

单词 mesh
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔interconnect〕a huge mesh of interconnecting wires.铁丝绞缠的巨网柯林斯高阶〔interconnect〕a huge mesh of interconnecting wires由彼此相连的线组成的巨网外研社新世纪〔mesh〕mesh work and personal life better 使工作和个人生活更好地协调英汉大词典〔mesh〕a mesh fence 网状围栏朗文当代〔mesh〕a mesh handbag 网线袋英汉大词典〔mesh〕a mesh of intersecting lines.纵横交错的线。牛津同义词〔mesh〕a mesh of lies 谎言的罗网英汉大词典〔mesh〕a mesh of narrow streets 纵横交错的小街陋巷英汉大词典〔mesh〕a mesh small enough to exclude tiny insects.网眼小得足以挡住小昆虫的网柯林斯高阶〔mesh〕a mesh small enough to exclude tiny insects网眼小得足以挡住小昆虫的网外研社新世纪〔mesh〕a sieve with a fine/large mesh 细/粗筛孔的滤网剑桥高阶〔mesh〕a wire mesh fence 金属丝网栅剑桥高阶〔mesh〕a wire mesh fence 铁丝网围栏麦克米伦高阶〔mesh〕the mesh of irrigation canals 灌溉网英汉大词典〔mesh〕the mesh of the secret police 秘密警察的罗网英汉大词典〔mesh〕wire mesh over the door of the cage 罩在笼子门上的铁丝网牛津高阶〔wire mesh〕the use of repellents and wire mesh to help prevent destruction of your plants为避免植物被毁坏而使用驱虫剂和铁丝网外研社新世纪




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