

单词 moved
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔ahead〕moved the appointment ahead, from Tuesday to Monday.把约会从星期二提前到星期一美国传统〔company〕moved in fast company; is known by the company she keeps.很快成为朋友;被她的同伴知道了美国传统〔cot〕a travel cot(= one that can be moved around easily, used when travelling) 旅行幼儿床牛津高阶〔courage〕an act of personal courage that moved people 感人的个人勇敢行为牛津搭配〔deliberate〕moved at a deliberate pace.See Synonyms at slow 以小心谨慎的步伐移动 参见 slow美国传统〔elfin〕moved across the dimly lit stage with elfin grace.以妖里妖气的步态穿过昏暗的舞台美国传统〔floor〕a resolution moved not by Council, but from the floor 不是由委员会而是由个别成员提议的决议英汉大词典〔foreign〕moved to a strange city. See also Synonyms at extrinsic 搬到一个陌生的城市 参见同义词 extrinsic美国传统〔forward〕moved the appointment forward, from Friday to Thursday.把约定由星期五提前到星期四美国传统〔fraction〕moved a fraction of a step.移了一小步美国传统〔from〕from when we moved in 从我们迁入之时起英汉大词典〔light〕moved the lamp closer to get better light.把灯移近一些可以更亮一点美国传统〔logically〕this is the logical result of a long evolution in which we moved from working by the sweat of our brow and by muscle to industrial work and finally to knowledge work.这是长期进化的必然结果;在这一过程中,我们首先从事汗流浃背的体力劳动,然后是工业劳动,最后发展到脑力劳动。柯林斯高阶〔many〕moved three times in as many years.在三年里搬了三次家美国传统〔move〕moved away from the window.从窗户那移开美国传统〔move〕moved her office; could not move his arm.改变了她的职务;不能移动他的胳膊美国传统〔move〕moved that a vote be taken.提议采取投票表决美国传统〔move〕moved the crowd away.移开人群美国传统〔move〕moved the discussion to other matters.把讨论转向别的话题美国传统〔move〕moved the new merchandise quickly.把新到的货尽快脱手美国传统〔move〕be moved by self-interest 受私利的驱使英汉大词典〔move〕be deeply moved by sb.'s devotion 深为某人的献身精神所感动英汉大词典〔move〕moving up in the company; moved into the lead.在公司里升职;处于领先地位美国传统〔only〕they are not moved by words.他们不会被言辞所打动。美国传统〔portable〕a portable loan/pension(= that can be moved if you change banks, jobs, etc.) 可转移贷款╱养老金牛津高阶〔reading〕a reading lamp/light(= one that can be moved to shine light onto sth that you are reading) 供阅读用的灯牛津高阶〔stick〕moved to the sticks.迁入边远地区美国传统〔troop〕increased troop deployment (=when troops are moved to places where they are needed) 增调军队朗文当代〔upmarket〕a brand that's moved upmarket (=it is trying to attract richer people) 转向高端市场的品牌朗文当代




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