

单词 assignment
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGAIN〕Yet again, you're late turning in your assignment. 你的作业又迟交了。朗文写作活用〔BETTER〕I'm sure you could improve on your assignment if you spent a little more time on it. 如果你稍微多花一点时间的话,我肯定你的作业会做得更好。朗文写作活用〔BOOKS〕The two books you need for the regular assignment are both inexpensive and in paperback. 你平时作业所需的那两本书都很便宜,是平装版的。朗文写作活用〔FORGET〕He was trying to explain the assignment to me but it just went in one ear and out the other. 他想对我说明一下那项任务,可我却是一只耳朵进一只耳朵出。朗文写作活用〔GIVE〕Have you given your English assignment in yet? 你的英语作业交了没有?朗文写作活用〔GIVE〕Teachers will hand back student assignments after the vacation. 老师将于假期过后发还学生的作业。朗文写作活用〔JUDGE〕Our first English assignment was to write a book review. 我们的第一份英文作业是写一篇书评。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕It's taking you a long time to finish that assignment, isn't it? 那份作业要花很长时间才能完成,是吗?朗文写作活用〔Mickey Mouse〕His Mickey Mouse assignments soon bored the students.他布置的那些简单的作业很快就使学生们厌倦了美国传统〔PROBLEM〕The airline doesn't make seat assignments, which can be a hassle for travelers, but it saves money. 这家航空公司不指定座位,这给旅客造成麻烦,但省钱。朗文写作活用〔REMIND/MAKE SB REMEMBER〕I just want to remind you that your assignments must be completed by Friday. 我正要提醒你,你的功课要在星期五之前完成。朗文写作活用〔RIGHT〕Teachers spend many hours correcting students’ assignments. 教师们花许多小时批改学生的作业。朗文写作活用〔STAY〕If Sean failed to complete any of his classwork assignments, he had to stay after school until they were finished. 肖恩如果不能完成课堂作业,就得下课后留在学校把作业做完。朗文写作活用〔WORK HARD〕Stella had obviously put a lot of effort into her assignment, and got a good grade. 斯特拉显然在作业上花了很多工夫,获得了好成绩。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕Bart's first assignment for the newspaper was to report on the French elections. 巴特在报社的第一个任务是报道法国大选。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕I eventually got a teaching assignment at Xibei. 我最终在西北谋到一个教职。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕Robin spent many lunch hours poring over her math assignments. 罗宾用了很多午餐时间仔细阅读她的数学作业。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕She stayed late to complete a class assignment. 她留到很晚以完成课堂作业。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕This is a really tough assignment, and I believe you're the only person who can handle it. 这是个很棘手的任务,我相信你是唯一一个能应付的人。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕We were given some grammar assignments for homework. 我们给布置了一些语法练习作为家庭作业。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕You're a bright girl, and you've got nothing to worry about, as long as you finish all your assignments. 你是个聪明的女孩子,只要完成所有作业就没什么可担心的了。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕I asked Michelle to type up my assignment so I could mail it in today. 我请米歇尔把我的作业打出来,让我今天就可以寄出去。朗文写作活用〔admit〕Rachel admits that she had a hard time understanding the assignment.雷切尔承认她费了很大的劲儿才理解了这项任务。麦克米伦高阶〔afraid〕I'm afraid that I can't accept this assignment.恐怕我不能接受这项任务。麦克米伦高阶〔annuitant〕An officially retired U.S. intelligence officer who is actually still on the government's payroll and is available for assignments.享有特权者:仍领取政府工资并可指派任务的退休美国情报部门官员美国传统〔anticipation〕The use or assignment of funds, especially from a trust fund, before they are legitimately available for use.预支:在合法获得之前使用或分配资金,尤指信托资金美国传统〔appellative〕Of or relating to the assignment of names.