔disconcerted〕Victoria looked disconcerted for a moment.维多利亚有一阵子显得很不安。麦克米伦高阶〔display〕There's an Egyptian art collection on display (= being shown) at the museum at the moment.埃及艺术收藏展正在博物馆举行。剑桥高阶〔distracted〕Tania seems very distracted at the moment - I think she's worried about her brother.塔尼娅此时似乎非常焦虑——我想她是对弟弟有些担心。剑桥高阶〔dodgy〕There were a few dodgy moments.有些时候相当危险。朗文当代〔dull〕Last week we had a hurricane. Never a dull moment running a hotel in the Caribbean (=it's always interesting or exciting) .上周我们这里刮飓风了,在加勒比海开旅馆从来都很刺激。朗文当代〔enjoy〕I must say I am really enjoying myself at the moment.我得说此刻我感到非常愉快。柯林斯高阶〔enlightenment〕Stella had a moment of enlightenment.斯特拉豁然开朗。柯林斯高阶〔every〕I enjoyed every moment [minute] of my holiday.我自始至终享受我的假期。文馨英汉〔excuse〕Excuse me for a moment – I have to make a phone call.失陪一下,我得打个电话。麦克米伦高阶〔excuse〕I made an excuse at the first possible moment, and got up to leave.一有机会我就找了个借口起身离开了。朗文当代〔falter〕She faltered for a moment.她一时踉跄了几步。朗文当代〔far-sighted〕This is the moment for a far-sighted and brave decision.是时候作出一个勇敢而又富有远见的决定了。外研社新世纪〔fashionable〕It's not fashionable to wear short skirts at the moment.现在不流行穿短裙了。剑桥高阶〔fetus〕In human beings, the unborn young from the end of the eighth week after conception to the moment of birth, as distinguished from the earlier embryo.胎儿:人类从开始怀孕的第八个星期到出生这一期间的有别于更早期的胚胎的幼儿美国传统〔few〕Jobs are few and far between at the moment.眼下工作机会很少。朗文当代〔flail〕He gave a choked cry, flailed his arms wildly for a moment, and then went over the edge.他闷哼了一声,手臂乱挥了几下,就从边上摔了下去。柯林斯高阶〔float around〕There are a lot of weird ideas floating around at the moment.如今人们有很多奇怪的想法。外研社新世纪〔float〕There's a lot of cash floating around in the economy at the moment.目前的经济领域中存在大量的现金。朗文当代〔flounder〕She floundered for a moment before answering the awkward question.她在回答那个棘手的问题之前支吾了一会儿。英汉大词典〔flow〕In that moment a surge of hatred flowed through my blood.当时一股怒火燃遍我的全身。外研社新世纪〔flux〕Everything is in flux at the moment.眼下一切都变化不定。朗文当代〔focus〕It took a few moments for her eyes to focus in the dark.过了一会儿她的眼睛才适应了黑暗。牛津高阶〔fright〕She had promised to marry him, but took fright at the last moment.她答应嫁给他,但是到了最后一刻又畏缩了。朗文当代〔fuse〕A bomb was deactivated at the last moment, after the fuse had been lit.导火索在要点燃炸弹的最后一刻被拆除。外研社新世纪〔give away〕I was never tempted for a moment to give her away.我从未想到过要揭她的底儿。柯林斯高阶〔goose-step〕For one surreal moment the actors goose-step across the stage.在一个超现实的片段中, 演员们踢着正步走过舞台。外研社新世纪〔go〕Go on!There isn't a moment to lose! 快点!一秒钟也拖延不得!英汉大词典〔go〕She hesitated for a moment and then went on.她犹豫了一会儿,然后继续往下说。牛津高阶〔have your/its moments〕This album may not be as good as their last one but it has its moments.这张专辑可能不如他们上一张好,但也会火一阵。剑桥高阶〔heat〕In the heat of the moment (=when feelings were very strong) Nick threatened to resign.尼克一时冲动,扬言要辞职。朗文当代〔heat〕Michael bitterly regretted those angry words, spoken in the heat of the moment.迈克尔极为后悔自己竟一时冲动说出了那样的气话。牛津搭配〔hold〕She held us silent for a moment with a lifted hand.她举起一只手让我们肃静了片刻。英汉大词典〔impulsively〕He studied her face for a moment, then said impulsively: 'Let's get married'.他盯着她的脸端详了一会儿,然后冲动地说:“我们结婚吧。”柯林斯高阶〔indulgence〕For a moment he allowed himself the indulgence of examining his feelings for her.有那么一会儿他允许自己津津有味地咀嚼对她的感情外研社新世纪〔indulgence〕For a moment he allowed himself the indulgence of examining his feelings for her.有那么一会儿他让自己沉下心来仔细分析一下对她的感情。