

单词 mixed
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Anglo-Irish〕A person of mixed Irish and English ancestry.爱英混血儿:爱尔兰和英国的混血儿美国传统〔CONFUSED〕Which one's Jane and which one's Jen? I always get their names mixed up. 简是哪一个?珍又是哪一个?我常把她俩的名字弄混。朗文写作活用〔CONSIST OF〕She mixed a batter made of flour, eggs, and water. 她用面粉、鸡蛋和水调了一份面糊。朗文写作活用〔Creole〕Often creole A person of mixed Black and European ancestry who speaks a creolized language, especially one based on French or Spanish. 常作 creole 黑白混血种人:黑人和欧洲血统白人的混血儿,讲克里奥尔化语言,尤指以法语或西班牙语为基础语的混杂语言美国传统〔DISAPPROVE〕Many of the older generation simply don't hold with mixed marriages. 上一辈人中有许多是决不赞成异族通婚的。朗文写作活用〔DISHONEST〕He has been mixed up in a number of shady deals in the Cayman Islands. 他和开曼群岛的一些不诚实交易有瓜葛。朗文写作活用〔EXPERIENCED/NOT EXPERIENCED〕Don't get her mixed up in your plan - she's just an innocent girl. 不要把她牵涉进你们的计划—她只是个单纯的小姑娘。朗文写作活用〔Eurasian〕A person of mixed European and Asian descent.欧亚混血种人:有欧洲人和亚洲人混合血统的人美国传统〔Eurasian〕Of mixed European and Asian descent.欧亚混血种的美国传统〔HARD〕You can serve the chicken with a crispy stir fry of mixed vegetables. 鸡肉可以配一道松脆的杂炒蔬菜。朗文写作活用〔India ink〕A black pigment made from lampblack mixed with a binding agent and molded into cakes or sticks.墨:一种黑色的颜料,由灯的煤烟和粘剂混合制成,并做成块状或条状美国传统〔Japanese〕Abbr. J.The language of the Japanese, written in kana mixed with Chinese characters.缩写 J.日语:带有汉字特征的书写的日本语言美国传统〔LAZY〕How did you get mixed up with that layabout? 你怎么跟那个懒鬼混在一起呢?朗文写作活用〔MIX〕The drawer was full of mixed up bits of paper, old letters, and photographs. 抽屉中满是杂乱的纸片、旧信和照片。朗文写作活用〔MIX〕The other girls had mixed feelings, some of them were happy for me but some were jealous. 其他女孩子的感情很不同,有些人为我高兴,有些人则很嫉妒。朗文写作活用〔ORDER〕The letters are all mixed up and you have to put them in the right order. 这些信都混起来了,你得把它们按正确顺序理好。朗文写作活用〔PURE〕Clothes made of pure cotton are much cooler than those made of mixed fibers. 纯棉制成的衣服比混纺制成的衣服凉快得多。朗文写作活用〔REASON〕I don't know why he tested positive for drugs. The only explanation I can think of is that the samples got mixed up. 我不知道他的药检为什么呈阳性,我能想到的唯一解释就是样本搞错了。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕One hall of residence is for men, one is for women and the third is mixed. 宿舍一栋住男生,一栋住女生,还有一栋是男女混合的。朗文写作活用〔SURE/NOT SURE〕I have very mixed feelings -- I want to travel but I know I'll miss my family. 我的心情非常复杂—我想去旅游,但是我知道我会想念家人。朗文写作活用〔SURE/NOT SURE〕She had mixed feelings about her daughter getting married so young. 女儿这么早就结婚,她的心情很复杂。朗文写作活用〔Salisbury steak〕A patty of ground beef mixed with eggs, milk, onions, and various seasonings and broiled, fried, or baked.索尔兹伯里牛肉饼:以牛肉泥加鸡蛋、牛奶、洋葱和各种调料烤、炸或焙制而成的小馅饼美国传统〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕After beating the cake mixture, add a handful of mixed nuts. 搅打完蛋糕混合料之后,放入一把什锦果仁。朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕Downtown is a mixed bag of upscale retailers and discount stores. 市中心混杂着高级零售店和折扣商店。朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕The show draws a mixed audience of children and adults. 这次演出吸引了各类观众,有小孩也有大人。朗文写作活用〔Waldorf salad〕A salad of diced raw apples, celery, and walnuts mixed with mayonnaise.沃尔多夫色拉:用生苹果丁、芹菜丝、碎核桃肉、蛋黄酱拌成的色拉美国传统〔a blessing and a curse〕The promotion was really a mixed blessing because I'm now so busy that I don't have time to spend the extra income.那次升职真是有利有弊,现在我忙得都没时间去花那些多挣的钱。韦氏高阶〔ability〕I have children in my class of very mixed abilities (= different levels of skill or intelligence).我班里孩子们的能力参差不齐。剑桥高阶〔admixture〕The state of being mingled or mixed.混合:被混合的状态美国传统〔background〕The students are drawn from very mixed social backgrounds.这些学生来自多种不同的社会背景。牛津搭配〔base〕Oils may be mixed with a base oil and massaged into the skin.可将油与基底油混合, 通过按摩让皮肤吸收。外研社新世纪〔be mixed up with/in sth〕I knew someone who was mixed up in that corruption scandal.我认识的某个人与那件贪污丑闻有牵连。剑桥高阶〔biofuel〕Biofuels can be mixed with conventional fuels.生物燃料可以与传统燃料混合。外研社新世纪〔bird feed〕Food given to birds, especially dried food of mixed seeds.鸟食:喂鸟的食物,尤指与种子混合的干食物美国传统〔bitok〕A dish made from ground meat mixed with milk, bread, and onions to form patties that are fried and served with a sour-cream sauce.酸奶小馅饼:由加有牛奶、面包和洋葱的碎肉制成的用酸奶油汁炸的小馅饼美国传统〔blessing〕For ordinary Italians, Sunday's news probably amounts to a mixed blessing.对普通的意大利人民来说,星期天的新闻可以说是悲喜交加。柯林斯高阶〔blessing〕Having Richard in your team is rather a mixed blessing.让理查德加入你们队多半是有利也有弊。外研社新世纪〔bowlful〕I had a mixed salad — a huge bowlful for £3.20.我吃了份什锦色拉 —— 是卖3.20英镑的一大碗。柯林斯高阶〔campy〕The result is a mixed bag of campy humour and special effects.结果显然是古怪搞笑的幽默和高科技特技效果的大杂烩。剑桥高阶〔cappuccino〕Espresso coffee mixed or topped with steamed milk or cream.卡普契诺咖啡:混以或加上煮过的牛奶或奶油的浓咖啡美国传统〔caudle〕A warm drink consisting of wine or ale mixed with sugar, eggs, bread, and various spices, sometimes given to ill persons.热饮料:含有葡萄酒或淡啤酒的微热饮品,混有糖、鸡蛋、面包和各种香料,有时给病人饮用美国传统〔colored〕Of mixed racial strains.混血种人的美国传统〔company〕Some jokes are just not appropriate to tell in mixed company (=in a group of both men and women).有些玩笑不适合在男女都有的场合开。朗文当代〔congeal〕The mixed emotion of the masses congealed into an antiwar sentiment.群众的各种感情凝成了反战情绪。英汉大词典〔consolute〕Of or relating to liquid substances that are capable of being mixed in all proportions.会溶质的:能以任何比例相混合的液体物质的或与这些液体物质有关的美国传统〔contingent〕The strong British contingent suffered mixed fortunes.强大的英国代表团运气时好时坏。外研社新世纪〔contraction〕Foods and fluids are mixed in the stomach by its muscular contractions.胃里的食物和液体通过肌肉收缩混合在一起。外研社新世纪〔coppice〕The mixed coppice is an ideal habitat for nesting birds.混生矮林是鸟儿筑巢的理想场所。外研社新世纪〔deal〕He has been mixed up in several shady deals with arms dealers.他卷入了几宗与军火商的地下交易。