

单词 mass
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AROUND/ROUND〕Her small face was framed by a mass of red hair 一头散乱的红发衬托着她的一张小脸。朗文写作活用〔CLASS〕Television has brought cheap entertainment to the masses. 电视向大众提供了廉价娱乐。朗文写作活用〔COMPLETE/NOT COMPLETE〕Bach's great masterpiece, the Mass in B minor, was never performed in its entirety during his lifetime. 巴赫的杰作《B小调弥撒曲》在他生前从未被完整地演奏过。朗文写作活用〔City Hall〕They massed in front of the city hall.他们在市政厅前集会。外研社新世纪〔EXCITED/EXCITING〕The pushing and grabbing at yesterday's sales bordered on mass hysteria. 昨天特卖会上那种推推挤挤的场面就像是人人都近乎歇斯底里。朗文写作活用〔Europe〕The sixth-largest continent, extending west from the Dardanelles, Black Sea, and Ural Mountains. It is technically a vast peninsula of the Eurasian land mass.欧洲:世界第六大洲,位于达达尼尔海峡、黑海和乌拉尔山脉以西,严格意义上说它是亚欧大陆板块延伸出的一巨大的半岛美国传统〔GET RID OF〕All countries in the region should commit themselves to doing away with weapons of mass destruction. 这个地区内所有的国家都应该作出承诺,销毁大规模杀伤性武器。朗文写作活用〔Higgs boson〕A hypothetical, massive subatomic particle with zero electric charge whose existence would explain the masses of the elementary particles.希格斯粒子:一种假设的、不带电荷、大量的次原子微粒,其存在可以解释大量基本粒子的存在美国传统〔Jovian planet〕One of the four major planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, which have very large masses and are farther from the sun than the terrestrial planets.木星:四大行星,即木星、土星、天王星、海王星中之一,质量很大,比起类地行星来离太阳更远美国传统〔KILL〕Details are still emerging of this, the biggest mass murder in Canadian history. 这桩加拿大历史上最大规模的屠杀事件的细节逐步曝光。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕You shouldn't have accepted a ride from him. For all you knew he might have been a mass murderer. 你不应该答应坐他的汽车—说不定他是个杀人如麻的凶手。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕The island is facing a mass exodus of its young people. 岛上面临着大批年轻人离开。朗文写作活用〔Lammas〕A feast formerly celebrated in England, during which bread from the season's first wheat was consecrated at Mass in thanksgiving for the harvest.收获节:一种旧时在英格兰庆祝的节日,用该季节中收获的首批小麦制成的面包在为丰收感恩祈祷的弥撒中作为祭品献祭美国传统〔Lassus〕Flemish composer. His works include masses, motets, and madrigals.拉瑟斯,罗兰德:法兰德斯作曲家。他的作品包括了弥撒曲、圣歌及情歌美国传统〔OBVIOUS〕Food shortages are so severe that mass starvation is a definite possibility. 食物严重短缺,必将出现大规模的饥荒。朗文写作活用〔PROFIT〕Crafty entrepreneurs like Harper profited from the ignorance of the masses. 像哈珀之类精明的企业家利用大众的无知来获利。朗文写作活用〔TELEVISION/RADIO〕Much of what children learn comes directly from the mass media. 孩子们学到的东西大部分直接来自大众传播媒介。朗文写作活用〔Taverner〕British composer and organist best known for his Masses and motets.塔佛纳,约翰:英国作曲家和风琴演奏家,以弥撒曲和圣歌闻名美国传统〔absolute〕Relating to measurements or units of measurement derived from fundamental units of length, mass, and time.绝对零度标定的:度量或度量单位的,从长度、质量或时间的基本单位而得出美国传统〔accelerator mass spectrometry〕Mass spectroscopy in which a particle accelerator is used to disassociate molecules, ionize atoms, and accelerate the ions.加速物质光谱测定法:物质光谱学中用于分离分子、电离原子和加速离子的粒子加速器美国传统〔accretion〕Astronomy An increase in the mass of a celestial object by the collection of surrounding interstellar gases and objects by gravity.