

单词 mighty
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Anglo-Saxon〕the mighty sea power of the Anglo-Saxons.盎格鲁-撒克逊人强大的海上力量柯林斯高阶〔Anglo-Saxon〕the mighty sea power of the Anglo-Saxons盎格鲁–撒克逊人强大的海上力量外研社新世纪〔Niagara〕a mighty Niagara of sound 大瀑布似的哗哗声英汉大词典〔array〕an array of mighty old trees 一排挺拔的古树英汉大词典〔combat〕the mighty combats between the West and the East东西部之间的激烈斗争外研社新世纪〔confluence〕a big city at the confluence of two mighty rivers 坐落在两条大河汇流处的一座大城市英汉大词典〔dollar〕the mighty dollar 坚挺的美元麦克米伦高阶〔domain〕the mighty king's domain.势力强大的国王的领土柯林斯高阶〔evergreen〕the evergreen foliage of a mighty cedar一棵巨大雪松的常绿叶外研社新世纪〔fling〕a mighty fling that sent the ball sailing through the air使球向空中飞去的有力的一抛外研社新世纪〔keeper〕mighty keepers of men's destiny 人类命运强有力的保护人英汉大词典〔mighty〕mighty difficult 极其困难牛津高阶〔mighty〕mighty fine; mighty tired.See Regional Note at powerful 太好了;极累 参见 powerful美国传统〔mighty〕a mighty accomplishment 巨大成就英汉大词典〔mighty〕a mighty army 强大的军队朗文当代〔mighty〕a mighty blow.重击。牛津同义词〔mighty〕a mighty bridge (river) 大桥(河)英汉大词典〔mighty〕a mighty empire 强大的帝国麦克米伦高阶〔mighty〕a mighty explosion响声巨大的爆炸外研社新世纪〔mighty〕a mighty figure.魁梧的身材。牛津同义词〔mighty〕a mighty impressive sight 令人印象极其深刻的一幕麦克米伦高阶〔mighty〕a mighty nation 强大的国家英汉大词典〔mighty〕a mighty orator; a mighty blow.极具说服力的演说家;猛击美国传统〔mighty〕a mighty stone fortress.巨大的石筑城堡美国传统〔mighty〕a mighty thrust 猛刺英汉大词典〔mighty〕a mighty warrior 威猛的斗士牛津高阶〔mighty〕a mighty warrior力大无比的勇士外研社新世纪〔mighty〕a land marked with vast lakes and mighty rivers.一片拥有大片湖泊和宽广河流的土地柯林斯高阶〔mighty〕a land marked with vast lakes and mighty rivers一片拥有大片湖泊和宽广河流的土地外研社新世纪〔mighty〕driving mighty fast 飞速驾驶牛津高阶〔mighty〕the mighty Chicago skyline壮观的芝加哥天际线外研社新世纪〔mighty〕the mighty Mississippi 浩荡的密西西比河韦氏高阶〔mighty〕the mighty Mississippi river 浩瀚的密西西比河朗文当代〔mighty〕the mighty Mississippi river 浩荡的密西西比河牛津高阶〔mighty〕the mighty River Po 滔滔的波河剑桥高阶〔mighty〕the mighty dollar强势的美元外研社新世纪〔mighty〕the decline of a mighty empire 强大帝国的衰败韦氏高阶〔nearness〕a mighty beech tree on the near side of the little clearing.矗立在林间小块空地近侧的一棵高大的山毛榉树柯林斯高阶〔oak〕a mighty oak 巨大的橡树剑桥高阶〔powerhouse〕the mighty powerhouse that is London伦敦这一极具影响力的城市外研社新世纪〔principality〕the neighbouring principalities to a mighty state 一个强国的毗邻公国英汉大词典〔river〕the mighty River Nile 浩荡的尼罗河牛津搭配〔rushing〕a rushing mighty wind 一股劲风英汉大词典〔thrash〕a magnificent paddle-steamer on the mighty Mississippi, her huge wheel thrashing the muddy water.广阔的密西西比河上行驶着一艘豪华庞大的明轮船,她巨大的轮子拍打着浑浊的河水柯林斯高阶〔water〕the mighty waters rolling evermore 翻滚不息的巨浪英汉大词典〔work〕mighty works 奇迹文馨英汉




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