

单词 low level
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAUSE〕Climate and geography are the underlying reasons for the region's low level of economic development. 气候和地理因素是该地区经济发展水平低下的根本原因。朗文写作活用〔activity〕Economists are concerned by the low level of economic activity.经济学家们为经济不景气而担忧。剑桥高阶〔background〕Sound or radiation present at a relatively constant low level at a specific location.背景音乐,基底:在某个特定的位置以一个相对稳定的低水平表现出来的声音或传播美国传统〔break〕Prices broke far below the previous low levels of the year.价格猛跌到本年先前低水平以下的极低点。英汉大词典〔critically〕Food supplies are at a critically low level.食物供应水平极低。朗文当代〔deposit〕With interest rates at current low levels, cash on deposit will show modest returns.以目前如此低的利率水平, 现金存款只有较少的利息收益。外研社新世纪〔hypoglycemia〕An abnormally low level of glucose in the blood.低血糖症:血液中葡萄糖不正常地低含量美国传统〔implication〕The low level of current investment has serious implications for future economic growth.当前低迷的投资水平会对未来的经济增长产生严重影响。柯林斯高阶〔interfere with sth〕Even a low level of noise interferes with my concentration.甚至很低的噪声也会分散我的注意力。剑桥高阶〔level〕The plane was flying at a very low level.飞机正在超低空飞行。牛津搭配〔level〕There is some danger of low level (= a continuing small amount of) radiation.存在低剂量辐射的危险。剑桥高阶〔low〕Interest rates are now at such a low level.利率现在处于非常低的水平。外研社新世纪〔miserably〕The oil price is now at miserably low levels.现在的油价低得可怜。外研社新世纪〔monitoring〕The heart monitor shows low levels of consciousness.心脏监测器显示患者神志不清。柯林斯高阶〔monitor〕The heart monitor shows low levels of consciousness.心脏监护器显示患者神志不清。外研社新世纪〔primitive〕Anthropology A person belonging to a nonindustrial, often tribal society, especially a society characterized by a low level of economic complexity.【人类学】 原始人:属于非工业化的文化,尤指经济发展状况水平低下的氏族文化的人美国传统〔received〕According to received wisdom, exposure to low level radioactivity is harmless.人们普遍认为,接受少量的辐射对健康无害。剑桥高阶〔reflection〕His low level of performance is no reflection on his general ability.他的不佳表现没有反映出他的正常水平。牛津搭配〔rise〕Low levels of choline in the body can give rise to high blood-pressure.体内胆碱水平过低会引起高血压。柯林斯高阶〔sabotage〕The low levels of production were caused by sabotage of the northern pipeline.生产水平低下的原因是北部管道遭到破坏。牛津搭配〔show〕The dial showed that the pressure had fallen to a dangerously low level.刻度盘显示气压已经下降到了一个非常危险的水平。麦克米伦高阶Low levels of taxation have attracted some big companies to the region.低税收吸引了一些大公司进驻这个地区。牛津商务According to received wisdom, exposure to such low levels of radioactive fall-out is harmless.根据常识,暴露于这么少量的放射性尘埃是无害的。剑桥国际Even a low level of noise interferes with my concentration.甚至很低的噪音也会妨碍我集中精力。剑桥国际Ministers are concerned by the low level of economic activity.部长为低落的经济活力而操心。剑桥国际Secondary trading was at low levels.二板交易行情低迷。牛津商务The (mud / salt) flats (=area of low level ground, often near water) attract large numbers of birds.那低洼沼泽地/盐碱沙洲吸引了大批的鸟儿。剑桥国际The high staff vacancy rate in the industry is partly due to low levels of pay.这个行业较高的职位空缺率部分原因是工资水平太低。牛津商务There is some danger of low level (= a continuing small amount of) radiation.有遭受微量辐射的危险。剑桥国际




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