【天文学】 吸积,天体增大:因重力吸引星际间的物质而引起天体的增大美国传统〔advection〕A local change in the properties, such as temperature, of an air mass caused by the horizontal movement of the air mass.平流:由于气团水平移动而导致气团特性的区域性变化,如温度美国传统〔agglomeration〕The act or process of gathering into a mass.凝聚作用:聚结成团块的行为或过程美国传统〔aggregate〕Botany Crowded or massed into a dense cluster.【植物学】 丛生的,聚生的:聚集成密丛的美国传统〔arm〕The guidebook arms the reader with a mass of useful information.这本指南为读者提供了大量有用的信息。朗文当代〔basal ganglion〕Any of several masses of gray matter embedded in the cerebral hemispheres that are involved in the regulation of voluntary movement.基底神经节:大脑两半球内的灰白质的一种,参与自发运动的调节美国传统〔batholith〕A large mass of igneous rock that has melted and intruded surrounding strata at great depths.岩基:大量的已经熔化并已侵入周围地壳岩层的火成岩美国传统〔berg〕A mass of floating or stationary ice; an iceberg.冰山:大块漂浮或固定的冰;冰山美国传统〔blacken〕A mass of seagulls blackened the sky.一大群海鸥使天空暗了下来。麦克米伦高阶〔blessing〕The mass always ends with a blessing.弥撒总是以祈神赐福结束。剑桥高阶〔bog〕We worried that the heavy rain across the prairie would soon bog our car. Don't bog me down in this mass of detail.我们担心平原上的大雨将很快使我们的汽车陷入淤泥。不要让我陷入这些难缠的琐事中美国传统〔bolus〕A soft mass of chewed food within the mouth or alimentary canal.一团咀嚼过的食物:嘴中或消化道中的一团软的咀嚼过的食物美国传统〔boscage〕A mass of trees or shrubs; a thicket.灌木丛:一丛树或灌木;灌木丛美国传统〔boycott〕The group is calling for a mass consumer boycott of these products.该团体正号召大众消费者抵制这些产品。牛津搭配〔brain scan〕A scintigram of the brain, used to identify cerebral blood flow and to detect intracranial masses, lesions, tumors, or infarcts.脑部扫描:脑部的扫描谱,用来标示脑部血液流动和探测颅内物质、损伤、肿瘤或栓塞美国传统〔brash〕A mass or pile of rubble, refuse, or fragments, as of stone, brush, or ice.岩石或冰块等的碎片:如石头、刷子或冰块的碎片、废弃物或碎石堆小块美国传统〔celebrate〕A priest celebrates Mass at the church daily.神父每天在教堂举行弥撒。韦氏高阶〔chantry〕An altar or chapel endowed for the saying of such masses and prayers.小教堂:为某人作这样的弥撒或颂诗而捐献的祭坛或小教堂美国传统〔chyme〕The thick semifluid mass of partly digested food that is passed from the stomach to the duodenum.食糜:部分消化的食物的稠状半流体物,从胃进入十二指肠美国传统〔claw〕Television images showed people desperately clawing through mud to reach friends and loved ones under the mass of earth.电视画面显示, 人们拼命在烂泥中向前挖, 去营救被埋在大堆泥土下的朋友和亲人。外研社新世纪〔cloud〕Dark clouds massed on the horizon.天边阴云密布。剑桥高阶〔coagulum〕A coagulated mass, as of blood; a clot.凝结物:凝结的物质,例如血;凝块美国传统〔cold front〕The leading portion of a cold atmospheric air mass moving against and eventually replacing a warm air mass.冷锋:冷空气气团的前锋部分,排斥并最终取代暖气团美国传统〔concrete〕To form into a mass by coalescence or cohesion of particles or parts.用各分离的部分混合成的大块美国传统〔concretion〕A solid, hard mass.凝结物,固结物美国传统〔conglomerate〕To form or cause to form into an adhering or rounded mass.使聚集成块:形成或使形成紧贴在一起或圆形的块体美国传统〔conservation〕The maintenance of a physical quantity, such as energy or mass, during a physical or chemical change.守恒:在物理或化学变化过程中能量或质量等物理数量的维持原状美国传统〔contiguity〕A continuous mass or series.一片:连绵不断的一大片或一个系列美国传统〔corpuscle〕A rounded, globular mass of cells, such as the pressure receptor on certain nerve endings.小体:一群圆的球状细胞,例如某些神经节上的压力承受体美国传统〔critical mass〕How can we get a critical mass of people involved to keep the club running? 