

单词 meter
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTENTION〕Plummer said she plans to continue her concentration on the 3,000 meter race. 普卢默说,她打算继续专攻3,000米的长跑比赛。朗文写作活用〔AVAILABLE/NOT AVAILABLE〕I need 50 cents for the parking meter - do you have any spare change? 我需要50美分付停车费—你有多余的零钱吗?朗文写作活用〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕I don't have enough change on me for the parking meter. 我身上没有足够的零钱付停车费。朗文写作活用〔MEASURE〕Someone came to read the electricity meter this morning. 今天早上有人来抄过电表了。朗文写作活用〔MEASURE〕The electricity meter reading was much higher than I'd expected. 电表上的读数比我估计的要高出许多。朗文写作活用〔MEASURE〕The gas is metered and they send you a bill every three months. 所用的煤气量经计量后,他们每三个月给你寄一张账单。朗文写作活用〔MEASURE〕They've introduced a system of metering the amount of water used in a household. 他们采用了一套计量家用自来水使用量的方法。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕The next race on today's program is the women's 1000 meters. 根据今天的赛程安排,下一个项目是女子1,000米赛跑。朗文写作活用〔Sapphic〕A Sapphic meter, verse, stanza, or ode.萨福体音步、诗行、诗节或长诗美国传统〔Sapphic〕Of, relating to, or being a verse, stanza, or poem in accentual meter composed in imitation of Sapphic quantitative verse.模储备萨福诗体的:模仿萨福音量音节的诗行、诗节或诗的美国传统〔absolute humidity〕The amount of water vapor present in a unit volume of air, usually expressed in kilograms per cubic meter.绝对湿度:单位大气中水汽的含量,通常用千克/每立方米表示美国传统〔alexandrine〕Characterized by or composed in either of these meters.亚历山大格式诗歌的:用这种韵格写成的或以这种韵格为特征的美国传统〔anacrusis〕One or more unstressed syllables at the beginning of a line of verse, before the reckoning of the normal meter begins.非重读音节:诗句音步开始前句首的一个或多个非重读音节美国传统〔another〕He walked another hundred meters.他又走了一百公尺。文馨英汉〔back off〕They request that you back off 100 meters to the south.他们要求你向南后退100米。21世纪英汉〔beat〕The measured, rhythmical sound of verse; meter.韵律:诗的节奏,韵律;音步美国传统〔below〕The diver descended below 25 meters.潜水员潜到了水下25米。韦氏高阶〔billing〕The two companies cooperate in meter reading, billing and collection of accounts.这两家公司在抄表、开账单和收账方面进行合作。英汉大词典〔bolero〕A Spanish dance in triple meter.博莱罗舞:一种三拍的西班牙舞美国传统〔carriable〕This rifle carries nearly 200 meters.这种步枪的射程近200米。21世纪英汉〔come〕I've come to read the gas meter.我是来抄煤气表的。剑桥高阶〔couplet〕A unit of verse consisting of two successive lines, usually rhyming and having the same meter and often forming a complete thought or syntactic unit.双句:包括两个相连的诗行的一种诗的单位,通常压韵并具有同样的格律,经常组成一个完整的意思和句法单位美国传统〔cut time〕Duple or quadruple meter with the half note being the unit of time.二二拍:每拍用二分音符表示的二拍子或四拍子美国传统〔diopter〕A unit of measurement of the refractive power of lenses equal to the reciprocal of the focal length measured in meters.屈光度:透镜或棱镜折光率的一种量度,等于以米计算焦距之倒数美国传统〔dive to〕The whale dived to a depth of 300 meters.那条鲸潜至水下300米深处。21世纪英汉〔embedded system〕Vending machines, turnstiles and meters will come with embedded systems that will communicate with big computers over the web. 自动售货机、检票口和汽车停放计时器都装有嵌入式系统,通过网络跟大型计算机交流。剑桥高阶〔exactly〕Each corner had a guard tower, each of which was exactly ten meters in height.每个角落都有一座警戒塔,每座警戒塔正好10米高。柯林斯高阶〔feed〕He fed coins into the meter.他把硬币投入停车计时收费器。牛津高阶〔feed〕He fed the meter with coins.他把硬币投入停车计时收费器。