

单词 mountain
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔FLAT/NOT FLAT〕rough mountain paths 起伏不平的山路朗文写作活用〔angular〕an angular mountain peak 层峦叠嶂的山峰韦氏高阶〔assail〕assail a difficult mountain ridge 毅然攀登一座地势险峻的山峰英汉大词典〔bald〕a bald mountain top 光秃秃的山顶韦氏高阶〔big〕the highest mountain in the world 世界上最高的山朗文当代〔broken〕the broken spine of a mountain 起伏的山脊英汉大词典〔call〕a tree variously called 'rowan' and 'mountain ash' 一种既称为 rowan 又称为 mountain ash 的树牛津搭配〔castle〕bandits castled on the mountain peak 盘踞在山顶的土匪英汉大词典〔cavernous〕a cavernous mountain 多洞穴的山英汉大词典〔chase〕bear robes, mountain lion hides, and other trophies of the chase熊皮袍子、美洲狮毛皮和其他狩猎战利品外研社新世纪〔claw〕claw one's way to the top of the mountain 奋力爬上山顶英汉大词典〔climber〕a mountain climber 登山运动员朗文当代〔contour〕the contour of a mountain (coastline) 山(海岸线)的轮廊英汉大词典〔daring〕the skill and daring of the mountain climbers 登山者的技能和胆量牛津高阶〔dig〕dig under a mountain 掘入山底文馨英汉〔eastern〕the eastern slopes of the mountain 东山坡牛津高阶〔exceedingly〕an exceedingly high mountain 极高的山英汉大词典〔fastness〕a mountain fastness 山间要塞剑桥高阶〔fast〕a rapid mountain stream; 轻快的山溪;美国传统〔fourth〕the fourth highest mountain 第四高的山韦氏高阶〔goat〕a mountain goat 山羊牛津高阶〔high〕the highest mountain in the Pyrenees比利牛斯山脉的最高峰外研社新世纪〔hut〕a mountain hut 山间小屋剑桥高阶〔invigorating〕the fresh invigorating mountain air 新鲜爽人的山间空气英汉大词典〔ledge〕a ledge on the side of the mountain 山腰上的岩架韦氏高阶〔lower〕the lower slopes of the mountain 山麓的斜坡朗文当代〔magnificent〕magnificent mountain scenery.极其动人的山景。牛津同义词〔mass-produced〕the first mass-produced mountain bike.首款批量生产的山地自行车柯林斯高阶〔milky〕the distant view of mountain ranges, white against a milky blue sky映衬在淡蓝色天空下的白茫茫的山脉远景外研社新世纪〔mountain〕a mountain of a man 巨人英汉大词典〔mountain〕a mountain of facts 大量的事实英汉大词典〔mountain〕a mountain of work 大量的工作牛津高阶〔mountain〕a mountain rescue team (=a group of experienced climbers who help people to safety from a mountain) 山地营救队朗文当代〔mountain〕a lovely little mountain village.怡人的小山村柯林斯高阶〔mountain〕climb a mountain 爬山英汉大词典〔mountain〕overcome a mountain of difficulties 克服重重困难英汉大词典〔mountain〕the highest mountain in Austria 奥地利最高的山朗文当代〔mountain〕the holy mountain of the Lapp community 拉普人居住区的圣山牛津搭配〔murderous〕a murderous mountain path 险峻的山路英汉大词典〔pass〕a narrow, winding mountain pass 狭窄蜿蜒的山道朗文当代〔pastoral〕the pastoral tribes of the mountain 山区的牧人部落英汉大词典〔path〕a steep mountain path 陡峭的山间小路麦克米伦高阶〔precarious〕a precarious mountain trail 危险的山间小路朗文当代〔precipice〕the precipice made by the steep side of the mountain 山的陡侧所形成的峭壁英汉大词典〔pristine〕pristine mountain snow.山上洁白的雪美国传统〔range〕the elk range in the Rocky mountain area 落基山驼鹿分布区 英汉大词典〔refuge〕a monk living in a mountain refuge 住在山间小屋的僧人牛津搭配〔resort〕a mountain resort山间度假胜地外研社新世纪〔retreat〕a mountain retreat山间静修所外研社新世纪〔run〕the run of a mountain range 山脉的走向文馨英汉〔scenery〕beautiful mountain scenery 美丽的山景韦氏高阶〔smother〕to smother the top of the mountain with white clouds山头笼罩在白云之中21世纪英汉〔spring〕a mountain spring 山泉牛津高阶〔spring〕a mountain spring 山泉英汉大词典〔stream〕mountain streams 山涧牛津高阶〔stream〕a mountain stream.山涧柯林斯高阶〔third〕the third highest mountain 第三高的山韦氏高阶〔top〕at the top of a mountain 在山顶文馨英汉〔vicarious〕read about mountain climbing and experienced vicarious thrills.阅读有关爬山的报道而感到间接的激动心情美国传统〔wall〕a mountain wall 山屏英汉大词典




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