牛津搭配〔electuary〕A drug mixed with sugar and water or honey into a pasty mass suitable for oral administration.药糖剂:用糖、水或蜂蜜调制成的药糊,适用于口服药美国传统〔elicit〕His appeal elicited mixed reactions.他的呼吁引发了各种各样的反应。外研社新世纪〔end〕The amateur's end impression is one of mixed astonishment and dismay.那位业余爱好者最后的印象是既惊讶又沮丧。英汉大词典〔feeling〕I had mixed feelings about meeting them again.再次遇见他们,我的心情很复杂。牛津搭配〔feeling〕I have mixed feelings on that.我对那件事的感情很复杂。牛津搭配〔feeling〕My parents had mixed feelings (=had both good and bad feelings) about all the changes.对于这一切变故我的父母喜忧参半。朗文当代〔fines herbes〕Finely chopped herbs, specifically parsley, chives, tarragon, and thyme, mixed together and used as a seasoning.细香菜:细致切割的一种混合菜,尤指将欧芹、细香葱、龙蒿和百里香混合在一起并用作调味品美国传统〔fool〕A dessert made of stewed or puréed fruit mixed with cream or custard and served cold.奶油拌水果:一种甜点,由炖水果和冰淇淋或牛奶蛋糊和冰冻混合成美国传统〔fortune〕French clubs had mixed fortunes.法国俱乐部经营情况好坏参半。外研社新世纪〔grease pencil〕A pencil of hard grease mixed with colorings, used especially for marking on glossy or glazed surfaces.油脂铅笔:以硬油脂混以颜料为笔芯的铅笔,尤用于在光滑的或上釉的表面上做记号美国传统〔half-caste〕A person of mixed racial descent.混血儿美国传统〔half-caste〕Of mixed racial descent.混血人后代的美国传统〔hangover〕As a hangover from rationing, they mixed butter and margarine.作为从食物配给时期遗留下来的习惯, 他们把黄油和人造黄油混在一起烹食。外研社新世纪〔heritage〕A third of the country's population is of mixed racial heritage.这个国家三分之一的人口是异族通婚的后代。牛津搭配〔inadequately〕I still feel inadequate, useless and mixed up.我仍然感到自己能力不够,毫无用处,整个儿一团糟。柯林斯高阶〔intermingle〕To mix or become mixed together.混合或使混在一起美国传统〔isolate〕Microbiology To separate (a pure strain) from a mixed bacterial or fungal culture.【微生物学】 使细菌分离:从混合的细菌或真菌培养中分离出(一个纯的品种)美国传统〔lap〕I'll throw this into John's lap, I don't want to be mixed up in it.我将把此事推给约翰去办,我不愿牵连在里面。英汉大词典〔mestizo〕A person of mixed racial ancestry, especially of mixed European and Native American ancestry.梅索蒂斯混血儿:具有混合的种族血统的人,尤指欧洲人与美洲印第安人的混血儿美国传统〔metaphor〕Despite the mixed metaphor, there is some truth in this judgement.尽管有混用的比喻, 这个论断还是有些道理的。外研社新世纪〔mince〕The lamb is minced, mixed with spices, and formed into meatballs. 羊肉被搅碎了,混合着香料做成了肉丸。剑桥高阶〔miscellaneous〕The orchestra offered a mixed program of baroque and contemporary fare.乐队奉献了一台由巴洛克音乐和当代作品混杂而成的节目。美国传统〔mix ... up〕Don't get mixed up with him ——he's a crook.不要跟他厮混,他是个无赖。21世纪英汉〔mix ... up〕I don't want to be mixed up in the affair.我不想卷入此事。21世纪英汉〔mix ... up〕My papers have got all mixed up.我的文件全给弄乱了。21世纪英汉〔mix up〕Any time you told one of them something, they'd swear you'd mixed them up and told the other.每次你告诉他们俩当中一人某件事情时,他们都会发誓说你把他们弄混了,和你说话的是另外那个。柯林斯高阶〔mix up〕You mixed everything up!你把一切都搞乱了!外研社新世纪〔mixed bag〕His performance was a mixed bag.他的表演毁誉参半。韦氏高阶〔mixed bag〕Research on athletes and ordinary human subjects has yielded a mixed bag of results.对运动员和普通人的研究得出的结果不一。外研社新世纪〔mixed bag〕This autumn's collections are a very mixed bag.