牛津高阶〔feed〕I fed the parking meter with my remaining change.我把剩下的零钱投进了停车收费器。麦克米伦高阶〔feed〕Shelton fed the electricity meter .谢尔顿往预付费电度表里投币。朗文当代〔freestyle〕She won the 100 meters freestyle.她在一百公尺自由式中夺魁。文馨英汉〔girth〕The tree is about two meters in girth.这棵树的干围大约两米。韦氏高阶〔given〕Given that the radius is 5 meters, find the circumference.假定半径为五公尺,试求其圆周。文馨英汉〔idle〕The taxi hummed in the road, motor idling, meter ticking over.那辆出租车在路上嗡嗡地响着,发动机空转着,里程表空走着。麦克米伦高阶〔indicatable〕The meter indicates the speed to be 45 miles per hour.仪表指示出速度是每小时45英里。21世纪英汉〔lead〕He had a lead of three meters in the race.他在赛跑中领先三公尺。文馨英汉〔length〕The adult animals reach a maximum length of two meters.这种动物成年时身长最长可达两米。韦氏高阶〔low water〕The seabed above it is twenty-three meters deep at low water.它上面的海床在落潮时有23米深。外研社新世纪〔maladjusted〕Motorists are penalised as maladjusted parking meters expire ahead of time.由于停车计时器失调导致停车时间提前到点, 吃亏的是司机。外研社新世纪〔march〕Music A composition in regularly accented, usually duple meter that is appropriate to accompany marching.【音乐】 进行曲:一种有规则节拍适于作行军伴奏的音乐,通常为两拍美国传统〔measured〕Written in meter.有格律的:按韵律写的美国传统〔measure〕Poetic meter.(诗的)韵律,音步美国传统〔measure〕The meter is a measure of length.米是长度单位。韦氏高阶〔measure〕The cloth measures 3 meters.这块布有3米长。韦氏高阶〔medal〕He won a gold medal in the 100 metres / meters.他在 100 米赛跑中获得了金牌。牛津搭配〔meter-kilogram-second〕Of, relating to, or being a system of units for mechanics, using the meter, the kilogram, and the second as basic units of length, mass, and time.米千克秒单位制的:属于、关于或作为力学单位制的,以米、千克和秒作为测量长度、质量和时间的基本单位美国传统〔meter〕Metered taxis are relatively inexpensive.打表计价的出租车相对便宜。柯林斯高阶〔meter〕Metered taxis are relatively inexpensive.打表计费的出租车相对便宜。外研社新世纪〔meter〕A man came to read the meter (= see how much gas had been used).有人来抄表了。剑桥高阶〔meter〕A man came to read the electricity meter .有个男的来抄电表。朗文当代〔meter〕A man came to read the gas meter.有个男子来查过煤气表。牛津高阶〔meter〕A parking meter.停车计时器,停车收费器美国传统〔meter〕A postage meter.邮资机美国传统〔meter〕All our water is metered now.现在我们的用水都通过仪表计量。朗文当代〔meter〕Britain's water companies are planning to meter water consumption.英国的自来水公司正计划计量水的用量。剑桥高阶〔meter〕He was there to read the electricity meter.他到那里抄电表。外研社新世纪〔meter〕He was there to read the electricity meter.他到那里抄电表。柯林斯高阶〔meter〕I forgot to feed the meter.我忘了给表充钱了。牛津搭配〔meter〕Only a third of these households thought it reasonable to meter water.只有三分之一的住户认为按水表收水费合理。外研社新世纪〔meter〕Only a third of these households thought it reasonable to meter water.这些家庭当中只有三分之一认为用水表计量是合理的。柯林斯高阶〔meter〕Someone came to read the gas and electricity meters.有人来查瓦斯表和电表。文馨英汉〔meter〕The cab driver left the meter running while I helped Mum to her front door.我扶妈妈下车走到前门口这段时间,出租车司机一直开着计价器。剑桥高阶〔meter〕The cab driver left the meter running while he waited for us.在等我们的时候,出租车司机让计程表继续走字。牛津高阶〔meter〕The electricity meter is in the basement.电表在地下室。剑桥高阶〔meter〕The electricity company will send an employee to read your meter.电力公司会派雇员去你那儿抄表。牛津搭配〔meter〕The mail was metered and dispatched.邮件盖上邮戳发出去了。外研社新世纪〔meter〕The taxi driver kept the meter running.出租车司机让计价器一直走。牛津搭配〔meter〕The taxi driver left the meter running while I ran in to pick up my bags.我跑进去拿包时,出租车司机让计价器继续走字。