

单词 monetary
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DEVELOP〕The next chapter describes the evolution of the International Monetary System. 下一章讲述国际货币体系的发展。朗文写作活用〔IMF〕International Monetary Fund.国际货币基金会美国传统〔MONEY〕European monetary union 欧洲货币联盟朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕It was thought that skillful monetary and fiscal intervention could rescue the economy. 有人认为技术高超的货币和财政干预能够拯救经济。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕Some economists question the effectiveness of monetary control as a means of regulating the economy. 一些经济学家质疑把货币控制作为调节经济的手段的有效性。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕The IMF should not dictate how Mexico should run its monetary policies. 国际货币基金组织不该对墨西哥的货币政策硬作规定。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕There's only one conclusion to make about this data on monetary growth. 按这份货币增长的数据来看,结论只有一个。朗文写作活用〔aid〕A monetary payment to a feudal lord by a vassal in medieval England.贡金:在中世纪英国,封臣向领主缴纳的贡金美国传统〔annex〕These protocols were annexed to the Treaty establishing the European Community economic and monetary union.这些议定书被附加到关于成立欧洲共同体经济和货币联盟条的约中。外研社新世纪〔auspices〕Financial aid is being provided to the country under the auspices of the International Monetary Fund.在国际货币基金组织的帮助下,这个国家得到了财政援助。剑桥高阶〔bimetallism〕The use of a monetary standard consisting of two metals, especially gold and silver, in a fixed ratio of value.复本位制:由两种金属,尤指金和银以固定的价值比组成的货币标准的使用美国传统〔book value〕The monetary amount by which an asset is valued in business records, a figure not necessarily identical to the amount the asset could bring on the open market.帐面价值:商业记录中标明资产价值的货币量,其数值不一定同公开市场中的资产价值相一致美国传统〔broadside〕The Social Democratic leader launched a broadside against both monetary and political union.社会民主党领导人对货币联盟和政治联盟进行了猛烈抨击。外研社新世纪〔broadside〕The Social Democratic leader launched a broadside against both monetary and political union.这位社会民主党领袖对金钱和政治联盟进行了猛烈抨击。柯林斯高阶〔change〕France has changed its monetary unit from the franc to the euro.法国将其货币单位由法郎改为欧元。韦氏高阶〔compensate〕To stabilize the purchasing power of (a monetary unit) by changing the gold content in order to counterbalance price variations.补偿:为平抑物价波动通过改变金含量来稳定(货币单位)的购买能力美国传统〔compromise〕The government has compromised with its critics over monetary policies.政府与批评者就货币政策达成了妥协。外研社新世纪〔compromise〕The government has compromised with its critics over monetary policies.政府已经就货币政策向批评人士作出让步。柯林斯高阶〔conscription〕A monetary payment exacted by a government in wartime.征兵费:由政府在战争期间所付的款项美国传统〔consideration〕Hawtrey had argued that there were two primary considerations for monetary policy.霍特里曾经提出,货币政策的制定要考虑两个首要因素。牛津搭配〔credible〕The International Monetary Fund should not lend another cent until the government has a credible strategy.在该国政府拿出切实可行的策略之前, 国际货币基金组织不应该再借给它一分钱。外研社新世纪〔demonetize〕To divest (a coin, for example) of monetary value.使失去货币资格:剥夺(如,硬币)作为货币的价值美国传统〔demonetize〕To stop using (a metal) as a monetary standard.禁止为货币流通:使(某种金属)停止作为一种货币标准使用美国传统〔disequilibrate〕A period of financial crisis has disequilibrated the monetary system.一个时期的金融危机已打破了金融体系的平衡。21世纪英汉〔enigma〕The monetary and fiscal history of the Later Roman Empire remains an enigma.罗马帝国后期的货币财政史仍令人费解。外研社新世纪〔expansion〕This will slow the rate of monetary expansion.