今年秋装系列风格迥异。外研社新世纪〔mixed bag〕This autumn's collections are a very mixed bag.今年秋装系列风格迥异。柯林斯高阶〔mixed blessing〕Living next to your in-laws can be a mixed blessing.和姻亲做邻居有利有弊。韦氏高阶〔mixed feelings〕I had mixed feelings about leaving home. I was excited but at the same time, I knew I would miss my family.对于离开家我的感情很矛盾。很兴奋,但与此同时,我知道我会想家。剑桥高阶〔mixed feelings〕I'm having mixed feelings about this class.我对这个班有着复杂的情感。韦氏高阶〔mixed up〕At the age of 14, she was mixed up with the wrong crowd and her life was off-track.她14岁时交友不慎, 生活偏离了正轨。外研社新世纪〔mixed up〕I get all mixed up over the money whenever I travel abroad.我每次出国旅行,在钱上面就彻底糊涂了。朗文当代〔mixed up〕I got mixed up with the dates and went on the wrong day.我把日期弄混了,结果去的日子不对。麦克米伦高阶〔mixed up〕I think he's a rather mixed up kid.我认为他是个相当迷茫的孩子。外研社新世纪〔mixed up〕I'm getting mixed up.我越来越感到稀里糊涂。外研社新世纪〔mixed up〕My sense of time was mixed up, I didn't know how long I'd been out of the house.我的时间感搞乱了。我不知道自己在屋外待了多长时间。外研社新世纪〔mixed up〕Somewhere along the line he got mixed up in drugs.不知道何时他染上了毒品。外研社新世纪〔mixed up〕When he left college he got mixed up with the wrong people.离开大学后,他结交了一些不三不四的人。朗文当代〔mixed up〕Why did I ever get mixed up with you?我为什么会和你厮混在一起?外研社新世纪〔mixed〕Having your parents living nearby is a mixed blessing.父母住得近有利也有弊。朗文当代〔mixed〕He watched with mixed emotions.他满怀复杂的心情注视着。朗文当代〔mixed〕His decision got a mixed reaction from the family.对于他的决定,家人有不同反应。韦氏高阶〔mixed〕I came home from the meeting with mixed feelings.会议结束后, 我怀着矛盾的心情回了家。外研社新世纪〔mixed〕I found a very mixed group of individuals some of whom I could relate to and others with whom I had very little in common.我发现这群人各不相同,有些人还合得来,我能够理解,其他那些则和我几乎没有共同之处。柯林斯高阶〔mixed〕I'd rather not talk about it in mixed company.在男女混杂的场合,我不愿意谈论这件事。牛津高阶〔mixed〕It's not the sort of joke you tell in mixed company.这不是那种可以在男女混杂的场合讲的笑话。朗文当代〔mixed〕Lucy goes to a mixed school.露西上一所男女混合学校。麦克米伦高阶〔mixed〕Media coverage of the event was mixed.媒体对这个事件的报道褒贬不一。朗文当代〔mixed〕She has a very mixed group of friends.她的朋友里有各种各样的人。剑桥高阶〔mixed〕Some of his jokes were too rude for mixed company (= a group where both males and females are present).在有男有女的场合下,他的一些笑话就显得太粗俗了。剑桥高阶〔mixed〕The concert was a mixed bag of classical and modern music.那场音乐会是古典音乐和现代音乐的大杂烩。朗文当代〔mixed〕The experiment got mixed results.实验结果有好有坏。韦氏高阶〔mixed〕The film has had mixed reviews from the critics.这部电影得到了评论家们褒贬不一的评价。朗文当代〔mixed〕The play was given a mixed reception by the critics(= some liked it, some did not).剧评人对这出戏的评价毁誉参半。牛津高阶〔mixed〕The weather has been very mixed recently.最近天气总是阴晴不定。牛津高阶〔mixed〕There has been a mixed reaction to the changes.对于那些变化有褒贬不同的反应。剑桥高阶〔mixed〕There has been a very mixed reaction to the decision.对于这个决定的反应非常不一致。柯林斯高阶〔mixed〕They live in a mixed neighborhood.他们生活在一个不同种族混居的街区。韦氏高阶〔mixed〕You will find a mixed community here: families, young, middle-aged.