我们怎样才能找来足以让这家具乐部继续经营下去的人数呢?朗文当代〔curl〕Her hair was a mass of curls.她满头鬈发。牛津高阶〔deadfall〕A mass of fallen timber and tangled brush.一堆倒下的树木和杂乱的灌木美国传统〔density〕The mass per unit volume of a substance under specified conditions of pressure and temperature.比重:在特定压力和温度条件下某物质单位体积的质量美国传统〔desertion〕There have been mass desertions from (= a lot of people have left) the party in recent months.近几个月来出现了大量退党事件。剑桥高阶〔dike〕Geology A long mass of igneous rock that cuts across the structure of adjacent rock.【地质学】 岩墙:横切毗连岩石结构的大长块火成岩美国传统〔direct action〕Only with mass direct action will we obtain such change.只有采取大规模直接行动, 我们才能实现这样的改变。外研社新世纪〔dough〕A pasty mass similar to this mixture.生面团似的一团美国传统〔economy of scale〕The decrease in unit manufacturing cost that is due to mass production.规模经济:因为大量生产而导致单位生产成本降低美国传统〔en masse〕Her supporters arrived en masse for the rally.她的支持者一起来参加集会。韦氏高阶〔en masse〕The peace activists marched en masse to the capitol.和平激进分子全体游行到议会大厦美国传统〔exodus〕The war caused a mass exodus of refugees.战争致使大批难民外逃。韦氏高阶〔exodus〕There has been a mass exodus of workers from the villages to the towns.一直有大量工人源源不断从农村涌入城市。剑桥高阶〔expulsion〕The government engaged in mass expulsions.政府大规模驱逐外国人。韦氏高阶〔extinction〕We know of several mass extinctions in the earth's history.我们知道地球历史上出现过几次大规模的灭绝。牛津高阶〔extrudabilities〕The land masses extrude into the sea.大块大块的陆地伸入海里。21世纪英汉〔fat body〕A mass of fatty tissue located near the genital glands in some amphibians, including the frogs and toads.脂肪体:一团脂肪组织,位于某些两栖动物(包括青蛙和蟾蜍)的生殖腺附近美国传统〔feasibility〕That may be fine for the US, but it's not feasible for a mass European market.那也许适合美国,但对于庞大的欧洲市场却并不可行。柯林斯高阶〔fiery〕The freight sheds and stores around were soon a fiery mass.周围的货棚和店铺很快就变成了一片火海。外研社新世纪〔footwall〕The mass of rock underlying a mineral deposit in a mine.矿藏底石:位于一个矿中金属矿藏之下的大量石头美国传统〔formation〕Enormous cloud formations formed a purple mass.巨大的云层形成紫色云团。柯林斯高阶〔front〕Meteorology The interface between air masses of different temperatures or densities.【气象学】 锋面:不同温度、密度的两大气团交界处美国传统〔gamma decay〕A radioactive process in which an atomic nucleus loses energy by emitting a gamma ray without a change in its atomic or mass numbers.Υ衰变:原子核的一种放射性过程,在这种过程中由于放出一个伽马射线而损失能量,但并不改变原子序数或质量美国传统〔gather〕These verbs mean to bring or come together in a group or mass.这些动词的意思是:使或聚集成为一组或一堆。美国传统〔global〕The earth is a global mass.地球是一个球形体。英汉大词典〔globule〕A small spherical mass, especially a small drop of liquid.小球:小球团,尤指液体的小液滴美国传统〔glutinous〕Short-grain rice turns into a soft, glutinous mass when cooked.短粒米一煮就会变得又软又黏。剑桥高阶〔go-ahead〕The way is open now for a fast go-ahead with the mass inoculation program.迅速实行群众性接种计划的道路现已打通。英汉大词典〔gob〕A small mass or lump.一小团或块美国传统〔holy day of obligation〕A feast on which the faithful are obliged to hear Mass and abstain from servile work.法定圣日:天主教徒应该去作弥撒和停止体力劳动的日子美国传统〔hump〕A rounded mass or protuberance, such as the fleshy structure on the back of a camel or of some cattle.(驼)峰,隆肉:球形的块或隆起,例如骆驼和某些牛背部的肉质组织美国传统〔hysteria〕The spreading of the disease caused/produced mass hysteria in the village.疾病的蔓延在村里导致/引起群众的不安情绪爆发。