命名的:命名的或有关命名的美国传统〔assignment〕An Australian division scheduled for assignment to Greece was ordered to remain in Egypt.原定去希腊执行任务的一支澳大利亚小分队接到命令后继续留在埃及。柯林斯高阶〔assignment〕Both journalists were killed by terrorists while on assignment in the region.两名记者在派往这一地区工作期间被恐怖分子杀害。剑桥高阶〔assignment〕He was informed of his assignment as vice-consul in Liverpool.他被通知他已被选派为利物浦副领事。英汉大词典〔assignment〕He was killed while on assignment abroad.他在国外执行任务时遇害。朗文当代〔assignment〕His first assignment as a reporter was to cover the local election.他做记者的首次任务是去报道当地的选举。麦克米伦高阶〔assignment〕I had set myself a tough assignment.我给自己定了一项艰巨任务。牛津高阶〔assignment〕I have a lot of reading assignments to complete before the end of term.期末前我有大量阅读作业要完成。剑桥高阶〔assignment〕If you refuse this assignment you risk losing your job.如果你拒绝这项任务,就有可能丢掉工作。牛津搭配〔assignment〕Joe's still away on assignment for a Swiss newspaper.在执行任务;受派遣麦克米伦高阶〔assignment〕My assignment was to clean the equipment. = They gave me the assignment of cleaning the equipment.分派给我的任务是清洁设备。韦氏高阶〔assignment〕Please hand in your completed assignments by 30 October.请在10月30日之前把完成的作业交上来。麦克米伦高阶〔assignment〕She asked if she could change her seating assignment.她询问是否能够更换她的指定座位。韦氏高阶〔assignment〕She is in Greece on an assignment for one of the Sunday newspapers.她在希腊为一家星期日报执行一项任务。牛津高阶〔assignment〕She's gone to Italy on a special assignment.她去意大利执行特殊任务。朗文当代〔assignment〕The article discusses the recent assignment of senators to some of the more powerful committees.文章讨论了最近选派参议员去一些影响更大的委员会工作的事宜。韦氏高阶〔assignment〕The assessment for the course involves written assignments and practical tests.这门功课的考核包括书面作业和实际操作考试。柯林斯高阶〔assignment〕The course has heavy reading assignments.这门课程有繁重的阅读作业。外研社新世纪〔assignment〕The judge had to agree on the assignment of points for each part of the competition.裁判只好同意了对竞赛每一阶段分数的分配。麦克米伦高阶〔assignment〕The photographer is on assignment in China at the moment.这位摄影师目前正在中国公干。牛津搭配〔assignment〕The reporter is here on assignment.这个记者到这里来是有采访任务的。韦氏高阶〔assignment〕The reporter is here on an assignment.这个记者到这里来是有采访任务的。韦氏高阶〔assignment〕The reporter's assignment is to interview the candidate.这个记者的任务是采访那位候选人。韦氏高阶〔assignment〕The students handed in their assignments.学生们交了作业。牛津搭配〔assignment〕The students were given a homework assignment.学生们被布置了家庭作业。韦氏高阶〔assignment〕The teacher gave us an assignment on pollution.老师给我们布置了有关污染的作业。牛津搭配〔assignment〕We were given a hard assignment.我们给派去担任艰难的工作。牛津同义词〔assignment〕Why did you take on this assignment if you're so busy? 既然你这么忙,为什么还要承担这项任务?牛津搭配〔assignment〕You will need to complete three written assignments per semester.你每学期要完成三个书面作业。牛津高阶〔assignor〕One that makes an assignment.转让人:作出一转让的人美国传统〔balance〕You can use the balance of the time to finish the assignment.你可以用剩余时间完成作业。麦克米伦高阶〔beg off〕I begged off that assignment.我恳求免除分派的那个任务。21世纪英汉〔blunder〕You should have known that he would blunder his assignment.你本该知道他会把委派给他的工作搞得一团糟的。英汉大词典〔by lottery〕Room assignments are determined by lottery.房间分配由抽签决定。韦氏高阶〔b〕I got a B on my History assignment.我历史作业得了良。麦克米伦高阶〔calculate〕You'll need to calculate how much time the assignment will take.你需要算一算要花多少时间才能完成分配的任务。牛津高阶〔cantonment〕Assignment of troops to temporary quarters.宿营:将部队分派到临时营房中美国传统〔casual〕A soldier temporarily attached to a unit while awaiting permanent assignment.