你会发现这是一个人群混杂的社区:有拖家带口的人, 有年轻人, 也有中年人。外研社新世纪〔mix〕Books on Scottish history were mixed up with books on volcanoes.有关苏格兰历史的书籍和有关火山的书籍混在一起了。朗文当代〔mix〕Don't get mixed up in other people's quarrels.不要卷入别人的争吵。21世纪英汉〔mix〕His wife mixed him a hot drink.他妻子为他调制了一杯热饮。21世纪英汉〔mix〕His wife carefully mixed the cement.他妻子小心地调制水泥。外研社新世纪〔mix〕I don't want my son to be mixed up with criminal types like those new friends he has made.我不希望我的儿子同像他新交的那些犯罪分子类朋友鬼混在一起。英汉大词典〔mix〕I must have got the times mixed up .我肯定是把时代弄混了。朗文当代〔mix〕In this room antique and modern furniture have been successfully mixed.在这个房间里,古典家具和现代家具成功地搭配在一起。麦克米伦高阶〔mix〕My papers got all mixed up .我的文件全给弄乱了。朗文当代〔mix〕Radioactive material was mixed in/up (with) the effluent.放射性物质被混入废水中。剑桥高阶〔mix〕She mixed Clarissa a drink.她为克拉丽莎调了杯饮料。外研社新世纪〔mix〕Someone has mixed up all the application forms.有人把申请表都弄乱了。牛津高阶〔mix〕The files are all mixed up.档案全给弄乱了。英汉大词典〔mix〕Those clothes she had bought Rose were looking good, and she had mixed and matched them perfectly.她给罗斯买的那些衣服看起来不错, 而且混搭得很完美。外研社新世纪〔mocha〕A flavoring made of coffee often mixed with chocolate.摩卡巧克力咖啡:一种由咖啡通常混以巧克力的调味品美国传统〔mongrel〕An animal or a plant resulting from various interbreedings, especially a dog of mixed or undetermined breed.杂交动植物:通过杂交生产出来的动植物,尤指杂种狗或非纯种狗美国传统〔move up〕Children learn in mixed ability classes and move up a class each year.孩子们在学生能力参差不齐的班级学习,每年升一级。柯林斯高阶〔multinational〕They are proud of their multinational ancestry and mixed blood.他们为他们多民族的祖先和混血血统而自豪。英汉大词典〔métis〕Often Métis A person of mixed Native American and French-Canadian ancestry. 常作 Métis 混血儿:一个有着美洲人和法国-加拿大人血统的人美国传统〔napalm〕An aluminum soap of various fatty acids that when mixed with gasoline makes a firm jelly used in some bombs and in flamethrowers.汽油胶化剂,纳旁:一种脂肪酸的铝脂肪酸盐,当与汽油混合时做成增稠剂,用于一些燃烧弹和喷火器中美国传统〔nationality〕The pupils are of mixed nationality.这些小学生来自不同的民族。牛津搭配〔nudism〕The belief in or practice of going nude, especially in secluded, sexually mixed groups for reasons of health.裸体主义:信仰或实行裸体,尤指在隐蔽的两性混杂的群体中为了健康的原因美国传统〔optimum〕The substances were mixed in various proportions until an optimum was reached.将不同比例的各种物质混合,最终达到最优状态。韦氏高阶〔order〕I ordered some pasta and a mixed salad.我点了意大利面条和一份什锦色拉。剑桥高阶〔paint〕The solid pigment before it is mixed with a vehicle.未调配的固体涂料:在和展色剂混合之前的固体颜料美国传统〔parentage〕He is of mixed Italian and English parentage.他是意英混血儿。麦克米伦高阶〔paste〕She mixed the flour and water to a smooth paste.她把面和水和成细润的面团。牛津高阶〔peacekeeper〕Russia's record as a peace-keeper is mixed.俄罗斯作为维和国家的记录有好有坏。柯林斯高阶〔pigment〕Pigment is mixed into oil, glue, egg, etc. to make different types of paint.将颜料与油、胶水、鸡蛋等混合,制成各种涂料。剑桥高阶〔pirog〕A large, flat, usually square or rectangular Russian pastry filled with finely chopped meat or cabbage often mixed with chopped hard-boiled eggs.