

单词 molded
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Birkenstock〕A trademark used for a sandal with a molded cork insole.伯肯史托克凉鞋:凉鞋商标,此种凉鞋有模压软木鞋垫美国传统〔Eames chair〕A functional chair, originally of molded plywood, with seat and back pieces shaped to the contours of the human body.埃姆斯椅:一种功能很全的椅子,最初由模制胶合板做成,椅面与靠背部分做成人型的凹凸模样美国传统〔India ink〕A black pigment made from lampblack mixed with a binding agent and molded into cakes or sticks.墨:一种黑色的颜料,由灯的煤烟和粘剂混合制成,并做成块状或条状美国传统〔bead〕A strip of material, usually wood, with one molded edge placed flush against the inner part of a door or window frame.密封条:一片材料(常为木料),磨制过的一边严密地置于门框、窗框内,使门窗打不开美国传统〔brick〕A molded rectangular block of clay baked by the sun or in a kiln until hard and used as a building and paving material.砖块:在太阳下或窑里烘烤变硬的模制长方形黏土砖,用作建房和铺路的材料美国传统〔cake〕A shaped or molded piece, as of soap or ice.块状物:塑成的或模制块状物,如肥皂或冰美国传统〔cheese〕A molded mass of this substance.奶酪团:将此材料用模子制成的块团美国传统〔clay〕She moulded / molded the clay into the shape of a head.她把黏土塑成了头的形状。牛津搭配〔cornice〕A horizontal molded projection that crowns or completes a building or wall.檐口:顶盖或结束某建筑或墙的一种水平的铸造的凸出物美国传统〔croustade〕A molded or hollowed bowllike crust, as of pastry, rice, or bread, used as a serving container for another food.脆皮酥盒:一种用油酥面团、米饭或面包等做成的空心碗状饼皮,用来作为盛放其它食物的器具美国传统〔dampen〕The rice dampened and molded during the summer rains.在夏天雨季大米已受潮发霉。21世纪英汉〔figurine〕A small molded or sculptured figure; a statuette.小雕像:小人像或小塑像;小雕像美国传统〔longhorn〕A variety of Cheddar cheese molded into a long cylinder.切德干酪:制成长圆柱状的切德奶酪美国传统〔marzipan〕A confection made of ground almonds or almond paste, egg whites, and sugar, often molded into decorative shapes.杏仁蛋白软糖:一种由磨成粉的杏仁或杏仁软膏、蛋白、糖制成的糖果,并且通常被做成装饰形状的糖美国传统〔meat loaf〕A mounded or molded dish, usually baked, of ground beef or a combination of various meats and other ingredients.肉糕:用牛肉糜或各种肉和其它成份混合的肉糜堆成或模制的菜肴,通常烤制而成美国传统〔melamine resin〕A thermosetting resin used for molded products, adhesives, and surface coatings.三聚氰铵树脂:一种坚固性树脂,主要用于模塑制品、粘合剂和涂料中美国传统〔molding〕Something that is molded.模铸品:通过制模而成的物品美国传统〔mold〕He molded them into a superb team.他将他们打造成一支非凡的团队。牛津高阶〔mold〕He took a struggling company and molded it into something special.他接手了一家举步维艰的公司,并把它打造得别具特色。韦氏高阶〔mold〕Most statues are molded out of clay or bronze.大部分的雕像由黏土或青铜铸成。文馨英汉〔mold〕She molded wax into candles.她把蜡制成蜡烛。文馨英汉〔mold〕She gave her mother a tiny statue that she molded from clay.她把自己用黏土塑造的小塑像送给了妈妈。韦氏高阶〔mold〕The experience had molded and coloured her whole life.这次经历影响了她的一生。牛津高阶〔mold〕The figure had been molded in clay.这座人像是用黏土塑造的。牛津高阶〔mousse〕A molded dish containing meat, fish, or shellfish combined with whipped cream and gelatin.肉鲜慕思:一种加鲜奶油和果子冻的含肉、鱼或者贝类食品的用模子造成的食品美国传统〔polypropylene〕Any of various thermoplastic resins that are polymers of propylene. They are hard and tough, and are used to make molded articles and fibers.聚丙烯:一种热塑性树脂,它是丙烯的聚合物。它们都很坚硬,而且被用来制造铸造件和纤维美国传统〔polystyrene〕A rigid, clear thermoplastic polymer that can be molded into objects or made into a foam that is used to insulate refrigerators.聚苯乙烯:一种硬而明亮的热塑性聚合物,它能被铸成物件或制成用来给冰箱隔热的一种泡沫美国传统〔scuffed〕Molded plastic is almost indestructible, but scuffs easily.注塑几乎弄不坏,但是容易磨损。柯林斯高阶〔soft〕Easily molded, cut, or worked.柔软的:易于塑造、切割或加工的美国传统〔sprue〕The usually plastic rod or framework that secures molded objects, such as model parts or game pieces, before their first use.铸模:将诸如模型部件或器具零件等模制物体,在第一次使用前固定住的通常为塑料的杆条或框架美国传统〔stereotype〕Printing A metal printing plate cast from a matrix molded from a raised printing surface, such as type.【印刷术】 铅版:由字模铸成的金属印板,由表面凸出的印刷板模制而成,如铅字美国传统〔urea-formaldehyde resin〕Any of various thermosetting resins made by combining urea and formaldehyde and widely used to make molded household and industrial objects.脲甲醛树脂:混合脲及甲醛而得到一种热固树脂,主要用于制作铸模的家用或工业用物品美国传统〔wax〕Something suggestive of wax in being impressionable or readily molded.易于操纵的人或物:易受影响或摆布的似蜡之物美国传统The cheese molded in the damp cellar. 乳酪在潮湿的地下室中长了霉。译典通Western culture has been molded by the Bible. 西方文化的形成受到《圣经》的巨大影响。译典通




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