

单词 migrating
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BIG〕Migrating birds cover immense distances every winter. 候鸟每年冬天都要长途跋涉。朗文写作活用〔REACH〕When migrating, birds may attain a height of three thousand metres or more. 鸟在迁移时可飞至3,000米或更高的高度。朗文写作活用〔airstream〕Migrating birds make use of airstreams to assist them on their long journey south.候鸟借助气流完成它们向南方的长途迁徙。剑桥高阶〔anadromous〕Migrating up rivers from the sea to breed in fresh water. Used of fish.溯河产卵的:从海洋向上游到河流中,并在淡水中产卵的。用于指鱼美国传统〔catadromous〕Living in fresh water but migrating to marine waters to breed. Used of fish.因产卵顺流入海的:在淡水中生活但移到海水中产卵繁殖的。用于鱼类美国传统〔catchment〕The river's catchment is a key transit point for migrating birds.这条河的汇水处是候鸟的重要落脚点。外研社新世纪〔fish ladder〕A series of pools arranged like ascending steps at the side of a stream, enabling migrating fish to swim upstream around a dam or other obstruction.鱼道,鱼梯:在水流边上呈上升阶梯状排列的一系列使洄游鱼能绕过水坝或其它障碍物向上游游去的池塘美国传统〔flyway〕A seasonal route followed by birds migrating to and from their breeding areas.候鸟飞行的固定路线:候鸟从繁殖地往返的季节性路线美国传统〔home〕The mudflats offer a winter home to thousands of migrating swans.泥滩成了成千上万迁徙的天鹅越冬的场所。牛津搭配〔homing〕Migrating birds and fish have a strong homing instinct.候鸟和洄游的鱼类有一种很强的归家本能。剑桥高阶〔locust〕Any of numerous grasshoppers of the family Acrididae, often migrating in immense swarms that devour vegetation and crops.蝗虫:蝗科的一种蝗虫,经常大批迁徙,将所到之地所有植物和庄稼吃光美国传统〔migrate between〕Birds are so sensible, migrating between the north and south, according to the weather.鸟是那么神,根据天气在南北两地移栖。21世纪英汉〔migrate〕Migrating to Windows XP shouldn't cause you any problems.改用 Windows XP 不会给你带来任何不便。剑桥高阶〔migrate〕They followed the migrating herds of buffalo across the plains.他们跟随着迁徙的水牛群穿过了大草原。韦氏高阶〔migration〕A group migrating together.移民群,移栖群,洄游鱼群:一起迁移的几个群体美国传统〔migration〕The act or an instance of migrating.迁移,移居:迁移的行为或实例美国传统〔navigate〕Some migrating birds can navigate by the moon (= using the moon as a guide).有些迁徙的鸟类可以借助月亮确定方向。剑桥高阶〔paleness〕Migrating birds filled the pale sky.灰白的天空中满是迁徙的飞鸟。柯林斯高阶〔paradox〕We get this apparent paradox of people migrating to an area that has very high unemployment.我们得出这样一个显然是自相矛盾的结论:人们移民到的是失业率极高的地区。麦克米伦高阶〔sensitivity〕Migrating birds show extreme sensitivity to air currents.迁徙中的鸟对气流极为敏感。牛津搭配〔waterfowl〕The lake is a refuge for migrating waterfowl.这片湖水是迁徙水鸟的避风港。韦氏高阶Migrating birds and fish have a strong homing instinct and return to their place of birth to produce their own young.候鸟和洄游鱼类有一种强烈的归家本能,回到它们的出生地来繁衍后代。剑桥国际Migrating birds flying over the area are shot in large numbers.在这一地区飞行的候鸟大量被枪杀。剑桥国际Migrating birds make use of airstreams to assist them on their long journey south.候鸟利用气流来帮助它们长途飞向南方。剑桥国际In some developing countries more and more people are migrating to urban areas. 在某些发展中的国家,越来越多的人向市区迁移。译典通Newspaper readers are migrating to the Internet.报纸读者正流向互联网。牛津商务We are migrating customers to our new high-speed service.我们将顾客转向我们新的高速服务。牛津商务




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