

单词 licensed to
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔barrister and solicitor〕An attorney in the common-law provinces of Canada who is licensed to prepare cases and argue them in court.普通法省律师:加拿大普通法省律师,被许可准备案件并在法庭上辩论美国传统〔dental hygienist〕A person trained and licensed to provide preventive dental services, such as cleaning the teeth and taking x-rays, usually in conjunction with a dentist.牙齿卫生师:受过训练并有热照的人,他能提供预防性牙科服务,例如洁齿、照X光等。他们通常和牙科医生合作美国传统〔dentist〕A person who is trained and licensed to practice dentistry.牙科医生:受过训练并获准执业牙医的人美国传统〔doctor〕A person, especially a physician, dentist, or veterinarian, trained in the healing arts and licensed to practice.医生,大夫:受过治疗培训并持执照开业行医的人,尤其用于内科医生、牙医或兽医美国传统〔drill〕BP has been licensed to drill for oil in the area.英国石油公司获准在该地区钻探石油。朗文当代〔licensable〕He was licensed to practice as a doctor.他获得了行医执照。21世纪英汉〔licensed〕She is licensed to fly solo.她已获准单飞。牛津高阶〔licensed〕There were about 250 people on board, about 100 more than the ferry was licensed to carry.渡船上大约有250名乘客,超出了核定载客量约100名。柯林斯高阶〔license〕Are you licensed to carry a firearm? 你有持枪的许可吗?麦克米伦高阶〔license〕I'm licensed to tell you that.我得到许可告知你此事。英汉大词典〔license〕Several companies have been licensed to sell these products.一些公司获得了这些产品的销售许可。剑桥高阶〔license〕The ferry was licensed to carry 150 people.该渡轮核定载客150人。外研社新世纪〔license〕The restaurant has now been licensed to sell liquor.这家餐馆已经得到了经营酒类的许可证。韦氏高阶〔license〕The shop is not licensed to sell alcoholic drinks.该商店未获准售酒。麦克米伦高阶〔license〕These men are licensed to carry firearms.这些人获准携带武器。外研社新世纪〔person〕This vehicle is licensed to carry 4 persons.(= in a notice) 此车准乘 4 人。牛津高阶〔physician〕Abbr. phys.A person licensed to practice medicine; a medical doctor.缩写 phys.医生:被准予行医的人;医生美国传统〔pilot〕One who operates or is licensed to operate an aircraft in flight.飞行员:在飞行中驾驶或有资格驾驶飞机的人美国传统〔pilot〕One who, though not belonging to a ship's company, is licensed to conduct a ship into and out of port or through dangerous waters.导航员:虽不属于轮船的船员但有资格引导一艘轮船进出港或通过危险水域的人美国传统〔public house〕A place, such as a tavern or bar, that is licensed to sell alcoholic beverages.啤酒屋,酒馆:如客栈或酒吧等获准出售含酒精饮料的地方美国传统〔registered nurse〕A graduate trained nurse who has passed a state registration examination and has been licensed to practice nursing.注册护士:通过了国家注册考试并取得实践护理许可证的正式训练过的毕业生美国传统〔tavern〕An establishment licensed to sell alcoholic beverages to be consumed on the premises.小酒店:允许出售只供在屋里饮用的酒精饮料的小店美国传统〔turf accountant〕A bookmaker licensed to take bets on horse races.赛马经纪人:有赌赛马执照的经纪人美国传统Several companies have been licensed to sell these products.一些公司已被批准销售这些产品。剑桥国际We are licensed to make the toys.我们已获准生产玩具。牛津商务We are fully licensed to deal in debt adjustment and counselling.我们执照齐全,可以经营债务调整及咨询业务。牛津商务




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