柯林斯高阶〔inflection point〕A moment of dramatic change, especially in the development of a company, industry, or market.转折点:一段变化快速的时期,尤其是指在一家公司、产业或是市场中的发展美国传统〔inopportune〕I'm sorry, you've called at an inopportune moment.对不起,你的电话来得不是时候。剑桥高阶〔insufficient〕At the moment, there's insufficient evidence to arrest anyone.现在证据不充分,不能逮捕任何人。朗文当代〔introspection〕He had always had his moments of quiet introspection.他一向都抽时间安静自省。外研社新世纪〔just〕Just a moment. We're not ready for you yet.请稍等一下,我们还没有为你准备好呢。麦克米伦高阶〔leave〕From the moment that Philippe had left her in the bedroom at the hotel, she had heard nothing of him.自菲利普把她独自丢在酒店房间后,她就再也没有听到他的消息了。柯林斯高阶〔like〕I'm sorry, but, like I say, she's not here at the moment.对不起,不过如我所说,她这会儿不在这里。朗文当代〔listen〕Listen for the moment when the music changes.留心听音乐变化的那一瞬间。朗文当代〔mad〕The kids are mad keen on computer games at the moment.孩子们眼下都在迷电脑游戏。麦克米伦高阶〔margin〕Students have played an important role in the past, but for the moment, they're on the margins.学生过去曾经发挥了重要的作用,不过现在他们变得无足轻重了。柯林斯高阶〔market〕It's certainly a buyer's market in the car industry at the moment.买方/卖方市场麦克米伦高阶〔marshal〕He paused for a moment as if to marshal his thoughts.他停顿了一会儿,好像在整理思路。朗文当代〔materialize〕A moment or two later champagne in an ice-bucket materialized beside them.片刻之后, 他们身边出现了一只装着香槟的冰桶。外研社新世纪〔momentarily〕Moment by moment; progressively.时时刻刻地;不停地美国传统〔moment〕At one moment the rumour was that he was guilty of misdemeanours.一度谣传他犯有行为不端的轻罪。英汉大词典〔moment〕From that moment on (=after that time) we were the best of friends.从那以后我们就成了最好的朋友。朗文当代〔moment〕He is not here at the moment.他现在不在这美国传统〔moment〕I dread the moment when she finds out.我害怕她发现真相的那一刻。牛津搭配〔moment〕I'm waiting for the right moment to tell him the bad news.我得找个适当的时机告诉他这个坏消息。牛津高阶〔moment〕It was the proudest moment of my entire life.这是我一生最骄傲的时刻。牛津搭配〔moment〕Many people still remember the moment when they heard that President Kennedy had been assassinated.很多人仍然记得听到肯尼迪总统遇刺的那一刻。柯林斯高阶〔moment〕She paused a moment to reflect.她停顿片刻进行反思。牛津搭配〔moment〕She stopped for a moment and peeked into the window.她停了一下,偷偷朝窗户里看。韦氏高阶〔moment〕The moment for us to act has arrived.到我们行动的时刻了。韦氏高阶〔moment〕The moment had finally come to make a move.行动的时刻终于到来了。牛津搭配〔moment〕The feeling only lasted a moment.这种感觉只持续了一会儿。牛津搭配〔moment〕The job isn't exciting all the time, but it has its moments.这工作并不总是很带劲,但也有让人兴奋的时候。牛津高阶〔moment〕The plumber should be here any moment now .管子工现在应该马上就要到这儿了。朗文当代〔moment〕This house is big enough for the moment, but we'll have to move if we have children.这房子现在还够大。要是有了孩子,我们还得搬。牛津高阶〔mood〕The right music sets the mood for such a great moment.合适的音乐能为如此重大的时刻营造气氛。牛津搭配〔narrow〕To this moment, toward which four decades narrowed, I have never been unfaithful to my wife.到此时此刻,我40年如一日,从来没有对妻子有过不忠行为。英汉大词典〔nick〕The old boy's in rather poor nick at the moment.这位老兄目前身体状况很糟。外研社新世纪〔odd〕She kept a stack of magazines that she would read at odd moments.她保存着一摞杂志,以备不时翻阅。韦氏高阶〔offer〕Act when the right moment offers itself.看准时机行动。英汉大词典〔off〕I'm off sweet things at the moment.眼下我已不吃甜食了。麦克米伦高阶〔on〕I've got a lot on at the moment.我这会儿事情很多。剑桥高阶〔panicky〕Amy felt a moment of pure, panicky loneliness.埃米感到一阵真切、惶惶然的孤独。外研社新世纪〔panicky〕Amy felt a moment of pure, panicky loneliness.埃米感到一阵真切、惶惶然的孤独。柯林斯高阶〔perch〕The sparrow perched on the branch for a moment or two.麻雀在树枝上憩息了一会儿。英汉大词典〔plate〕He has a lot on his plate at the moment.他眼下有很多事情要处理。