(某种)俄式馅饼:一种大而扁的、常做成正方或长方形的俄罗斯馅饼,用细肉末或白菜和熟鸡蛋碎末做馅美国传统〔piña colada〕A mixed drink made of rum, coconut cream, and unsweetened pineapple juice.果叶朗姆冰酒:用朗姆酒、菠萝汁和椰子汁调和而成的酒美国传统〔pleasure〕He mixed business and pleasure in a perfect and dynamic way.他以互动的方式将工作和娱乐完美地结合起来。柯林斯高阶〔print〕In this living room we've mixed glorious floral prints.在这间客厅,我们粘贴了各种美丽的印花纸。柯林斯高阶〔proportion〕The paint should be mixed in the proportion of one part of paint to two parts of water.涂料应该按一份涂料两份水的比例调合。英汉大词典〔punch〕A beverage of fruit juices and sometimes carbonated water or soda, often spiced and mixed with a wine or liquor base.潘趣洒:一种果汁饮料,有时加碳酸水或苏打水,通常调味后在底部混有葡萄酒或蒸馏酒美国传统〔racially〕We are both children of racially mixed marriages.我们俩都是异族通婚所生的子女。柯林斯高阶〔racial〕They live in a racially mixed area.他们居住在种族混杂的地区。朗文当代〔ratio〕We mixed the oil and water in a ratio of one to five.我们以 1 比 5 的比例混合油和水。牛津搭配〔reaction〕Reaction to the visit is mixed.对这次访问的反应不一。柯林斯高阶〔reaction〕The play met with a mixed reaction from the critics.评论家对这出戏褒贬不一。牛津搭配〔reaction〕There has been a mixed reaction to her appointment as director.对她获任命为主管一事,人们的反应各不相同。牛津高阶〔ready〕The concrete was ready mixed.混凝土是搅拌好的。牛津高阶〔reception〕Crawford's performance met with a mixed reception.观众对克劳福德的表演反应不一麦克米伦高阶〔reception〕The play met with a mixed (hearty, cold) reception.这出戏得到的反应好坏不一(热烈,冷淡)。英汉大词典〔reduce〕The fruit is reduced to a pulp and then mixed with sugar.把水果榨成浆状,然后拌上糖。麦克米伦高阶〔result〕He wrote and directed the movie, to very mixed results.这部电影由他自编自导,最后的效果毁誉参半。牛津搭配〔review〕The book received mixed reviews.对这本书的评论褒贬不一。牛津搭配〔sanguinolent〕Mixed or tinged with blood.含血的:混有或染有血的美国传统〔saponin〕Any of various plant glucosides that form soapy lathers when mixed and agitated with water, used in detergents, foaming agents, and emulsifiers.皂角苷:任一种与水混合时能够产生肥皂沫的植物葡糖苷,被用作除垢剂、发泡剂和乳化剂美国传统〔scramble〕They were scrambled up and mixed up between the two.它们两个被混放在一起搅拌。外研社新世纪〔shake〕A beverage in which the ingredients are mixed by shaking.混合饮料:一种通过晃动从而混合其中成分的饮料美国传统〔shandygaff〕A drink made of beer or ale mixed with ginger beer, ginger ale, or lemonade.香迪盖夫饮料:一种用啤酒或麦酒与姜汁啤酒、姜汁麦酒或柠檬水混合制成饮料美国传统〔side〕I'd like some mixed vegetables on the side.我想要些什锦蔬菜作为配菜。麦克米伦高阶〔signal〕She knew she was sending him mixed signals.有歧义/自相矛盾的信息麦克米伦高阶〔soil〕The top layer of the earth's surface, consisting of rock and mineral particles mixed with organic matter.土壤:地球表面的最表层,由岩石与有机物质混杂在一起的矿物粒构成美国传统〔sour〕A mixed drink made especially with whiskey, lemon or lime juice, sugar, and sometimes soda water.酸味鸡尾酒:尤指威士忌、柠檬或酸橙汁、糖以及有时加苏打水的混合酒美国传统〔strawberry roan〕A horse having reddish hair mixed with white.枣红马:一种红色毛发中杂有白色的马美国传统〔subgum〕A dish of Chinese origin made with mixed vegetables.素什锦:源于中国的一道用蔬菜混合制成的菜美国传统〔success〕I've had mixed success preparing the dish in the microwave.我用微波炉做菜,成功过,也失败过。