

单词 mark
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔LINE〕to draw or mark a line on something 在某物表面划出或标出线条朗文写作活用〔MARK〕a mark made by a particular person, thing, or animal 由某人、物或动物留下的印迹朗文写作活用〔MARK〕to make a mark 留下印迹朗文写作活用〔birthday〕an exhibition to mark the artist's 70th birthday 为纪念这位艺术家 70 岁诞辰的展览牛津搭配〔black-and-blue〕a black-and-blue mark on the skin 皮肤上的淤斑英汉大词典〔bleach out〕to bleach out the mark on the handkerchief用漂白剂除掉手帕上的污点21世纪英汉〔bleach〕to bleach out the mark on the tablecloth消除桌布上的污点21世纪英汉〔ceremony〕a special ceremony to mark the opening of the festival 标志节日开始的特别仪式牛津搭配〔correction〕mark corrections on the students' papers 批改学生们的作业英汉大词典〔exam〕to mark an exam 阅卷评分牛津高阶〔exterminate〕termināre [to mark boundaries] from terminus [boundary marker] termināre [划定界限] 源自 terminus [边界指示标] 美国传统〔externally〕protecting the value of the mark both internally and externally.维持马克在国内外的币值柯林斯高阶〔failure〕a failure mark 不及格分数英汉大词典〔fiducial〕a fiducial mark 框标英汉大词典〔float〕a German mark float 德国马克的浮动英汉大词典〔hackle〕a hackle mark (玻璃上的)锯齿纹英汉大词典〔harmonic〕a harmonic mark 泛音记号文馨英汉〔mark out〕to mark out oxen for slaughter挑选要宰杀的公牛21世纪英汉〔mark up〕mark up a manuscript 审校手稿韦氏高阶〔mark〕mark (out) examination papers 阅卷评分英汉大词典〔mark〕mark a new stage in history 标志历史上的一个新阶段 英汉大词典〔mark〕mark an accent on/over a letter 给字母标上重音符号韦氏高阶〔mark〕mark approval with a nod 以点头表示赞许 英汉大词典〔mark〕mark down an appointment in a notebook 在笔记本里记下约会 (日期)英汉大词典〔mark〕mark exam papers 改考卷打分数文馨英汉〔mark〕mark one's clothes with one's initials=mark one's initials on one's clothes 在衣服上写自己姓名的首字母文馨英汉〔mark〕mark one's support for the new policy 表明对新政策的支持英汉大词典〔mark〕a Mark 4 rifle 第四型步枪文馨英汉〔mark〕a mark of good breeding.教养良好的表徵。牛津同义词〔mark〕a mark of gossip 被人讲闲话的人英汉大词典〔mark〕a White House gathering to mark Black History Month庆祝黑人历史月的白宫聚会外研社新世纪〔mark〕a burn mark on the kitchen table 厨房餐桌上的一块烧痕朗文当代〔mark〕a ceremony to mark the 50th anniversary of the end of the war 纪念战争结束 50 周年的庆典牛津高阶〔mark〕a dirty mark 污迹文馨英汉〔mark〕a good mark for geography 地理课的好成绩牛津搭配〔mark〕a horse with a white mark on its head 头上有块白斑的马牛津高阶〔mark〕a mother's mark 胎记英汉大词典〔mark〕a pair of bay horses with a small white mark on their foreheads一对额头上有小白斑的枣红马外研社新世纪〔mark〕a rally to mark the opening of the congress庆祝大会开幕的集会外研社新世纪〔mark〕abilities that mark for success预示个人成功的才干21世纪英汉〔mark〕aim at the mark 针对标的文馨英汉〔mark〕an easy [a soft] mark 易上当者,容易欺骗的对象文馨英汉〔mark〕celebrations to mark Australia Day 澳大利亚国庆节的庆祝活动朗文当代〔mark〕gas mark 5煤气炉5挡外研社新世纪〔mark〕leave a mark on future policy 对未来的政策留下深远影响英汉大词典〔mark〕leave a mark on sb.'s reputation 玷污某人的名声英汉大词典〔mark〕put [make] one's mark on a document 在文件上画押文馨英汉〔mark〕send sb. a gift as a mark of esteem 送某人礼物以表敬意英汉大词典〔mark〕the mark of an old wound 旧伤疤英汉大词典〔mark〕the mark on a box of merchandise 一箱商品上的商标英汉大词典〔mark〕to mark a surface.在某物的表面上留下痕迹。牛津同义词〔mark〕to mark up a manuscript 审校手稿牛津高阶〔mark〕to give sb a high/low mark 给某人高分╱低分牛津高阶〔occasion〕a party to mark the occasion of their daughter's graduation 为庆祝他们女儿毕业而举办的聚会牛津搭配〔overstep〕those who publicly overstep the mark in their desire to have a bit of fun为了找乐子而当众做出越轨行为的人外研社新世纪〔passage〕rituals which mark the passage of the seasons 标志季节更替的仪式牛津搭配〔passing〕a passing mark (grade) 及格分数英汉大词典〔post〕corner posts(= that mark the corners of a sports field) 运动场的角杆牛津高阶〔rub〕rub away a dirty mark 擦掉污迹英汉大词典the Mark II engine 二型发动机牛津商务




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