外研社新世纪〔plug〕They're plugging this new chocolate bar everywhere at the moment.此时他们正在到处宣传这种新巧克力。剑桥高阶〔precise〕At the precise moment the train started.就在这时候火车启动了。英汉大词典〔precise〕She quietly closed the door to the baby's room, and at just that precise moment the phone began to ring.她轻轻地关上宝宝房间的门,就在这时电话铃声响了起来。韦氏高阶〔propitious〕They should wait for the most propitious moment between now and the next election.他们应等待从现在到下次选举之间的最有利时机。柯林斯高阶〔proudly〕This must have been one of the proudest moments of his busy and hard working life.这一定是他劳碌工作的一生中最引以为荣的时刻之一。柯林斯高阶〔pull〕The gig was pulled at the last moment.特约演奏临时取消了。牛津高阶〔quiet〕Martin was quiet for a moment.马丁一时无话。外研社新世纪〔relationship〕At the moment he isn't in a relationship.目前他的感情生活是空白的。牛津搭配〔remember〕I can't remember her name at the moment.我这会儿想不起她的名字了。麦克米伦高阶〔ride〕She is riding high at the moment.眼下正是她春风得意之时。英汉大词典〔right〕Everything's going right for him at the moment.目前他一切顺利。朗文当代〔savour〕I wanted to savour every moment.我要细心品味,一刻也不错过。牛津高阶〔seize〕He decided to seize the moment and ask her to marry him.他决定抓住机会向她求婚。麦克米伦高阶〔sit〕We sat in silence for a few moments.我们默默地坐了一会儿。牛津搭配〔skill〕What made him remarkable as a photographer was his skill in capturing the moment.他捕捉瞬间画面的能力使他成为一名不同凡响的摄影师。牛津高阶〔sleep〕I'm sorry, I must have dropped off to sleep for a moment.很抱歉,我一定打了一会瞌睡。朗文当代〔smitten〕From the moment they met, he was completely smitten by her.从一见面的那一刻起,他就完全被她迷住了。牛津高阶〔soft-pedal〕This is a sensitive issue - I think we'd better soft-pedal it for the moment.这是个相当敏感的问题——我认为目前我们最好低调处理。剑桥高阶〔solitude〕He enjoyed his moments of solitude before the pressures of the day began.他喜欢在白天的压力到来之前享受独处的时光。柯林斯高阶〔soon〕Paramedics rushed him to hospital, and not a moment too soon.护理人员急忙把他送进医院,但为时已晚。麦克米伦高阶〔squeaker〕Informal Something, such as an election, that is won, passed, or achieved by the narrowest of margins or at the very last moment.【非正式用语】 险胜:以微弱优势或到最后时刻方赢得、通过或获得的事物,如选举美国传统〔stock-still〕On seeing us, the deer stood stock-still for a moment, then turned and retreated into the forest.看到我们,那只鹿一动不动地站了一会儿,然后转身跑回森林里去了。剑桥高阶〔stun〕The fall stunned me for a moment.那一下摔得我昏迷了片刻。牛津高阶〔suffer〕Mary's suffering from ill health at the moment.玛丽眼下身体不好。朗文当代〔support〕He's on life support at the moment.目前他正靠医疗设备维持着生命。牛津搭配〔suspense〕She couldn't stand the suspense a moment longer.她急得一分一秒也等不了。牛津搭配〔tense〕There were some tense moments in the second half of the game.比赛的下半场有几次紧张的局面。剑桥高阶〔there〕The doctor is in there with her at the moment.此刻医生正和她在那里。外研社新世纪〔the〕She is out of the office at the moment.她现在不在办公室。韦氏高阶〔this〕I wonder what they're doing at this precise moment.我想知道他们此时此刻在干什么。外研社新世纪〔throw〕His question threw me for a moment.对他的问题我一时回答不上来。英汉大词典〔tide〕We believe that for the moment the difficulty is tided over.我们相信困难暂时被克服了。英汉大词典〔tie sb up〕Mrs Moran is tied up in a meeting at the moment, but I'll ask her to call you later.莫兰夫人现在正开会脱不开身,我会告诉她稍后给你打电话。剑桥高阶〔time stands still〕I saw the car coming straight towards me, and for a moment time stood still.我看见汽车朝我直开过来,一瞬间时间仿佛凝固了。剑桥高阶〔time〕What was happening at that particular moment in time? 在那个特定的时刻发生了什么事?韦氏高阶〔timing〕His photo is a wonderful happy moment caught with perfect timing.他拍的照片时机掌握完美,记录下了动人的快乐瞬间。柯林斯高阶〔tootle〕I'm sure Ted is tootling down the motorway at this very moment.我确信泰德此刻正悠闲自得地开车行驶在高速路上。柯林斯高阶〔tough〕The company is going through a tough time at the moment.公司现在正值困难时期。剑桥高阶〔trump〕A key resource to be used at an opportune moment.