朗文当代〔meter〕The taxi waited, the meter ticking away.出租车在等候,计价器嘀嗒嘀嗒地走着。牛津搭配〔meter〕They have the right to come in and inspect the meter.他们有权进来查表。柯林斯高阶〔meter〕They have the right to come in and inspect the meter.他们有权进来检查计量表。外研社新世纪〔meter〕Water is metered and charged for.自来水是用水表计量收费的。英汉大词典〔meter〕You'll need some change for the parking meter.你需要些零钱付计时停车费。剑桥高阶〔metric〕Poetic meter.诗体,韵文,诗韵美国传统〔nit〕A unit of illuminative brightness equal to one candle per square meter, measured perpendicular to the rays of the source.尼特:照明亮度单位,相当于每平方米烛光。与光源发出的光垂直来测量美国传统〔pace ... off〕He paced off five meters, and then made a mark.他用步子量出其中五米,然后做了一个记号。21世纪英汉〔pace out〕We paced out one hundered meters and then begin to have a race.我们步测出 100 米以后,便开始百米赛跑。21世纪英汉〔pace〕We paced off the distance and found it to be 200 meters.我们用步子量了一下这段距离,发现是 200 米。21世纪英汉〔pada〕A unit of Sanskrit poetic meter consisting of a series of light and heavy syllables in any of various set combinations.句脚,句足:梵文诗歌音步的单位,由多种不同固定组合中的轻重音节系列组成美国传统〔penetrate to〕Their keen eyes can penetrate water to a depth of four meters.他们目光敏锐,能够看到水深4米处。21世纪英汉〔polka〕Music for this dance, having duple meter.波尔卡舞曲:这种舞蹈的音乐,采用二拍的节奏美国传统〔polonaise〕Music for or in the style of this dance, having triple meter.波洛奈兹舞曲:为这种舞蹈而配的音乐或带这种风格的四三拍音乐美国传统〔prose〕Roman Catholic Church A hymn of irregular meter sung after the gradual.【罗马天主教】 (天主教)圣歌:弥撒开阶歌后唱的圣歌美国传统〔ran〕I will run you 10,000 meters.我将与你作万米赛跑。21世纪英汉〔reading〕Meter readings are taken every three months.每三个月查一次表。牛津高阶〔reading〕Meter readings are taken once a month.每月查表一次。韦氏高阶〔read〕A man came to read the gas meter.一个男子来查了煤气表。牛津高阶〔read〕Someone reads the water meter once a month.每月有专人查水表。韦氏高阶〔read〕Someone should be coming to read the gas meter.有人会来查煤气表。朗文当代〔read〕What does the gas meter read?煤气表上的读数是多少?21世纪英汉〔read〕When officials like gas and electricity men call to read the meter, ask for identification.当有燃气或电力公司的职员来抄表时,要请他们出示身份证件。柯林斯高阶〔reset〕They reset the gas meter.他们将煤气表拨回到“0”位。21世纪英汉〔rhyme〕They're learning about meter and rhyme.他们在学习诗歌的格律和韵脚。韦氏高阶〔silver〕I need £2 in silver for the parking meter.我需要在停车收费器里投 2 英镑银币。牛津高阶〔small〕I didn't have any small change for the parking meter.我没有零钱投停车收费表。朗文当代〔smog〕Black smog reduced visibility to about 50 meters.黑色的烟雾将能见度减到大约50公尺。文馨英汉〔sound〕Sound travels through the air at a speed of about 344 meters a second.声音大约以每秒344公尺的速度,在空气中传播。文馨英汉〔span〕The eagle has a wing span of one and a half meters.那只鹰翼幅有一公尺半。文馨英汉〔stanza〕One of the divisions of a poem, composed of two or more lines usually characterized by a common pattern of meter, rhyme, and number of lines.诗节:诗中由两行或更多行构成的一节,通常以有相同音步、节奏和行数为特征美国传统〔stere〕A unit of volume equal to one cubic meter.立方米:与一立方米相等的体积美国传统〔strong〕Stressed or accented in pronunciation or poetic meter. Used of a word or syllable.重读的:在发音或诗韵律重读的。用于一个词或一个音节美国传统〔thick〕The walls are about two meters thick.墙大约两米厚。朗文当代〔thousand〕The sun’s rays can give up to one thousand volts of electrical energy per square meter.太阳的射线能释放出每平方米一千伏的电能。外研社新世纪〔tick〕While we waited the taxi's meter kept ticking away.我们等候时,出租汽车的计程器一直在滴答滴答地走着。牛津高阶〔tow-away〕I couldn't find a parking meter, so I decided to park illegally and risk a tow-away.