

单词 marked
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔NAME〕a suitcase marked with the initials JR 上面标有首字母JR的旅行箱朗文写作活用〔abstinence〕negotiations marked by the temperance of the participants), 参与各方都很克制的谈判), 美国传统〔adversity〕a period marked by adversities and misfortunes 一个充满灾难与不幸的时期英汉大词典〔arrival〕a frost in the air which marked the arrival of winter 表明入冬的寒冷空气牛津搭配〔boring〕tiresome fatigues because it seems to be interminable or to be marked by unremitting sameness: tiresome 的东西令人厌倦是因为它看起来无穷无尽或毫无变化: 美国传统〔box〕a box marked 'fragile' 标有“易碎品”的箱子牛津搭配〔class〕a community with marked class differences 阶级差别明显的社会麦克米伦高阶〔cubbyhole〕a poet who cannot be placed into an easily marked cubbyhole 不易归入哪个明显流派的诗人英汉大词典〔dead〕was marked as a dead man by the assassin.被暗杀而丧生美国传统〔decay〕wood that had rotted), but it often, likeputrefy, stresses a stage of deterioration marked by offensiveness to the sense of smell: 已经腐烂了的木头), 但正如putrefy, 该词经常强调恶化的阶段,伴有显著的令人作呕的气味: 美国传统〔diction〕a composition marked by elegant phrasing. 用优美的措词写下的作文 美国传统〔emblem〕trucks marked with the company emblem; the emblem of the air force.带有公司标志的大货车;空军的徽章美国传统〔emotivity〕a musical rendition marked by great emotivity 充满感情的音乐演奏英汉大词典〔extremist〕a marked rise in extremist violence.极端暴力事件的显著上升柯林斯高阶〔extremist〕a marked rise in extremist violence极端暴力事件的明显上升外研社新世纪〔felicity〕a style marked by felicities 精妙的文体英汉大词典〔fog〕a climate marked by heavy fogs 以浓雾为特征的气候韦氏高阶〔frailty〕a novel marked by frailty of subject matter 题材空乏的小说英汉大词典〔graduated〕a graduated tube marked in millimetres标有毫米刻度的管子外研社新世纪〔gush〕a poem marked chiefly by gush 以装腔作势为主要特点的一首诗英汉大词典〔impression〕a medal marked with the imprint of a bald eagle; 一块带有秃鹰标记的奖章;美国传统〔improvement〕a marked improvement in her condition 她状况的明显改善朗文当代〔inhibition〕a marked inhibition of cell growth 对细胞增长的显著抑制朗文当代〔insensibility〕marked insensibility to cold 对寒冷明显的没有感觉英汉大词典〔mark up〕a product marked up by 10 percent 涨价10%的产品韦氏高阶〔marked〕a marked difference/improvement 明显的差异╱进步牛津高阶〔marked〕a marked increase in crimes against property侵占财产犯罪的明显增加外研社新世纪〔marked〕a marked increase in profits 利润的显著提高牛津高阶〔marked〕a marked lack of enthusiasm 明显缺乏热情朗文当代〔marked〕a marked man.受监视的人美国传统〔marked〕has a marked limp.See Synonyms at noticeable 有明显的跛足 参见 noticeable美国传统〔mark〕marked a square on the board.在黑板上画出一个正方形美国传统〔mark〕marked by smallpox留下出天花的痕迹21世纪英汉〔mark〕marked off the limits of our property.划分我们财产的界限美国传统〔mark〕marked the furs with their place of origin; 根据这些皮毛的产地为它们作上记号;美国传统〔mark〕marked the spot where the treasure was buried; a career marked for glory.在宝藏的埋藏地作上记号;光荣的经历美国传统〔mark〕a dirt road marked with footprints 留有脚印的泥路 英汉大词典〔mark〕a document marked 'confidential' 标有“机密”字样的文件朗文当代〔mark〕a door that was marked as the way to the toilets一扇标记着通往厕所的门外研社新世纪〔mark〕a life marked by suffering 痛苦的一生牛津高阶〔mark〕a report marked 'Top Secret'一份标记为“最高机密”的报告外研社新世纪〔mark〕be marked out for exhibition 被选送展览英汉大词典〔mark〕gray fur that is marked with stripes.带斑纹的灰色皮毛美国传统〔mark〕scientific discoveries that marked the 20th century标志20世纪的科学发现21世纪英汉〔mark〕the Liverpool defender who marked Lineker负责盯防莱因克尔的利物浦队后卫外研社新世纪〔mark〕the exuberance that marks her writings; marked the occasion with celebrations.她的作品的特点在于丰富;以庆祝活动作为这种场合的特点美国传统〔mark〕wings marked with white lines 有白色条纹的翅膀英汉大词典〔memorial〕a makeshift memorial marked by posters and flowers 以标语和鲜花为标志的临时纪念碑牛津搭配〔mighty〕a land marked with vast lakes and mighty rivers.一片拥有大片湖泊和宽广河流的土地柯林斯高阶〔off〕marked off the playing field by yards.以码来区隔球场美国传统〔off〕take 20 percent off the marked price 按标价减20% 英汉大词典〔perimeter〕the posts that marked the camp's perimeter标示营地边界的柱子外研社新世纪〔private〕a letter marked “Private” 标明“亲启”(或“保密”)的信英汉大词典〔remuneration〕the continuing marked increase in the remuneration of the company's directors.公司董事薪酬的持续显著增长柯林斯高阶〔ring〕ring in marked cards on one's opponents 暗中换进做有记号的牌欺骗对手英汉大词典〔rose〕roses That which is marked by favor, success, or ease of execution: roses 容易的工作,安全的境地:以恩惠、成功或容易执行为特点的东西:美国传统〔sender〕a package marked ' return to sender ' 标有“退回寄件人”字样的包裹朗文当代〔shift〕a marked shift (=noticeable change) in attitudes towards women 对女性态度的明显变化朗文当代〔speak〕a marked decline in the standards of written and spoken English in Britain.英国英语写作和口语水平的明显下降柯林斯高阶〔traffic〕a marked increase in air traffic 空中交通的显著增长麦克米伦高阶




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