韦氏高阶〔ice〕A surface, layer, or mass of frozen water.冰面:冻结的水的面、层或块美国传统〔image〕The character projected to the public, as by a person or an institution, especially as interpreted by the mass media.模范,典范:由某组织或某个人向大众推荐的人物,往往通过大众媒介作宣传美国传统〔intimidation〕Workers continue to enter the plant despite intimidation by mass pickets.工人们不顾大批纠察的恐吓,继续进入工厂。牛津搭配〔introit〕Roman Catholic Church The beginning of the Mass, usually consisting of a psalm verse, an antiphon, and the Gloria Patri.【罗马天主教】 应答轮唱圣诗:弥撒的开端,通常由赞美诗篇、轮流应答吟唱的颂歌以及《荣耀颂》组成美国传统〔island〕Abbr. is.,i.,Is.,I.,isl.A land mass, especially one smaller than a continent, entirely surrounded by water.缩写 is.,i.,Is.,I.,isl.岛屿:一片陆地,尤指比大洲小而完全被水环绕的陆地美国传统〔isostasy〕Equilibrium in the earth's crust such that the forces tending to elevate land masses balance the forces tending to depress land masses.地壳均衡:地壳的均衡,以使趋向于抬高大陆的力与趋向于降低大陆的力保持平衡美国传统〔isthmus〕A narrow strip of land connecting two larger masses of land.地峡:连接两大块陆地的狭长地区美国传统〔joint〕Geology A fracture or crack in a rock mass along which no appreciable movement has occurred.【地质学】 裂缝,裂口:岩石块中的碎片或缝隙,在其周围未发生过可被觉察到的运动美国传统〔kinematics〕The branch of mechanics that studies the motion of a body or a system of bodies without consideration given to its mass or the forces acting on it.运动学:力学的一个分支,研究一个物体或物体系统的运动,而不考虑加在物体上的质量或力美国传统〔landslide〕The downward sliding of a relatively dry mass of earth and rock.地滑:一堆相对来说干燥的泥土和岩石的向下滑动美国传统〔lobby〕Pensioners took part in a mass lobby of parliament.领养老金者参加了议会的民众接待会议。麦克米伦高阶〔machinery〕Mass production needs a great deal of machinery.大量生产需要很多机器。文馨英汉〔mass murderer〕War criminals, torturers and mass murderers can be brought to justice.战犯、实施酷刑的人和大屠杀制造者能够被绳之以法。外研社新世纪〔mass transit〕The city has virtually no mass transit.这个城市几乎没有公共交通。朗文当代〔massed〕He could not escape the massed ranks of newsmen.他没法躲开成群的记者。柯林斯高阶〔mass〕All that was left of the car was a mass of twisted metal.那辆汽车所剩下的是一堆扭曲的金属。麦克米伦高阶〔mass〕Both countries have massed troops along the border.两个国家都在边界集结了军队。朗文当代〔mass〕Granulating allows the mixture to lock together forming a solid mass.颗粒化使得混合物黏着在一起形成一团固体。外研社新世纪〔mass〕He is a mass of bruises.他遍体青紫。英汉大词典〔mass〕I began sifting through the mass of evidence.我开始认真筛选大量的证据。牛津高阶〔mass〕More than 5,000 police were massed within two days.两天之内聚集了5,000多名警察。麦克米伦高阶〔mass〕On his desk is a mass of books and papers.他的书桌上有大堆的书籍和文件。柯林斯高阶〔mass〕Schools allowed the mass of children to leave school at 16 with poor qualifications.学校允许大多数学生16岁时勉强毕业离校。外研社新世纪〔mass〕She had fallen down the stairs and her body was a mass of bruises.她摔下楼梯,身上伤痕累累。麦克米伦高阶〔mass〕The mass of the people support the reforms.大多数人支持改革。剑桥高阶〔mass〕The mass result is impressive.最终结果让人印象至深美国传统〔mass〕The army was massing on the frontier.军队集结在边境上。英汉大词典〔mass〕The great mass of men consider themselves healthy.大多数人都认为自己是健康的。英汉大词典〔mass〕The local priest celebrates Mass in the church.当地牧师在教堂主持弥撒。牛津搭配〔mass〕The reforms are unpopular with the mass of teachers and parents.大多数教师和家长并不赞成这些改革。牛津高阶〔mass〕The war has forced masses of people to flee their homes.这场战争迫使许多人逃离家园。韦氏高阶〔mass〕Their latest product is aimed at the mass market.他们的最新产品瞄准了大众市场。