

单词 assign to
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Area Code〕A number, often with three digits, assigned to a telephone area, as in the United States and Canada, and used when placing a call to that area.区域电话,区域号码:如美国及加拿大,通常有三个阿拉伯数字的数码,分配给一个电话区,当向该区打电话时使用美国传统〔address〕Computer Science A number used in information storage or retrieval that is assigned to a specific memory location.【计算机科学】 存储器位置,地址,编址:指定于某个特定区域内,用于信息存储或提取的数字美国传统〔arbitrary〕An arbitrary number has been assigned to each district.每个区都被分配了一个随意选定的号码。韦氏高阶〔assign ... to〕Those rooms have been assigned to the visitors from Japan.那些房间已分配给日本来宾。21世纪英汉〔assign sb to sth〕Which police officer has been assigned to this case? 指派了哪一位警官负责该案件?剑桥高阶〔assign〕A nurse will be assigned to look after you.会派一名护士照顾你。外研社新世纪〔assign〕A personal bodyguard had been assigned to her.已给她派了一个私人保镖。朗文当代〔assign〕British forces have been assigned to help with peacekeeping.英国军队被派遣协助维持和平。牛津高阶〔assign〕I was assigned to watch the road.我被派去护路。21世纪英汉〔assign〕She was assigned to the newspaper's Berlin office.她被派到报社驻柏林的办事处。剑桥高阶〔assign〕The case has been assigned to our most senior officer.这个案件已经指派给我们最高级别的警官来处理。剑桥高阶〔assign〕The council's role is to implement the duties assigned to it by the state.委员会的职责就是履行州政府向其分派的职能。外研社新世纪〔assign〕The two large classrooms have been assigned to us.这两间大教室分配给了我们。牛津高阶〔assign〕Tina has been assigned to the intermediate learners' group.蒂娜被分配到中级学生组。麦克米伦高阶〔attorney〕The assistant district attorney was assigned to prosecute the case.地区助理检察官获委派对案件提起公诉。牛津搭配〔attribute〕Program music as a genre is usually assigned to the Romantic period.将标题音乐作为一个流派一般属于浪漫时期。美国传统〔baseman〕A player assigned to first, second, or third base.垒手,守垒员:被分派到第一、第二或第三个垒上的队员美国传统〔beacon〕The ship was assigned to beacon the shoals.这船被指定用来标志浅滩。21世纪英汉〔code name〕A name assigned to conceal the identity or existence of something or someone.代码名称:用于隐藏某物或某人的本体或存在的一个指定名称美国传统〔counterterrorism〕The city has fewer than 50 officers assigned to counterterrorism.将近50名警察被派到这个城市打击恐怖主义。剑桥高阶〔cover〕He was assigned to cover the tight end.他被派去防守近端锋。韦氏高阶〔detail〕They were assigned to security/maintenance/kitchen detail.他们被指派了安全/维修/炊事任务。韦氏高阶〔envoy〕A minister plenipotentiary assigned to a foreign embassy, ranking next below the ambassador.特命全权公使:派驻国外使馆的特命全权使节,仅低于大使美国传统〔fatigue〕Manual or menial labor, such as barracks cleaning, assigned to soldiers.劳务杂役:分派给士兵的一年一次或两次的杂役(如打扫军营)美国传统〔grammatical gender〕Gender assigned to a word arbitrarily or on the basis of its grammatical form.词性:任意地或基于词的语法形式规定给词的性美国传统〔guard〕Two policemen were assigned to guard the prisoner.两位警察被派去看守那名犯人。韦氏高阶〔infielder〕A player assigned to the infield.内野手:被安排在内场中的棒球选手美国传统〔low-profile〕He was assigned to a succession of low-profile army jobs.他被指派担任一系列默默无闻的陆军职务。英汉大词典〔military attaché〕An officer in the armed forces who is assigned to the official staff of an ambassador, a consul general, or a minister.武官:被任命为大使、领事或公使的官方随员的军官美国传统〔mission〕A combat operation assigned to a person or military unit.战斗任务:分派给一个人或军事单位的战斗行动美国传统〔mission〕The district assigned to a mission worker.传教区:分配给一个传教者的地区美国传统〔orderly〕A soldier assigned to attend a superior officer and perform various tasks.勤杂兵:派去服侍上级军官并执行各种杂务的士兵美国传统〔partition〕Computer Science A location in memory assigned to a program.【计算机科学】 分区:分配给一个程序的存储器空间美国传统〔point man〕A soldier who is assigned to a position some distance ahead of a patrol as a lookout.先头侦察兵:被派到巡逻队伍前面一段距离的位置充当哨兵的士兵美国传统〔range〕To assign to a particular category; classify.分类:归入某一特定范畴;归类美国传统〔refer〕To assign to or regard as belonging within a particular kind or class.认为…属于:指定或认为属于一种特定的种类或类型美国传统〔role〕She challenged the traditional roles assigned to women.她对妇女被赋予的传统角色提出了挑战。韦氏高阶〔section hand〕A laborer assigned to a section gang.路段道工组工人:被任命在路段道工作组工作的人美国传统〔serotype〕To classify according to serotype; assign to a particular serotype.以血清型分类;划分为一特定血清型美国传统〔sitting〕We were assigned to the second sitting.我们被指定在第二批就餐。英汉大词典〔sky marshal〕An armed federal law-enforcement officer assigned to prevent and interdict air piracy and acts of terrorism involving commercial aircraft.空中联邦便衣警官:武装的联邦执法官员,其任务是防止和禁止涉及商用飞机的空中劫持行为和恐怖活动美国传统〔slot〕To put into or assign to a slot.放置:置于或分配到一个位置上美国传统〔staff〕A group of military officers assigned to assist a commanding officer in an executive or advisory capacity.全体参谋人员:指派协助有权的军官做一些行政工作或提出建议的一组军队官员美国传统〔station〕To assign to a position; post.安置,派驻:派驻某位置;驻扎美国传统〔theme〕A short composition assigned to a student as a writing exercise.短篇作文:给学生作为写作练习的短篇作文美国传统〔watch〕Any of the periods of time into which the day aboard ship is divided and during which a part of the crew is assigned to duty.值班时间:一天中被划分的要求部分船员在甲板上值班的那段时间美国传统〔waveband〕A range of frequencies, especially radio frequencies, such as those assigned to communication transmissions.波段:尤指收音机频率的频率的范围,如分配通讯传输的波段美国传统〔zamindar〕An official in precolonial India assigned to collect the land taxes of his district.印度征收地税者:在沦为殖民地前的印度,被派去征收他所管辖区土地税的官员美国传统I've been assigned to your team.我已获分配到你的团队里。牛津商务Jane has been assigned to her newspaper's Berlin office.珍妮被任命去她报社驻柏林办事处工作。剑桥国际




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