这项举措将会放慢货币扩张的速度。牛津搭配〔fall apart〕Europe's monetary system is falling apart.欧洲货币体系正在走向瓦解。外研社新世纪〔fall〕Europe's monetary system is falling apart.欧洲货币体系正在走向瓦解。柯林斯高阶〔flaw〕There were, however, a number of crucial flaws in his monetary theory.但是,他的货币理论中存在若干关键性错误。柯林斯高阶〔foreign exchange〕Transaction of international monetary business, as between governments or businesses of different countries.国际汇兑:各国政府或商行间进行的国际金融业务交易美国传统〔fractional currency〕Coin or paper currency in a denomination less than a standard monetary unit.辅币:单位小于标准货币单位的硬币或纸币美国传统〔gain〕Volunteers give their time without seeking any monetary gain.志愿者付出时间并不是为了谋求金钱上的利益。牛津搭配〔gold standard〕A monetary standard under which the basic unit of currency is equal in value to and exchangeable for a specified amount of gold.金本位制:一种货币制度,在此制度下,通货基本单位与一定数量的黄金价值相同,并可与之兑换美国传统〔grand〕The grand design of Europe's monetary union is already agreed.欧洲统一货币的宏伟构想已经获得认同。柯林斯高阶〔grand〕The grand design of Europe's monetary union is already agreed.欧洲货币同盟的宏伟构想已经达成了一致意见。外研社新世纪〔hyperinflation〕Extremely high monetary inflation.过度膨胀:极高的货币膨胀美国传统〔indicate〕U.S. authorities have not yet indicated their monetary policy plans.美国官方尚未透露他们的货币政策规划。外研社新世纪〔indicate〕U.S. authorities have not yet indicated their monetary policy plans.美国当局尚未透露他们的货币政策计划。柯林斯高阶〔indicator〕Monetary growth is usually a good indicator of inflation.货币量增长通常能很好地反映通货膨胀。外研社新世纪〔ledger〕A book in which the monetary transactions of a business are posted in the form of debits and credits.分类帐:将业务中的货币交易记录下来的帐本,分借方和贷方美国传统〔lock〕The currency is now locked into the European Monetary System.该货币现已被纳入欧洲货币体系中。麦克米伦高阶〔loosening〕Domestic conditions did not justify a loosening of monetary policy.国内的情况并不足以成为放松货币政策的正当理由。外研社新世纪〔loosening〕Domestic conditions did not justify a loosening of monetary policy.国内的情况并不足以成为放松货币政策的正当理由。柯林斯高阶〔mercenary〕Motivated solely by a desire for monetary or material gain.唯利是图的:以获取金钱或物质为唯一动机的美国传统〔mercenary〕One who serves or works merely for monetary gain; a hireling.唯利是图的人:仅为获取金钱而服务或工作的人;以金钱为目的人美国传统〔monetary〕Gold was once the basis of the U.S. monetary system.美国曾经的货币体系是金本位。韦氏高阶〔monetary〕He is turning Washington's tight monetary policy to political advantage.他将华盛顿的紧缩金融政策转变为政治利益。文馨英汉〔monetary〕Some countries tighten monetary policy to avoid inflation.一些国家实行紧缩银根的货币政策,以避免通货膨胀。柯林斯高阶〔monetary〕Some countries tighten monetary policy to avoid inflation.一些国家收紧货币政策以避免通货膨胀。外研社新世纪〔monetary〕The monetary unit of the UK is the pound.英国的货币单位是英镑。剑桥高阶〔monetary〕The courts will be asked to place a monetary value on his unfinished career.将要求法院对他未竟的事业进行资产评估。外研社新世纪〔monetary〕The courts will be asked to place a monetary value on his unfinished career.将要求法院对他未竟的事业进行资产评估。柯林斯高阶〔monetary〕The firm is in monetary difficulties.该公司在财政困难中。文馨英汉〔monetary〕The paintings are not of any great monetary value.这些画不值钱。麦克米伦高阶〔money of account〕A monetary unit in which accounts are kept and that may or may not correspond to actual current denominations.记帐货币:一种用于记帐货币单位,这种货币可以与现行票面金额相符或不相符美国传统〔money〕Assets and property considered in terms of monetary value; wealth.财产,财富:被认为有金钱价值的财产或财富;财富美国传统〔monometallism〕The economic theory or practice of using only one metal as a monetary standard.单金属本位制:仅使用一种金属作为货币标准的经济理论或实施方法美国传统〔par〕Of or relating to monetary face value.