牛津高阶〔mass〕There were masses of people in town today.今天城里人很多。剑桥高阶〔mass〕Thousands of troops have massed along the border in preparation for an invasion.数千大军已经集结在边境上,准备入侵。剑桥高阶〔masterpiece〕The piece ranks with such acknowledged masterpieces as the Mass in G.这部作品可与诸如《 G 大调弥撒曲》之类的公认杰作比肩。牛津搭配〔measure〕The international prototype kilogram is the measure of mass in SI units.国际千克原器是国际单位制中测定质量的标准。外研社新世纪〔measure〕The standard kilogram is maintained as a measure of mass.标准的千克是测量质量的量度美国传统〔mesenteric panniculitis〕Mesenteric panniculitis can result in a solid mass which obstructs the bowel.脂肠炎可能导致产生硬块阻塞肠道。剑桥高阶〔meteorite〕A stony or metallic mass of matter that has fallen to the earth's surface from outer space.陨星:从外层空间坠落到地球表面的大块石头或金属物质美国传统〔missing mass〕The difference between the observed mass of the universe and the mass needed to halt the expansion of the universe.迷失质量:宇宙的观测质量与使宇宙停止扩张的质量间的差异美国传统〔moment of inertia〕The product of the mass of a particle and the square of its distance from a reference.一质点的质量与从一参照点到它距离的平方的乘积美国传统〔monadnock〕A mountain or rocky mass that has resisted erosion and stands isolated in an essentially level area.残丘:在基本水平地区单独存在的能抗腐蚀的山地或岩石美国传统〔monopoly〕The influence of mass media has made new technical terms no longer the monopoly of the specialist.大众传媒的影响已使新技术术语不再为专家所垄断。英汉大词典〔mortality〕Their death and decay may deplete oxygen in the water, causing mass mortality of other living organisms.它们的死亡和腐败也许会大量消耗水中的氧气, 从而造成其他生物的大批死亡。外研社新世纪〔morula〕The spherical embryonic mass of blastomeres formed before the blastula and resulting from cleavage of the fertilized ovum.桑椹胚:形成于囊胚之前且处于胚胎期内的球形裂球群,由受精卵细胞的分裂而成美国传统〔nucleus〕Anatomy A group of specialized nerve cells or a localized mass of gray matter in the brain or spinal cord.【解剖学】 神经核:一组专门的神经细胞或存在于大脑或脊髓中灰物质的局部块美国传统〔nucleus〕Physics The positively charged central region of an atom, composed of protons and neutrons and containing almost all of the mass of the atom.【物理学】 原子核:原子的正极中心部分,由质子和中子构成,几乎集中了原子的全部质量美国传统〔occasion〕Her death was the occasion of mass riots.她的逝世引发了大规模的骚乱。牛津高阶〔order of magnitude〕The masses of Earth and the sun differ by five orders of magnitude.地球与太阳的质量相差五个数量级美国传统〔ordinary〕The part of the Mass that remains unchanged from day to day.常规弥撒:弥撒仪式总是保持不变的那一部分美国传统〔ossification〕A mass or deposit of such material.一块或一层骨化组织美国传统〔outraged〕Reports of torture and mass executions in Serbia's detention camps have outraged the world's religious leaders.关于塞尔维亚拘留营里动用酷刑并大肆处决的报道令全世界的宗教领袖义愤填膺。柯林斯高阶〔package〕Politicians these days are packaged to appeal to a mass market.如今的政客们都进行了包装以吸引大众。麦克米伦高阶〔passion〕Sports are the passion of the city's masses.该市群众酷爱体育运动。英汉大词典〔personalize〕The mass media tends to personalize politics.大众传媒往往把政治个人化。牛津高阶〔polar front〕The region or boundary separating air masses of polar origin from those of tropical or subtropical origin.极锋:将南极气团与赤道或亚热带地区气团隔离开来的区域或分界美国传统〔pond〕The mass of ice choked up the mouth of the stream and ponded back the water.冰块壅塞溪口,截断了溪流。英汉大词典〔pterygium〕An abnormal mass of tissue arising from the conjunctiva of the inner corner of the eye that obstructs vision by growing over the cornea.