我找不到停车收费器,所以我决定冒着车子被拖走的危险违章停放。剑桥高阶〔tussle〕The residents of the neighborhood tussled with city hall for years about the broken parking meters.多年来,这一街区的居民与市政府就损毁的停车计费器问题争辩不休。韦氏高阶〔unit〕Feet and meters are units of length.英尺和米是长度单位。韦氏高阶〔usage〕If your water usage is very small it may be worthwhile opting for a meter.要是用水量很小, 可以考虑装一个水表。外研社新世纪〔usage〕If your water usage is very small it may be worthwhile opting for a meter.要是用水量很小,就可以考虑装一个水表。柯林斯高阶〔volume〕The box has a volume of three cubic meters.这个箱子的容积为三立方米。韦氏高阶〔weak〕Unstressed or unaccented in pronunciation or poetic meter. Used of a word or syllable.非重读的:在发音或诗节中不重读的。用于一个词或音节美国传统〔zero〕Make sure the meter is level and zeroed.一定要把仪表放平,而且调到“0”。麦克米伦高阶〔zero〕Set the meter at zero.把计量表调到零。麦克米伦高阶A meter is equivalent to 39.37 inches. 一米相当于三十九点三七英寸。译典通Britain's water companies are planning to meter water consumption.英国的供水公司计划计量用水量。剑桥国际He broke the record for the one-hundred meter dash. 他打破了百米赛跑纪录。译典通He clocked 9.6 seconds in the 100 meters. 他用9.6秒跑完100米。译典通I asked the taxi driver to switch on the meter.我要求出租车司机打开计程器。剑桥国际I was late for work, and couldn't find a parking meter, so I decided to park illegally and risk a tow-away.我上班迟到了,找不到一个汽车停放收费计,所以我决定冒车子被拖走的危险,违章停放。剑桥国际I've come to read the gas meter.我是来抄煤气表的。剑桥国际If you park in the centre of town, you'll need some change for the parking meter.如果你在城镇中心停车,你需要准备一些零钱以便使用汽车停放计时器。剑桥国际It is a mere 100 meter from my house to the theater. 从我家到剧场只有一百公尺。译典通One hundred centimeters make one meter. 一百公分等于一公尺。译典通One yard is nearly a meter in length. 一码约等于一公尺长。译典通She stands out in the crowd, for she is two meters in height. 她在人群中显得很突出,因为她身高两公尺。译典通That little dial on the meter shows you how many units of electricity you've used.那个表上小标度盘告诉你已用了多少度电。剑桥国际The meter needs to be carefully calibrated before any measurements are made.仪表在作任何测量前必须仔细校准。剑桥国际The athlete is able to jump two meters. 这位运动员能跳两米高。译典通The blue whale grows to over 30 meters long. 蓝鲸可以长到三十多米长。译典通The cab driver left the meter running while he waited for us.出租车司机在等我们的时候,计价器一直开着。牛津商务The electric and gas meters are housed in (= are in) this cupboard.电表和煤气表藏于这个壁橱内。剑桥国际The electricity meter is in the cupboard under the stairs.电表在楼梯下的橱里。剑桥国际The first round of the 200 meters was a cakewalk for Carl Lewis.对卡尔·刘易斯而言,200米赛跑第一轮是轻而易举的事情。剑桥国际The gas meter reads 50. 瓦斯表的读数是五十。译典通The interval between the two posts measures thirty meters. 那两根柱间的距离为三十米。译典通The man from the gas board came to read the meter (= see how much gas had been used).从煤气所的人来查看计气表。剑桥国际The overall length of the new bridge is 2,000 meters. 新桥全长两千米。译典通The passage is only one meter in the clear. 这过道内宽仅为一米。译典通The trunk of this tree is four meters thick. 这棵树的树干有四米粗。译典通The village is 1,000 meters above sea level. 这村子海拔一千公尺。译典通They read the meter once a quarter.他们每季度抄一次表。剑桥国际This house has ten rooms with a floor space of 200 square meters. 这栋房子有十间房间,楼面面积为二百平方公尺。译典通Three-fourths meter is waltz time. 三/四拍是华尔滋曲的节拍。译典通Water is metered and charged for. 自来水是用水表计量收费的。译典通We had the meter read before we moved house.搬家前我们叫他们把表抄了。剑桥国际




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