暂编人员,分遣员:暂时编入某一单位等候固定任命的军士美国传统〔characteristically〕Characteristically, he worked hard at the assignment.他一如既往地认真完成分派的任务。柯林斯高阶〔characteristically〕Characteristically, he worked hard at the assignment.像往常一样, 他努力完成任务。外研社新世纪〔city editor〕A newspaper editor responsible for handling local news and reporters' assignments.本地新闻主编:负责处理地方新闻和记者派遣的报纸主编美国传统〔cock-up〕He's made a monumental cock-up of his first assignment.他把自己的第一次任务搞得一团糟。朗文当代〔come off〕He has just come off a difficult assignment.他刚刚结束了一项艰巨任务。21世纪英汉〔compare〕We each did the homework assignment, then compared answers.我们各自完成家庭作业,然后对比答案。韦氏高阶〔complete〕She completed the assignment just as the bell was ringing.她做完作业时正好铃响。英汉大词典〔correct〕I have 30 homework assignments to correct.我有30份家庭作业要阅改。剑桥高阶〔deadline〕A time limit, as for payment of a debt or completion of an assignment.最后期限:时间限制,如对债务的偿还或任务的完成美国传统〔dissect〕Your assignment is to dissect the poem.你的任务是仔细评论这首诗。21世纪英汉〔do sth over〕The teacher told him to do the assignment over.老师让他重做一遍作业。剑桥高阶〔draw〕When he drew the Pacific assignment, he was kidded.他接受任务去太平洋工作是上了当。英汉大词典〔duck soup〕An easily accomplished task or assignment.易如反掌的事:易于完成的工作或任务美国传统〔due date〕The due date for the assignment is Friday.交作业的截止日期是星期五。韦氏高阶〔duty〕He has volunteered for temporary duty assignments in counterterrorist activities.他志愿临时执行反恐活动的任务。牛津搭配〔either〕Nobody in our office wanted the assignment. Me either.我们办公室没人想要那份差事。我也不要。英汉大词典〔elapse〕The assignment must be completed within an overall elapsed time of one week.这项任务总的用时为一周,必须按时完成。朗文当代〔embassy〕The position, function, or assignment of an ambassador.大使:大使的地位、职权或任命美国传统〔essay〕Lunch was the only time she could finish her essay assignment.她只能借午餐时间完成论文作业。牛津搭配〔essay〕Your assignment is to write a 500-word essay on one of Shakespeare's sonnets.你们的作业是,就莎士比亚任何一首十四行诗,写一篇500词的短文。韦氏高阶〔etiology〕Assignment of a cause, an origin, or a reason for something.病原的说明:对某起因、起源或原因的陈述美国传统〔failure〕The act or fact of failing to pass a course, a test, or an assignment.不及格:未能通过一门课程、一项考试或一项任务的行为或事实美国传统〔feedback〕Marks and comments on assignments provide feedback to students.给作业的打分和评语向学生们提供反馈。麦克米伦高阶〔forward〕He saw the assignment as a way to forward his career.他把这项任务看作事业发展的途径。牛津高阶〔foul up〕She didn't give the assignment to him for fear of his fouling it up.她唯恐他把事情搞糟就没有把这项任务分派给他。外研社新世纪〔fuss〕He's fussing about his new assignment.他对给他的新任务一直耿耿于怀。韦氏高阶〔fuss〕She accepted the new assignment without making any fuss.她毫无怨言地接受了新任务。韦氏高阶〔get going〕You should get going on that assignment.你应该开始着手那项任务了。韦氏高阶〔get in〕Did you get your assignment in on time? 你按时交作业了吗?韦氏高阶〔get rolling〕You should get rolling on that assignment.你应当开始做那项工作了。韦氏高阶〔get〕It's time you got cracking on that assignment.到了你处理这项任务的时候了。麦克米伦高阶〔give〕All assignments must be given in to your teacher by Friday.星期五之前必须把所有的作业交给你们老师。朗文当代〔give〕She had given the assignment an A.她给这份作业打了个优。牛津高阶〔grade〕She got a failing grade for that assignment.那项作业她的得分不及格。牛津搭配〔grind away〕I'm grinding away at this mundane assignment.我正在埋头完成这个单调的任务。外研社新世纪〔have〕Please have your assignment ready/done/finished/completed by tomorrow.请在明天之前完成你的作业。韦氏高阶〔hostage〕He was taken hostage while on his first foreign assignment as a television journalist.他作为电视记者第一次到国外采访, 便被扣作人质。外研社新世纪〔hostage〕He was taken hostage while on his first foreign assignment as a television journalist.他第一次作为电视记者出国采访时就被扣作人质。