翼状胬肉:从眼睛内角的结膜生出一块不正常的块状组织,往角膜上生长时引起视觉障碍美国传统〔quicksand〕A bed of loose sand mixed with water forming a soft, shifting mass that yields easily to pressure and tends to engulf any object resting on its surface.流沙:一种由松散的沙子和水混合成的沙层,形成一堆松软、移动的物质,在压力下很容易塌陷,并可吞没置留在沙面上的任何物质美国传统〔rain〕This mass of dark cloud is raining.这片乌云正在降下雨来。21世纪英汉〔rally〕Supporters of the policy are reported to be gathering in Delhi for a mass rally.据报道, 这项政策的支持者将在德里举行大规模集会。外研社新世纪〔requiem〕A musical composition for such a mass.追思曲:为该弥撒所作的乐曲美国传统〔rest energy〕The energy equivalent of the rest mass of a body, equal to the rest mass multiplied by the speed of light squared.静止能量:与物体静止质量相当的能量,等于静止质量乘以光速的平方美国传统〔riot〕Whole districts were rioting in protest at mass unemployment.整个区域都爆发了骚乱,抗议大规模失业。麦克米伦高阶〔rubble〕A loose mass of angular fragments of rock or masonry crumbled by natural or human forces.碎石:有角的岩石或砖石建筑的松散的一堆,是由自然力或人力弄碎的美国传统〔scalar〕A quantity, such as mass, length, or speed, that is completely specified by its magnitude and has no direction.标量:一个完全由其大小决定而没有方向的数量,如质量、长度或速度等美国传统〔shag〕A tangle or mass, especially of rough, matted hair.蓬乱:缠绕或一堆,尤指粗、蓬乱的头发美国传统〔simple〕The parish now celebrates mass in this simple side chapel.如今该教区就在这所简朴的附属小教堂里作弥撒。外研社新世纪〔sing〕The priest sings Mass.教士吟唱弥撒曲。文馨英汉〔sinter〕To cause (metallic powder, for example) to form a coherent mass by heating without melting.烧结:通过加热而不使之熔化便(例如金属粉末)形成一整块美国传统〔slickenside〕A polished, striated rock surface caused by one rock mass sliding over another in a fault plane.擦痕面:在断层面上由于一块岩石从另一块岩石上面滑过造成的磨光的、有细槽的岩石面美国传统〔slide〕A fall of a mass of rock, earth, or snow down a slope; an avalanche or a landslide.土崩:一片岩石、泥土或雪从斜坡上的落下;雪崩或滑坡美国传统〔slosh〕The water sloshed into a mass of water reeds.水汩汩地流进一丛芦苇。英汉大词典〔slug〕A slimy mass of aggregated amoeboid cells from which the sporophore of a cellular slime mold develops.粘稠变形细胞:一团粘稠的凝集的变形细胞,从其中可以发育出一种粉滑的细胞霉菌的孢囊柱美国传统〔smoke screen〕A mass of dense artificial smoke used to conceal military areas or operations from an enemy.烟障,烟幕:一团用来对敌人掩盖军事阵地或军事行动的浓雾美国传统〔spectrum〕The distribution of atomic or subatomic particles in a system, as in a magnetically resolved molecular beam, arranged in order of masses.能谱:系统(如经磁力分解的分子束)中,原子与亚原子微粒根据质量顺序排定的分布美国传统〔spray〕To disperse (a liquid) in a mass or jet of droplets.喷:以大片小液滴分洒液体美国传统〔squiffy〕Masses of journalists here have all got squiffy.这里的大多数记者都已喝得略有醉意。外研社新世纪〔starvation〕The famine brought mass starvation.饥荒使很多人饿死。韦氏高阶〔subdeacon〕A cleric who acts as assistant to the deacon at High Mass.副执事:天主教大教大弥撒中作为在祭助手的神职人员美国传统〔sudd〕A floating mass of vegetation that often obstructs navigation in tropical rivers.堵塞团块:经常阻碍热带河流的大块漂浮植物美国传统〔swallow up〕He's suddenly swallowed up among the masses.一下子他就被人群吞没了。21世纪英汉〔sérac〕A large pointed mass of ice in a glacier isolated by intersecting crevasses.冰塔:冰河中被横断的冰隙所隔离的、大型的尖角冰块美国传统〔thenar〕The fleshy mass on the palm of the hand at the base of the thumb.手掌的:指手掌上拇指根部的肌肉块美国传统〔toil〕The wealth of industrial society could only come from the toil of the masses.工业社会的财富只能来自大众的辛勤劳动。英汉大词典〔toss〕The bodies were unceremoniously tossed into mass graves.