

单词 minnesota
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Agassiz〕A glacial lake of the Pleistocene epoch extending over present-day northwest Minnesota, northeast North Dakota, southern Manitoba, and southwest Ontario.阿加西湖:更新世冰川湖,湖区覆盖现在的美国明尼苏达州西北部,北达科他州东北部,马尼托巴的南部和安大略的西南部美国传统〔Iowa〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting parts of Iowa and southwest Minnesota, with present-day descendants in Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma.艾奥瓦人:美洲土著居民的一支,过去居住在衣阿华州的部分地区和明尼苏达州的西南,其后裔今天居住在内布拉斯加州,堪萨斯州,和俄克拉荷马州美国传统〔MMPI〕Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory.明尼苏达多重个性测试表美国传统〔Woods〕A lake of southwest Ontario and southwest Manitoba, Canada, and northern Minnesota. It is a popular fishing and resort area.伍兹湖:加拿大安大略和马尼托巴西南一湖泊,位于明尼苏达北部,它是很有名的钓鱼和旅游区美国传统〔Yanktonai〕A division of the Sioux people formerly inhabiting northern Minnesota, now located mainly in North and South Dakota and eastern Montana.扬克托奈人:苏族人的一支,原先居住在北明尼苏达州,现在主要居住在北达科他州和南达科他州和蒙大纳州的东部美国传统〔adoption〕John is a Minnesotan by adoption.约翰是从别处移居明尼苏达的人。英汉大词典〔boy〕The Minnesota farm boy became a national hero.这位来自明尼苏达州的乡下小子成了国家英雄。麦克米伦高阶〔get〕How did they ever get through Minnesota winters? 他们是怎样度过明尼苏达州的冬天的?英汉大词典〔offensively〕The Yankees could not have played worse offensively than they did against Minnesota.纽约扬基队在与明尼苏达队的对阵中, 进攻打得糟得不能再糟了。外研社新世纪〔proselyte〕The efforts of early missionaries to proselyte Minnesota Indians were largely unproductive.使明尼苏达印第安人改宗的早期传教士的努力多半没有结果。21世纪英汉〔regionally〕Many people in Minnesota and Tennessee have noticeable regional accents.明尼苏达州和田纳西州的许多人都有明显的地区口音。柯林斯高阶〔sign〕The Minnesota Vikings signed Herschel Walker from the Dallas Cowboys.明尼苏达维京人队与达拉斯牛仔队的赫舍尔•沃克签约了。外研社新世纪〔sign〕The Minnesota Vikings signed Herschel Walker from the Dallas Cowboys.明尼苏达维京人队签下了来自达拉斯牛仔队的赫舍尔·沃克。柯林斯高阶Iowa and Minnesota were among the few major farm states to log (= have) a decline in income.衣阿华和明尼苏达是收入下降的为数不多的几个农业大州中的两个。剑桥国际Rookie (= new and without much experience) quarterback Harold Matthews led his side to a 20-17 win over the Minnesota Vikings last weekend.上周末初出茅庐的四分卫哈罗德·马修斯带领他的队以20比17胜了明尼苏达海盗队。剑桥国际The Redskins were outplayed (= defeated) by the Minnesota Vikings.印第安人队被明尼苏达海盗队击败。剑桥国际




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