柯林斯高阶〔hype〕His assignment is to hype up the crowd.他的任务是给人们鼓劲打气。英汉大词典〔ice〕I had skated on thin ice on many assignments and somehow had, so far, got away with it.我冒着风险执行过很多任务, 到目前为止还算安然无恙。外研社新世纪〔immersion〕Such long-term assignments allowed them total immersion in their subjects.这样的长期任务使他们得以潜心研究自己的课题。外研社新世纪〔in pairs〕The teacher let the students work in pairs on the assignment.老师让学生们两人一组完成作业。韦氏高阶〔incomplete〕She handed in an incomplete assignment.她交了一份没做完的作业。韦氏高阶〔intimately〕I hate to interrupt your intimate conversation but we do have an assignment to discuss.我实在不愿打断你们的私人谈话,但是我们确实有事要谈。柯林斯高阶〔intimate〕I hate to interrupt your intimate conversation but we do have an assignment to discuss.我不愿意打断你们私下的谈话, 但是我们确实有个任务要讨论。外研社新世纪〔involved〕The time and work involved in completing such an assignment are worthwhile.完成这样一项任务投入的时间和工作都是值得的。外研社新世纪〔involved〕We believe the time and hard work involved in completing such an assignment are worthwhile.我们认为完成这项任务所必须付出的时间与辛苦都是值得的。柯林斯高阶〔jammy〕It was a jammy assignment - more of a holiday really.这是项很容易的任务——实际上跟休假差不多。剑桥高阶〔kinesics〕The purpose of this research assignment was to evaluate the role of a person's kinesics in an interview situation.这项研究的目的是评估在面试过程中动作神态所起的作用。剑桥高阶〔lapse〕He realized that his attention had lapsed and he hadn't heard the assignment.他意识到他当时走神了且没听到分派的任务美国传统〔lesson〕An assignment or exercise in which something is to be learned.功课:学习某东西的作业或训练美国传统〔monumentally〕It had been a monumental blunder to give him the assignment.当时把这项任务给他是大错特错了。柯林斯高阶〔monumental〕It had been a monumental blunder to give him the assignment.把这个任务交给他是极大的错误。外研社新世纪〔morph〕A phoneme or sequence of phonemes that is assumed to be an allomorph though its assignment to a particular morpheme has not been established.一个音素或一列连续音素,尽管它对于某一特定词素的搭配还未确立,但仍被认为是一语素变体美国传统〔open-and-shut case〕Her first assignment as a lawyer was an open-and-shut case involving a drunk driver.成为律师后,她代理的第一个案子是非常简单的醉驾案。韦氏高阶〔overmatch〕I believe the assignment clearly overmatches my abilities.我认为该项任务明显地超出了我的能力。21世纪英汉〔over〕He lost the computer file and had to do his assignment over.他的计算机文档找不到了,只得再做一遍作业。韦氏高阶〔pack〕He might soon pack up his assignment and return to the United States.他可能很快结束工作回到美国。21世纪英汉〔pair〕The teacher paired students with partners for the assignment.老师把学生分成两人一组完成作业。韦氏高阶〔passable〕He did a passable job with the assignment.他任务完成得还算不错。韦氏高阶〔placement〕Assignment of students to appropriate classes or programs.编班:学生被编排到恰当的班级或学习程序中美国传统〔police reporter〕A newspaper reporter whose assignment is to obtain and cover news in a local police department.警察部门专访记者:新闻记者,其任务是获取和报导地方性警察部门的新闻美国传统〔quota〕A production assignment.分配额:生产配量美国传统〔race〕She is racing against the clock to be sure the assignment is handed in on time.她拼命赶时间,想要按时交作业。韦氏高阶〔reflexive〕In the sentence “We forced ourselves to finish the assignment,” the word “ourselves” is a reflexive pronoun.在We forced ourselves to finish the assignment一句中,ourselves是反身代词。韦氏高阶〔route〕It was a tough assignment, but he went the route.这是件艰巨的任务,但他始终不懈。英汉大词典〔see〕Pete's assignment was hard but he saw it out to the end.要皮特做的事很难,但他坚持把它完成。英汉大词典〔serious〕I'm serious: we expect you to complete the assignment on time. She has posed a serious question that deserves a thoughtful response.我不是在开玩笑:我们希望你能接时完成任务。她提出了一个严肃的问题,应好好思索予以答复美国传统〔shoot〕A photographic assignment or session.