那些尸体被粗暴地扔进了万人坑。牛津搭配〔umbrella〕Zoology The gelatinous, rounded mass that is the major part of the body of most jellyfish.【动物学】 水母伞膜:大多数水母的身体的大部分的胶质的圆形物质美国传统〔unemployment〕It was a time of mass unemployment.曾经有大批人失业。牛津高阶〔vorticity〕Meteorology A measure of the spin of an air mass such as a low- or high-pressure weather system.【气象学】 气压涡度测量:测量气团如高低压气象系统的旋转美国传统〔votive Mass〕A Mass differing from the one prescribed for the day, said for a specific purpose or at the discretion of the priest.还愿弥撒:与当日规定的不同的弥撒,为了特定的目的或随教士的意愿而进行美国传统〔wad〕A small mass of soft material, often folded or rolled, used for padding, stuffing, or packing.填充物:一块软的物体,常叠着或卷着,用于垫料、填充或包装美国传统〔weightless〕Photons have no mass − they are weightless.光子没有质量, 是失重的。外研社新世纪Mass murders hold a gruesome fascination for the public.大规模凶杀案既令公众毛骨悚然又叫他们着迷。剑桥国际Mass unemployment may lead to social upheaval. 大批失业会导致社会动乱。译典通A good deal of adult education is accomplished by the mass media. 成人教育的相当一部分是由大众传播媒介完成的。译典通Daily papers reach a mass audience.日报拥有众多读者。牛津商务Dark clouds massed and we expected rain. 乌云密布,看起来就要下雨了。译典通Detroit is the birthplace of the mass production of motor cars.底特律是汽车批量生产的发源地。剑桥国际Haydn's works include 104 symphonies, about 50 concertos, 12 masses and various vocal pieces.海顿的作品包括104首交响曲、约50首协奏曲、12首弥撒曲和各种声乐曲子。剑桥国际He is a rare hybrid -- a respected academic who pleases the masses.他是个少见的混合体----一个能取悦大众的受人尊敬的学者。剑桥国际He pulled a mass of notes from his pocket and asked if he could pay for the car in cash.他从口袋里掏出一大把钞票,询问是否可用现金买车。剑桥国际He roused the masses with his oratory. 他以其雄辩术唤起民众。译典通Her elfin (= small and delicate) face was surrounded by masses of dark hair.她的脸庞小巧玲珑,有一头浓密的黑发。剑桥国际Modular production allows for mass customization.标准件生产使大批量订制成为可能。牛津商务News of the victory produced mass hysteria. 胜利的消息令大众情绪激动万分。译典通Newton found that all masses attract each other. 牛顿发现所有的物质都相互吸引。译典通Opposition groups plan to stage mass demonstrations all over the country.反对团体准备在全国范围内举行大规模的游行示威活动。剑桥国际Rumours of mass starvation have been overdone -- the situation is in fact not that bad.大规模饥馑的谣言夸张过分了----情况事实上没那么可怕。剑桥国际She was a notorious female mass murderer.她是个臭名昭著的女杀人狂。剑桥国际The mass media have/has created new social networks.大众传媒创建了新的社会网络。牛津商务The dance floor was a mass of writhing bodies.舞池中是一群扭来扭去的身影。剑桥国际The priest celebrated Mass.神父主持了弥撒。剑桥国际The shop's 85 workers have resigned en masse.商店的85名员工已全体辞职。剑桥国际The soldiers surrendered en masse.士兵全部投降。剑桥国际There is a danger that weapons of mass destruction (= those which kill or hurt large numbers of people) will be used in the conflict.具备大规模杀伤力的武器有被用于冲突的危险。剑桥国际We had to evolve the truth from a mass of confused evidence. 我们不得不从大量庞杂的证据中推断出事情的真相。译典通We need to make a mold of this new product so we can mass produce it. 我们需要将产品做出模子才能大量生产。译典通When paper is made, moisture is squeezed out of a wet mass leaving a web of dry, interlocking fibres.造纸时将水分从湿的浆状物中挤出,只留下干燥的连结在一起的网状纤维。剑桥国际Windows were smashed at a police station after up to 60 youths massed outside.警察局外聚集着60余名青年,连窗玻璃也被砸碎了。剑桥国际




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