

单词 mount up
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-mounted〕Her medical bills mounted up.她的医疗费不断增加。柯林斯高阶〔-mounted〕If you hide away your problems and pretend that they don't exist they will just continue to mount up.如果你把问题藏起来,假装它们不存在,问题只会越积越多。柯林斯高阶〔INCREASE〕She finally had to go back to work to pay the bills that were mounting up. 她最后只得回去工作,以支付不断增加的账单。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕The national debt has mounted up, growing to $1 trillion since Clinton took office. 国债在增多,自克林顿上任后已增至一万亿美元。朗文写作活用〔loss〕Tory losses are mounting up in the south-west.保守党在西南部控制的势力范围越来越小。麦克米伦高阶〔mount up〕Her medical bills mounted up.她的医疗支出不断增加。外研社新世纪〔mount up〕It isn't a good idea to let bills mount up.让账单越积越多可不是个好办法。剑桥高阶〔mount up〕Letters had mounted up while we were on holiday.我们度假期间信件堆积如山。外研社新世纪〔mount up〕My savings are mounting up gradually.我的积蓄在逐渐增加。外研社新世纪〔mount〕At £6 a ticket, the cost quickly mounts up.每张票6英镑,费用一下子就增多了。朗文当代〔mount〕His debts mounted up to millions of dollars.他的债务高达数百万元。英汉大词典〔mount〕His debts mounted up to three million dollars.他的负增加到三百万元。文馨英汉〔mount〕His debts continued to mount up.他的负债继续增加。文馨英汉〔mount〕Meanwhile, my debts were mounting up.同时,我的债务还在不断增加。牛津高阶〔mount〕Pollution is mounting up.污染日益严重。英汉大词典〔mount〕The cost quickly mounts up.费用迅速上升。牛津搭配〔mount〕The costs are beginning to mount up.成本开始增加。麦克米伦高阶〔mount〕The cry of victory mounted up to heaven.胜利的欢呼声响彻云霄。英汉大词典〔mount〕The soldiers mounted up and rode off.士兵们上马扬尘而去。麦克米伦高阶〔unbeknown〕I am appalled that children can mount up debts unbeknown to their parents.让我深感震惊的是,孩子们竟会背着父母欠债累累。柯林斯高阶〔unbeknown〕I am appalled that children can mount up debts unbeknown to their parents.让我深感震惊的是, 孩子们竟会背着父母屡屡欠债。外研社新世纪It isn't a good idea to let bills mount up (= become added together to make a greater amount).使帐单累积起来不好。剑桥国际Meanwhile, my debts were mounting up.同时,我的债务还在不断增加。牛津商务




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