拍照:一个照相任务或一次照相美国传统〔skimmed through/over〕She only skimmed through/over the reading assignment.她只是把阅读作业粗略读了一遍。韦氏高阶〔skim〕She only skimmed the reading assignment.她只是把阅读作业粗略读了一遍。韦氏高阶〔special〕He was on special assignment for the government.他曾肩负政府的特殊使命。韦氏高阶〔squad room〕A room in a police station where officers assemble, as for assignment or briefing.集合厅:警察局中下达简令或分配任务的集合厅美国传统〔square〕She has taken on a tough assignment, squared up to it and bulled ahead.她承担了一项艰巨的工作,当仁不让,勇往直前。英汉大词典〔studiously〕They did the homework assignment studiously.他们认真做了作业。韦氏高阶〔suit〕I choose my assignments to suit myself.我根据自己的喜好选任务。牛津高阶〔take on〕We are depending on you to take on this important assignment.我们指望着你来承担这项重要任务。韦氏高阶〔talk〕He tried to talk his way into a different assignment (out of trouble).他试图力陈理由以谋得一项不同的任务(以摆脱麻烦)。英汉大词典〔task force〕A temporary grouping of military units or forces under one commander for the performance of a specific operation or assignment.特种部队:为了执行某一项特殊的行动或任务而被置于一名指挥员指挥下的一组临时混合的军事单位或原来隶属不同军种的部队美国传统〔thing〕Do your assignments first thing in the morning.做作业是你今早的第一件事美国传统〔thing〕I'm sorry my assignment isn't finished. The thing is, I've had a lot of other work this week.对不起,我的任务没完成。主要原因是我这星期有许多其他工作要做。牛津高阶〔throw yourself into〕She threw herself into the assignment with a lot of enthusiasm.她带着极大的热情,全身心投入到任务中。韦氏高阶〔turnaround〕The process of or time needed for performing a task, especially receiving, completing, and returning an assignment.周转时间:完成一项任务的过程或所需时间,尤指接受、完成并提交某一任务美国传统〔undertaking〕A task or an assignment undertaken; a venture.任务;承担的任务;事业美国传统〔used to〕Deborah was used to working on difficult assignments.德博拉已习惯于做艰苦的工作了。麦克米伦高阶〔weekends〕But weekends I usually do my assignments.但是我通常会在周末做作业。外研社新世纪〔work〕I've been working at my assignment all day.我整天都在做作业。牛津高阶〔write〕Today's homework assignment is to write what you thought of the museum.今天的家庭作业是写你对这个博物馆的看法。韦氏高阶Because of his showiness we cannot trust him with any important assignments. 因为他的浮夸,我们不能将任何重要的任务委任给他。译典通He has requested assignment to other duties in the company.他要求在公司里担任其他职务。牛津商务He is responsible for the assignment of jobs. 他负责分派工作。译典通He transferred the policy to the bank under an assignment clause.他根据转让条款将保险单转让给银行。牛津商务Her assignment was to collect forensic evidence for the investigation.她的任务是为这项调查搜集法医证据。剑桥国际I have a lot of reading assignments to complete before the end of term.本学期结束之前我有大量阅读作业需完成。剑桥国际I was on assignment in Germany.我获派驻德国。牛津商务I wasn't in the country much during the seventies. I spent that decade travelling abroad on various assignments. 70 年代我难得在国内,那10 年我担负众多任务在国外旅行。剑桥国际It was a jammy assignment -- more of a holiday really.这是一项非常容易的任务----其实还不如说是一个假日。剑桥国际She gladly accepted the assignment. 她高兴地接下任务。译典通She has been given a tough assignment.给她分派了一个困难的任务。牛津商务She was wrestling with assignments in mathematics. 她在苦苦对付数学作业。译典通The assignment of (=decision on who to) blame for the disaster is impossible without more information.没有进一步的材料,要追究这次灾难是谁的过失是不可能的。剑桥国际The English assignment is a book report. 英语课外作业是写一份读书报告。译典通The journalist was killed by terrorists whilst on assignment (=doing a job) in Colombia.这位记者在哥伦比亚执行任务时被恐怖分子杀害。剑桥国际The project started out as a fairly routine assignment.项目开始时简直就是一件例行工作。牛津商务Their teacher allowed them three days for the assignment. 他们的老师给他们三天时间完成作业。译典通




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