王牌:适当时刻所用的关键手段美国传统〔understandable〕He just can't face anyone at the moment, which is perfectly understandable .他现在就是不能面对任何人,这完全可以理解。朗文当代〔undesirable〕He called at a most undesirable moment.他在最不适宜的时刻来访。英汉大词典〔very〕He's probably lying on some beach in Italy at this very moment.现在;此刻麦克米伦高阶〔wedded〕For the moment I' m wedded to my work.目前我一心扑在工作上。外研社新世纪〔when〕The best moment was when he scored the winning goal.最精彩的一刻是他射入致胜一球的时候。朗文当代〔which〕The chances are you haven't fully decided what you want from your career at the moment, in which case you're definitely not cut out to be a boss yet! 你此刻很可能尚未完全确立自己的职业目标,在这样的情况下你当然还不适合成为老板!柯林斯高阶〔work〕It's very difficult to find work at the moment.目前很难找到工作。牛津高阶〔yen〕The dollar and the yen are both weak at the moment.目前美元和日元都很疲软。外研社新世纪At that moment my heart was full of joy and thankfulness. 此时,我的心充满了欢乐与感激。译典通He asked her to marry him on the spur of the moment. 他一时冲动之下向她求婚了。译典通He held up the poster just at the (exact/precise) moment when the TV cameras were on him.他正好在电视摄像机对着他的时候举起了标语牌。剑桥国际Her last question threw me for a moment. 她最后一个问题我一时回答不出。译典通I was gripped by the film from the moment it started.从这部电影开始的那一刻起我就被它吸引住了。剑桥国际I'm so busy I can hardly remember what I'm supposed to be doing from one moment to the next.我忙得总是记不清下一步该做什么。剑桥国际I've only got £50 a week to live on at the moment.目前我一星期只有靠50镑的收入过活。剑桥国际In a moment of aberration, she agreed to go with him.她一时反常,同意与他一起去。剑桥国际In an unguarded moment, he gave away most important secrets. 他一不留神泄露了非常重要的秘密。译典通In the negotiations, he outmanoeuvred his rivals by offering a higher price at the last moment.在谈判中,他通过最后一刻出了更高的价而以智取胜,打败了对手。剑桥国际It's not exactly going out on a limb to criticize the government at the moment.现在批评政府并不一定是孤立无援。剑桥国际It's not fashionable to wear short skirts at the moment.现在不流行穿短裙。剑桥国际Not for a moment did she raise the question of the worthiness of the man she loved. 她一刻也没有怀疑过她所爱的人是值得尊重的。译典通She burst into tears the moment she got the sad news. 一听到这伤心的消息,她就哭了起来。译典通The apple trees are in (full) bloom (= producing all their flowers) at the moment.目前苹果树开满了花。剑桥国际The argument can not be refuted at the moment. 这一论点现时还无法驳斥。译典通The doctor looked thoughtful for a moment and then started to write a prescription.医生仔细考虑了片刻,开始写处方。剑桥国际The exhibition covers the key moments of the city's troubled history.展览包括了这个城市坎坷历史的主要时段。剑桥国际The falcon seemed to hang (in the air) for a moment before diving onto its prey.猎鹰向猎物俯冲之前,似乎先在空中停了一会儿。剑桥国际The investigation has only just started, so the police haven't got much to go on at the moment.调查刚开始,因此眼下警方作不出什么判断。剑桥国际There was a brief moment of calm as the eye of the storm passed overhead.暴风雨的风眼从头上掠过,空中有了片刻的平静。剑桥国际There's been so little rain, the forest is liable to go up in flames at any moment.雨水太少了,森林随时都有可能起火。剑桥国际They posted off the moment they received the order. 他们一接到命令就匆匆地出发了。译典通Unfortunately my attention wandered for a moment and I lost the thread (= forgot) what I was saying.令人遗憾的是我的思想开了一会儿小差,我忘了我刚才说的话题。剑桥国际Watching Christie win the Olympic hundred metres was one of those spine-tingling (= very special and exciting) moments.观看克里斯蒂赢得100米跑的胜利是令人激动不已的时刻之一。剑桥国际We just jumped in a car on the spur of the moment (= suddenly and without planning it).我们当即跳上了汽车。剑桥国际We're completely snowed under at the moment.我们眼下忙得不可开交。牛津商务




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