

单词 me
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔JPEG〕e-mailed me a JPEG of her house.寄给我一个她家房子的影像压缩文件美国传统〔absence〕a bundle of letters which had arrived for me in my absence.我不在期间寄给我的一大堆信件柯林斯高阶〔accrue〕interest and dividends that have accrued to me 我的逐渐累积的利息和红利韦氏高阶〔ace out〕a friend who aced me out of a good job一位从我这里骗去一份好工作的朋友21世纪英汉〔anathema〕ideas that are an anathema to me 让我十分反感的想法韦氏高阶〔attitudinal〕the attitudinal past 表示说话人态度的过去时(指不是用以表示时间而是用于婉语,如: Did you want to see me now?)英汉大词典〔beguile〕a disease that has beguiled me of strength.疾病剥夺了我的力量美国传统〔blamed〕drove so blamed slow that we were late; called me a blamed fool.开得太慢,以致我们迟到了;叫我该死的傻瓜美国传统〔blank〕greeted me with a blank stare.他困惑地看了我一眼,和我打了招呼美国传统〔blow〕blew me to a sumptuous dinner.请我吃了一顿豪华的晚餐美国传统〔bludgeon〕bludgeoned me into testifying against my best friend强迫我作不利于我最好朋友的证词21世纪英汉〔book〕promoters who booked me because I'm a girl因为我是女孩而预雇了我的促销员们外研社新世纪〔bug〕a memory that bugged me for years.一段折磨了我多年的记忆美国传统〔bum〕gave me bum advice; did a bum job of fixing the car.给了我毫无价值的建议;修车修得真差劲美国传统〔burn〕an insult that really made me burn.的确使我恼怒的侮辱美国传统〔clap〕clapped me on the shoulder.轻拍我的肩膀美国传统〔cockamamie〕gave me a cockamamie reason for not going.为不去而给我一个荒谬的理由美国传统〔cold〕a cold audience; a cold response to the new play; a concert that left me cold.缺乏热情的听众;对新剧目的冷淡的反应;没有给我留下印象的音乐会美国传统〔crisscross〕short for Cristcross (me speed) [may Christ's cross (give me success)] Cristcross (me speed) 的简写 [愿基督的十字架(给我以成功)] 美国传统〔dark〕kept me in the dark about their plans.我对他们的计划一无所知美国传统〔dickens〕gave me the dickens for being late.由于来晚了请责备我美国传统〔dig〕dug me in the ribs.用指头戳我的肋骨美国传统〔distasteful〕shot me a distasteful glance.厌恶地瞪了我一眼美国传统〔dub〕when the Prince of Wales dubbed me a knight at Holyrood this summer今年夏天威尔士王子在霍利鲁德册封我为爵士的时候外研社新世纪〔entirely〕a relationship that seems to me to consist entirely of verbal abuse一段在我看来只有辱骂的感情外研社新世纪〔flip〕flipped me the ball; flipped his hair out of his eyes.把球扔给我;撩开挡住眼睛的头发美国传统〔for〕take for granted; mistook me for the librarian.视为当然;把我误认为是图书管理员美国传统〔freeze〕froze me with one look.这一瞥使我感到心寒美国传统〔give〕gave me back my book.把我的书还给我美国传统〔give〕gave me the keys for safekeeping.把钥匙交给我保管美国传统〔guide〕guided me to my seat; 带我到我的座位上去;美国传统〔hail〕told me to stay within hail.呆在招呼得到的地方美国传统〔half〕gave me a half smile.对我似笑非笑美国传统〔hand〕gave me a hand with the bags.帮我拿袋子美国传统〔hit〕tried to hit me up for a loan.试图请求我贷款美国传统〔hook〕let me off the hook with a mild reprimand.温和地责备后便放过了我美国传统〔hound〕hounded me until I agreed to cut my hair.向我喋喋不休直至我同意剪我的头发美国传统〔impulse〕had an impulse to run away; an impulse of regret that made me hesitate; bought a hat on impulse.有一种跑开的冲动;突发的后悔之情令我犹豫不决;心血来潮买了一顶帽子美国传统〔insist〕insisted on giving me a second helping.坚持再给我一次帮助美国传统〔lace〕laced into me for arriving so late.数落我的迟到美国传统〔light〕a sudden light that made me blink.突然而来的光亮让我睁不开眼睛美国传统〔mimic〕birds which he taught me to mimic他教我模仿的那些鸟外研社新世纪〔mystery〕the teacher who initiated me into the mysteries of mathematics 把我引进神秘的数学世界的老师牛津高阶〔oblige〕obliged me by keeping the matter quiet; 通过对事情保密帮了我的忙;美国传统〔ordinary〕ordinary people like you and me 像你我这等普通人牛津高阶〔over〕made me write it ten times over.让我反复写了十次美国传统〔peeps〕just me and my peeps 只有我和我的朋友们韦氏高阶〔pounce〕irregular troops who pounced on the convoy at a narrow pass; a colleague who pounced on me because of a mistake in my report.在狭窄的山隘处突然袭击护送队的非正规部队;因我在报告中所犯的一个错误而猛烈攻击我的一个同事美国传统〔qt.〕told me the story strictly on the q.t.详尽地告诉了我关于这个秘密的情节美国传统〔sharp〕hit me sharp on the brow.用力捶我的额头美国传统〔side〕a photograph with me in the centre and Joe and Ken on each side of me.我居中、乔和肯分别在我两侧的一张照片柯林斯高阶〔side〕a photograph with me in the centre and Joe and Ken on each side of me一张我夹在中间、两边是乔和肯的照片外研社新世纪〔stick by〕friends who stuck by me during the difficult times as Council Leader.在我任议会主席的困难时期一直支持我的朋友们柯林斯高阶〔stick〕stick together in a crowd; stuck with me on the unfamiliar trail.在人群中贴在一块;在不熟悉的山路上与我一起走美国传统〔talk〕talked me into coming; talked their way out of trouble.说服我借着聊天消除忧虑美国传统〔teach〕an accident that taught me a valuable lesson.事故给了我一个有价值的教训美国传统〔under〕nine officers under me at headquarters.在总部职位低于我的九个军官美国传统〔unearthly〕telephoned me at an unearthly hour.在一个反常的时刻打电话给我美国传统〔wall〕tensions that are driving me up the wall.使我心烦意乱的压力美国传统〔whose〕a word whose meaning (= the meaning of which) escapes me 一个我想不起是什么意思的词英汉大词典




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