

单词 lunar
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔eclipse〕a total lunar eclipse 月全食牛津搭配〔eclipse〕a total/partial lunar eclipse 月全食;月偏食韦氏高阶〔eclipse〕the total lunar eclipse.月全食柯林斯高阶〔impact〕meteorites impacting the lunar surface.陨石撞击月球表面美国传统〔lander〕a lunar lander 月球登陆宇航员英汉大词典〔landing〕the first successful lunar landing 首次成功登月着陆牛津搭配〔lunar〕lunar soil 月球土壤英汉大词典〔lunar〕a lunar eclipse 月蚀朗文当代〔lunar〕a lunar eclipse 月食韦氏高阶〔lunar〕a lunar eclipse 月食麦克米伦高阶〔lunar〕a lunar eclipse/landscape 月蚀;月球的地貌牛津高阶〔lunar〕a lunar landing 登月英汉大词典〔lunar〕a lunar probe 月球探测器英汉大词典〔lunar〕a lunar space station月球空间站外研社新世纪〔lunar〕a lunar vehicle 月球飞行器英汉大词典〔lunar〕a magazine article celebrating the anniversary of man's first lunar landing.一篇庆祝人类首次登月周年纪念的杂志文章柯林斯高阶〔lunar〕a magazine article celebrating the anniversary of man's first lunar landing杂志上一篇庆祝人类首次登月周年纪念的文章外研社新世纪〔lunar〕studies of the lunar surface 对月球表面的研究朗文当代〔lunar〕the Lunar New Year 阴历新年英汉大词典〔lunar〕the lunar bone 月骨英汉大词典〔lunar〕the lunar calendar 阴历英汉大词典〔lunar〕the lunar surface 月球的表面剑桥高阶〔lunar〕the lunar surface 月球表面文馨英汉〔lunar〕the lunar surface 月球表面韦氏高阶〔manned〕a manned spacecraft; several manned lunar landings.载人宇宙飞船;几个人类策划的登月计划美国传统〔map〕a lunar map月面图外研社新世纪〔module〕a lunar landing module 登月舱剑桥高阶〔module〕the lunar module 登月舱牛津高阶〔nutation〕lunar nutation 月球章动英汉大词典〔occultation〕a lunar occultation of a quasar.类星体的月星掩测定美国传统〔orbiter〕a lunar orbiter 环月飞行器韦氏高阶〔savant〕the opinion of savants on the composition of the lunar surface.专家对于月球表面构造的见解柯林斯高阶〔undock〕undock the lunar module from the command module 使登月舱脱开指挥舱英汉大词典〔up〕up from the lunar surface.在月球表面上方美国传统




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