麦克米伦高阶〔time〕I get the two of them mixed up all the time, they're so similar.我一直把他们俩弄混, 他俩太像了。外研社新世纪〔tour〕There were mixed fortunes for French rugby teams on tour.参加巡回比赛的法国橄榄球队成绩有喜有悲。柯林斯高阶〔twist〕The plot line of the story twists past a curiously mixed group of characters.故事的情节贯穿着一群奇妙地结合起来的人物。英汉大词典〔underbred〕Of mixed breed; not thoroughbred.劣种的:杂交的,非纯种的美国传统〔vermouth〕A sweet or dry wine flavored with aromatic herbs and used chiefly in mixed drinks.味美思酒,苦艾酒:用芳香植物调味的并主要用于混合饮料中的一种甜而不含水的酒美国传统〔when〕When mixed with water the powder forms a smooth paste.和水混合以后,这种粉末会形成均匀的糊状。朗文当代〔wherein〕Adequate housing is possible in developed, mixed economies wherein the interests of the poor have prevailed.在发达的混合经济体中,充足的房源供给是可能的,在那里贫困阶层的利益较有保障。柯林斯高阶〔wintry〕This afternoon we may see some wintry showers (= snow mixed with rain) over higher ground.今天下午高原地区有雨夹雪。剑桥高阶An increasing number of people in the country are of mixed race (= with parents of different races).该国不同种族混血儿越来越多。剑桥国际At the party, everybody mixed together happily. 在聚会中,大家相处一起很开心。译典通Chemical analysis showed that radioactive material was mixed in (with) the effluent.化学分析显示废水中混有放射性物质。剑桥国际He's usually pretty peaceful, but he and that other guy really mixed it up at the bar last night.他一向很安静,但昨晚他却和那个人在酒吧里大打出手。剑桥国际His new book got mixed reviews. 对他的新书的评论毁誉参半。译典通I mixed some peat into the soil before I put the plants into the garden.把植物种在花园里之前,我在土里混入一些腐殖质。剑桥国际I bought a bag of mixed nuts:Brazil nuts, almonds, hazelnuts and cashews.我买了一袋什锦干果,其中有: 巴西果,杏仁,榛果和腰果。剑桥国际I ordered some pasta and a mixed salad.我叫了意大利面条和一份什锦色拉。剑桥国际Metal ores are often found mixed with rock, dirt and clay and are rarely pure enough to be processed straight away.人们找到的金属矿石经常是和岩石、尘土及黏土混在一起的,很少纯净得可以直接进行加工处理。剑桥国际More advertisers are using mixed media to get better results.更多的广告客户采用混合媒体以取得更佳效果。牛津商务Pigment is mixed into oil, glue, egg, vegetable gum or wax to make paint.色素被混入油、胶、鸡蛋、菜胶或蜡中制成颜料。剑桥国际Sentiment about the new CEO was very mixed.人们对新任首席执行官的看法褒贬不一。牛津商务Shareholders gave a mixed response to the offer.股东对这一出价反应不一。牛津商务She mixed up flour and water. 她把面粉和水拌匀。译典通She mixed with the in crowd. 她与时髦阶层交往。译典通She is of mixed Australian and Japanese parentage.她既有澳洲血统又有日本血统。剑桥国际The children are taught in a mixed ability class.这些孩子们在一个水平混合的班级里学习。剑桥国际The plans met with a mixed reaction from the staff.员工对这些计划的反应褒贬不一。牛津商务The site will be redeveloped for mixed residential and business use.这个地方将被改建成商住混合型社区。牛津商务The workmen mixed sand, gravel, and cement to make concrete. 工人们把沙,石子和水泥混和成混凝土。译典通This afternoon we may see some wintry showers (= snow mixed with rain) over higher ground.今天下午高原地区会有雨夹雪。剑桥国际To produce the paper used for printing newspapers, wood chips are mixed with water and ground to a slurry.制造印刷报纸用的纸张需把木片同水混合并磨成浆状。剑桥国际




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