

单词 movie star
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAMOUS〕John Cusack is one of my favourite movie stars. 约翰·丘萨克是我最喜爱的影星之一。朗文写作活用〔SAME〕People often think that movie stars are special in some way, but really they're no different from anybody else. 人们常认为电影明星与众不同,但是其实他们和别人没两样。朗文写作活用〔SELFISH/NOT SELFISH〕Fox plays an egocentric movie star. 福克斯扮演的是一位自私自利的电影明星。朗文写作活用〔TELEVISION/RADIO〕The show, hosted by journalist Robert Elms, features movie stars and singers. 由新闻记者罗伯特·埃尔姆斯主持的这个节目专门报道电影明星和歌星的消息。朗文写作活用〔activity〕There was a flurry of activity as the movie star appeared on the balcony.那名影星在戏院楼座上一露面就引发了一阵骚动。牛津搭配〔bill〕She was billed as the next big movie star.她被说成是下一位电影巨星。韦氏高阶〔cash in on〕The movie star cashed in on his sudden popularity and signed up for several TV plays.这位影星利用他的突然走红,签订了几部电视剧的合同。21世纪英汉〔cheer〕The movie star was warmly cheered as he got on the stage.这位影星登上舞台时受到人们的热烈欢呼。21世纪英汉〔colossally〕She is a colossally popular movie star.她是个非常受欢迎的电影明星。文馨英汉〔column〕So many column inches are devoted to movie stars.如此多的专栏版面都用于对电影明星的报道。牛津搭配〔deceive〕She deceived me by pretending to be a famous movie star.她冒充著名的电影明星来蒙骗我。21世纪英汉〔droid〕She provided the voice of evil droid TC-14 in the movie Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.她在电影《星球大战:幽灵的威胁》中为邪恶机器人TC-14配音。剑桥高阶〔fantasize〕I used to fantasize that my real parents were famous movie stars.我过去常幻想我的亲生父母是著名影星。朗文当代〔fascinate〕The private lives of movie stars never fail to fascinate.电影明星的私生活总让人津津乐道。牛津高阶〔glamour〕Several movie stars were invited to add a touch of glamour to the occasion.几位电影明星被邀请来为该活动增色。牛津搭配〔guest〕Movie star Matt Damon is one of the special guests on tonight's show.影星马特・达蒙是今晚节目的特邀嘉宾之一。牛津搭配〔high off the hog〕Those movie stars live pretty high off the hog.那些影星生活得很奢侈。韦氏高阶〔hound〕Kids rushed up to her like autograph hounds to a movie star.孩子们像索要签名的粉丝冲向电影明星一样一起涌向她。外研社新世纪〔incognito〕Movie stars often prefer to travel incognito.电影明星旅行时常喜欢隐瞒身分。牛津高阶〔make into〕He was the man who made her into a movie star.他就是那个将她打造成电影明星的人。外研社新世纪〔movie star〕She dated several of the big movie stars of the time.当年她曾经跟好几位电影巨星约会。剑桥高阶〔mystique〕There's great mystique attached to/surrounding the life of a movie star.影星的生活笼罩着浓重的神秘色彩。剑桥高阶〔off-camera〕Off-camera the movie star liked to play chess.不拍戏时,那位电影明星喜欢下西洋棋。文馨英汉〔outdistance〕It didn't matter that Ingrid had outdistanced them as a movie star.作为一名影星,英格丽已经远远地超越了她们,但这却无关紧要。柯林斯高阶〔outdistance〕It didn't matter that Ingrid had outdistanced them as a movie star.作为影星英格丽比他们成功得多, 但这不重要。外研社新世纪〔outing〕There have been several outings of well-known movie stars recently.最近曝出好几宗著名电影明星是同性恋的事儿。剑桥高阶〔pneumatic〕The movie stars a pneumatic blonde.这部电影的主角是一位体态婀娜的金发美女。韦氏高阶〔pop up〕She's one of those movie stars who pops up everywhere, on TV, in magazines, on Broadway.她是那种四处露脸的影星,在电视上、杂志上、百老汇,到处可见她的身影。剑桥高阶〔property〕Charisma isn't the exclusive property of movie stars.魅力不是电影明星的独家财产。牛津搭配〔publicity〕The movie stars were married amid a blaze of publicity.这对电影明星的婚事受到大肆报道。牛津搭配〔revel in〕The young movie star revelled in the public's admiration.这位年轻的电影明星沉湎于观众的赞美声中。21世纪英汉〔run〕He was very different from the general run of movie stars.他和一般的电影明星迥然不同。牛津高阶〔rush〕David has been rushing that young movie star for nearly half a year.戴维向那个年轻的电影明星献殷勤已有半年之久。21世纪英汉〔surge〕The fans surged forward to see the movie star.影迷们汹涌地冲奔去看那个影星美国传统〔swarm〕The movie star was swarmed by adoring fans.这位影星被众多粉丝围了起来。韦氏高阶〔thing〕He's the nearest thing to a movie star I've ever met.他是我遇到的最近似电影明星的一位。牛津搭配〔time〕It's a sign of the times when sports stars earn more than movie stars.体育明星收入超过电影明星,这是时代的标志。牛津搭配〔wall〕She covered her walls with pictures of movie stars.她用电影明星的图片贴满了墙壁。牛津搭配He dreamed of becoming a movie star when he was young. 他年轻时向往著成为电影明星。译典通He is ghosting for a movie star. 他在替一位电影明星捉刀。译典通Her wish to become a movie star was finally realised. 她当电影明星的愿望终于实现了。译典通Her wish to become a movie star was finally realized. 她当电影明星的愿望终于实现了。译典通People often try to emulate their favourite pop singers or movie stars.人们常常试图模仿他们最喜欢的流行歌手或电影明星。剑桥国际She had nourished the dream of becoming a movie star. 她曾怀有成为电影明星的梦想。译典通The movie star is a clam about her age. 这影星对她的年龄守口如瓶。译典通The movie star received tons of fan mail. 那位影星收到了许许多多影迷的来信。译典通The audience cheered the movie star as she walked on stage. 电影明星走上舞台时观众向她欢呼。译典通The careers of many movie stars began in situation comedy.许多电影明星的职业生涯开始于情 景喜剧。剑桥国际There's great mystique attached to/surrounding the life of a movie star.影星的生活总笼罩着神秘气氛。剑桥国际They are enthusiastic admirers of that movie star. 他们是那位电影明星的狂热崇拜者。译典通




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