

单词 monitors
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LINE〕Fans who couldn't get into the stadium watched the match on banks of TV monitors outside. 无法进入体育场的球迷就在场外一排排的电视监视上观看比赛。朗文写作活用〔antilock〕Of or being a motor vehicle braking system that electronically monitors and adjusts individual wheel speeds during braking to prevent the wheels from locking.防锁的,抗锁的:汽车刹车系统的或是汽车刹车系统的,刹车时该系统电子监控和调整每个车轮的速度以防止车轮被锁美国传统〔arrival〕Check the airport monitors for arrivals and departures.检查一下机场监控器,看看到港和出发的航班。麦克米伦高阶〔bank〕She sat calmly in the control room, studying the bank of computer monitors.她平静地坐在控制室内, 审视着那组电脑监视器。外研社新世纪〔control〕This device monitors room temperature and humidity.这个仪器用来监测房间的温度和湿度。朗文当代〔deeply〕A crowd three deep seemed paralysed by the images on these monitors.里里外外三层的人群看到显示屏上的画面似乎全都惊呆了。柯林斯高阶〔distressingly〕It is very distressing to see your baby attached to tubes and monitors.看见自己宝宝身上连着各种管子和监视器,心里会非常痛苦。柯林斯高阶〔gatekeeper〕One who monitors or oversees the actions of others.一个监视或监督别人的举动的人美国传统〔kerflooey〕It was impossible to tell what key he was singing in - maybe the monitors went kerflooey.根本就听不出他唱的是什么, 也许是监听器出了问题。外研社新世纪〔monitorial〕Of, relating to, or performed by monitors.班长的、与之有关的或起班长作用的美国传统〔monitoring〕Government monitors will continue to accompany reporters.政府监督员将继续陪同记者。柯林斯高阶〔monitoring〕UN monitors overseeing Namibian independence.监督纳米比亚独立情况的联合国核查员柯林斯高阶〔monitor〕Monitors ensured that the food was distributed fairly.监督员保证食物公平分发。麦克米伦高阶〔monitor〕Monitors have been part of Australian folklore since the beginning of European settlement.自欧洲移民定居伊始, 巨蜥就成了澳大利亚民间故事的一部分。外研社新世纪〔monitor〕Government monitors will continue to accompany reporters.政府核查员将继续陪同各位记者。外研社新世纪〔monitor〕I was playing in the studio off monitors because I can't play with headphones.我在录音棚演奏时没开监听器, 因为我无法戴着耳机演奏。外研社新世纪〔monitor〕On stage, he hears a completely different mix, coming out of speakers called stage monitors.他从被称作舞台监听器的扬声器里听到一种完全不同的混音。外研社新世纪〔monitor〕The UN is sending peace monitors to the area.联合国将派遣和平监督员到该地区。朗文当代〔monitor〕The security staff can see the outside of the building on their CCTV monitors.安全保卫人员可以在闭路电视监控器上看到大楼外的情况。牛津搭配〔monitor〕This instrument monitors the patient's heartbeats.这台仪器监听病人的心跳。21世纪英汉〔monitor〕U.N. weapons monitors and inspectors 联合国武器监察员和巡查员韦氏高阶〔monitor〕UN monitors declared the referendum fair.联合国核查员宣布这次全民投票是公正的。牛津高阶〔monitor〕UN monitors declared the referendum fair.联合国监督员宣布全民公决是公正的。牛津搭配〔monitor〕UN monitors overseeing Namibian independence监督纳米比亚独立情况的联合国核查员外研社新世纪〔monitor〕UN monitors will remain in the country to supervise the elections.联合国监督员将留在该国监督选举。朗文当代〔monitor〕United Nations monitors were not allowed to enter the area.联合国核查员未被允许进入这一地区。剑桥高阶〔recess into〕The monitors are recessed into the walls of his office.监控器都装在他办公室墙壁的凹处。外研社新世纪〔relay〕This system continuously monitors levels of radiation and relays the information to a central computer.这个系统不间断地监控辐射水平,并将信息传送到中央计算机。柯林斯高阶〔save〕Thinner computer monitors save space.更薄的电脑显示器节省空间。韦氏高阶〔violation〕The group monitors human rights violations.这一团体负责监督侵犯人权的行为。韦氏高阶〔water softener〕A device that monitors and reduces the hardness of the water.软水装置:可以监视及减少水质硬度的装置美国传统Flight boarding times are displayed on the overhead monitors.登机时间显示在头顶上方的显示器上。牛津商务The library monitors help in the library.图书馆导生在图书馆帮忙。剑桥国际The officers’vans are equipped with video monitors which can receive pictures from police helicopters.警车上面都安装了图像显示器,可以接收警察直升机上传来的图像。剑桥国际The plane arrivals are shown on large monitors in different parts of the air terminal.到达航班显示分布在航站候机室内的大监视器上。剑桥国际The research has spin-offs on the development of radiation monitors.这次研究带来了辐射物监测器发展的派生产品。剑桥国际The room contained a lot of equipment including several TV monitors.这间屋子装备了包括几架电视监视器在内的许多设备。剑桥国际United Nations monitors were not allowed to enter the area.联合国监督人员不被允许进入这一地区。剑桥国际




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