

单词 movie
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔SEX〕a back-street movie theater showing hard-porn movies 放映黄色影片的一家后街电影院朗文写作活用〔action-packed〕an action-packed adventure movie 一部惊险刺激的探险片韦氏高阶〔aficionado〕movie aficionados 电影迷英汉大词典〔bedroom〕the bedroom scenes in the movie 电影中的床上戏牛津高阶〔blackball〕the movie industry blacklisting suspected Communists; 电影业把嫌疑的共产主义党人列入黑名单;美国传统〔blockbuster〕the blockbuster movie 'Jurassic Park'大片《侏罗纪公园》外研社新世纪〔cachet〕a movie director with great artistic cachet 极具艺术声望的电影导演韦氏高阶〔creepy〕a creepy movie 惊悚影片韦氏高阶〔degrade〕a movie that degrades women 侮辱妇女人格的影片朗文当代〔dialogue〕a boring movie full of bad dialog 充满差劲对白的乏味电影朗文当代〔dissipation〕a movie about the dissipation of a famous heir's fortune 讲述名人后嗣挥霍家产故事的电影韦氏高阶〔down-and-out〕a movie about a down-and-out musician living on the streets 一部讲述浪迹街头穷困潦倒的音乐家的电影韦氏高阶〔dull〕a dull movie 一部沉闷的电影朗文当代〔dull〕a pedestrian movie plot; 平淡无奇的电影情节;美国传统〔enamored〕the movie star's enamored fans 对这个电影明星着迷的粉丝韦氏高阶〔fainthearted〕a frightening movie that is not for the fainthearted 不适合胆小者观看的恐怖片韦氏高阶〔forgettable〕a forgettable movie 看了就忘的电影英汉大词典〔garbage〕a garbage movie 糟粕影片英汉大词典〔generation gap〕a movie that is sure to bridge the generation gap 肯定能弥合代沟的一部电影牛津高阶〔goings-on〕the questionable goings-on of some movie stars一些影星不道德的行为外研社新世纪〔gory〕a gory movie 充满流血和暴力镜头的电影牛津高阶〔gory〕a gory horror movie 血腥的恐怖片朗文当代〔haunt〕haunted the movie theaters.经常去电影院美国传统〔heartbreakingly〕a heartbreakingly tragic movie 令人痛心的悲剧影片韦氏高阶〔idiotic〕an idiotic movie 弱智电影韦氏高阶〔indie〕the indie movie Happiness独立电影《幸福》外研社新世纪〔late-night〕a late-night movie 午夜电影牛津高阶〔late〕a late movie 夜场电影英汉大词典〔light〕a light movie 轻松的影片英汉大词典〔location〕an art movie with dozens of exotic locations.在众多异域之地取景的艺术片柯林斯高阶〔look〕a behind-the-scenes look at the movie 对影片幕后情况的一瞥牛津搭配〔moneymaker〕a moneymaking movie 赢利颇丰的电影牛津高阶〔movie〕a movie about two gay teenagers who fall in love 有关两个坠入爱河的同性恋少年的电影朗文当代〔movie〕a movie based on the novel by Betty Munn 根据贝蒂・芒恩的小说拍摄的电影牛津搭配〔movie〕a movie critic/review 电影评论家/评论韦氏高阶〔movie〕a movie house/theater 电影院韦氏高阶〔movie〕a Hollywood movie 好莱坞影片韦氏高阶〔movie〕a science-fiction movie 一部科幻片英汉大词典〔movie〕the movie rights to her autobiography 她所著自传的电影版权牛津搭配〔palace〕a movie palace 豪华影院英汉大词典〔paparazzo〕a movie star surrounded by a swarm of paparazzi 被一大群狗仔队包围的电影明星韦氏高阶〔peace〕a scene in the movie where Harry tries to make peace with his mother 电影里哈里试图与母亲和解的一个场面牛津搭配〔pop〕a pop movie 通俗影片英汉大词典〔premiere〕a movie premiere 电影的首映英汉大词典〔projectionist〕a movie projectionist 电影放映员韦氏高阶〔revival〕be off at some movie revival 去看某部重新上映的旧影片 英汉大词典〔sad〕a movie with a sad ending 结局使人难过的影片韦氏高阶〔screening〕a screening of Spielberg's new movie 斯皮尔伯格的新片上映朗文当代〔send-up〕a hilarious send-up of a Hollywood disaster movie 对好莱坞一部灾难片令人捧腹的嘲弄性模仿朗文当代〔sexy〕a sexy movie 色情电影英汉大词典〔shelf life〕a movie with a short shelf life 上映时间不长的影片韦氏高阶〔slam-bang〕a thriller that proceeds slam-bang to its conclusion; a slam-bang movie car chase.一部恐怖小说草率地发展到结尾;电影中一场卤莽的车辆追逐战美国传统〔split screen〕a movie with several split-screen sequences 一部有几个分画面镜头的电影牛津高阶〔stretch〕a movie of how the mouth muscles stretch and contract during a pout一部关于在噘嘴时嘴部肌肉如何伸缩的影片外研社新世纪〔surrealistic〕the surrealistic way the movie plays with time.影片运用超现实主义手法来戏谑、把玩时间柯林斯高阶〔take〕a new movie that really took off.一部极为卖座的新片美国传统〔teen〕a teen movie starring George Carlin.乔治·卡林主演的青春片柯林斯高阶〔top-grossing〕the top-grossing movie of 2009 *2009 年票房收入最高的影片牛津高阶〔uplifting〕a wonderfully uplifting ending for the movie 电影异常令人振奋的结尾牛津搭配〔wooden〕a movie with wooden dialogue 对白平淡的电影韦氏高阶




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