票面的:货币面额价值的或与之有关的美国传统〔par〕The established value of a monetary unit expressed in terms of a monetary unit of another country using the same metal standard.制定比:被确立的一种用另一使用相同法定含金量的国家的货币来表示的货币单位的价值量美国传统〔pay〕To give over the full monetary amount demanded.付清全部款项:缴清所要求的全部资金数额美国传统〔pie〕A monetary unit formerly in use in India and Pakistan.派:印度和巴基斯坦以前用的一种货币单位美国传统〔pittance〕A meager monetary allowance, wage, or remuneration.少量津贴:很少一部分金钱补助、工资或津贴美国传统〔progression〕Europe's progression towards economic and monetary union 欧洲经济和货币统一的进程朗文当代〔purchasing power〕The value of a particular monetary unit in terms of the goods or services that can be purchased with it.(货币的)购买力:根据一种特定货币单位所能购得的货物或服务而衡量的此货币单位的价值美国传统〔quarterage〕A monetary allowance, wage, or payment made or received quarterly.按季收付的款项:按季度发放或收到的津贴、工资或付款美国传统〔real〕Either of two monetary units formerly used in Portugal and Brazil.雷阿尔:葡萄牙和巴西旧时曾用的两种货币单位中的任何一种美国传统〔sag〕A temporary decline in monetary value.下跌:钱币价值暂时性下降美国传统〔scudo〕A monetary unit and coin formerly used in Italy and Sicily.斯库多:过去在意大利和西西里岛流通的货币单位和硬币美国传统〔silver standard〕A monetary standard under which a specified quantity of silver constitutes the basic unit of currency.银本位:一种货币标准,在其中特定量的银构成货币的基本单位美国传统〔smooth〕The talks are intended to smooth the way for eventual monetary union.会谈旨在为最后统一货币铺平道路。麦克米伦高阶〔stability〕The policy should bring greater monetary stability to the country.这项政策应该会使该国的货币更加稳健。牛津搭配〔standard〕The commodity or commodities used to back a monetary system.货币本位:用来支撑金融系统的一种商品或几种商品美国传统〔steer〕Schoolchildren need a steer when it comes to monetary matters.学童们在花钱的问题上需要一些指导。外研社新世纪〔sterling〕British money, especially the pound as the basic monetary unit of the United Kingdom.英国货币:尤指英国基本货币单位英镑美国传统〔strangle〕The current monetary policy is strangling the economy.现行货币政策抑制了经济的发展。牛津高阶〔supple〕We need a more supple monetary policy.我们需要一个更加灵活的货币政策。剑桥高阶〔tael〕A monetary unit formerly used in China, equivalent in value to this weight of standard silver.银两:过去在中国使用的一种货币单位,价值上相当于这一重量的标准银块美国传统〔tightfisted〕They criticized the government's tight-fisted monetary policy.他们批评了政府的金融紧缩政策。外研社新世纪〔twopence〕Chiefly British Two pennies regarded as a monetary unit.【多用于英国】 当作一个货币单位的两个便士美国传统〔union〕Meanwhile the debate on European political and monetary union continues.同时,有关欧洲政治和货币联盟的争论还在继续。剑桥高阶〔valuable〕A personal possession, such as a piece of jewelry, having a relatively high monetary value. Often used in the plural.贵重物品:私人财产,例如一件珍宝,具有相对地较高的货币价值,经常用复数美国传统〔vassal〕Opponents of the treaty argue that monetary union will turn France into a vassal of Germany.协定的反对者认为货币联盟会使法国沦为德国的附庸国。柯林斯高阶America's lead in international affairs at the time included the setting-up of the United Nations, NATO, the Bretton Woods monetary system and a network of alliances across the globe.当时美国在国际事务中的领导地位包括成立联合国、北大西洋公约组织、布雷敦森林货币体制及全球范围的联盟网络。剑桥国际Closer social and economic ties between the countries serve as a prelude to economic and monetary union.这些国家间更加紧密的社会和经济联系成为经济和货币联盟的先声。剑桥国际Demand can be stimulated by the proper mix of fiscal and monetary policy.可以通过财政政策和货币政策的有效配合来刺激需求。牛津商务European Finance Ministers have been discussing whether to rejig the rates for several currencies inside the European Monetary System.欧洲财政部长们一直在讨论是否在欧洲货币体系内部调整几种货币的汇率。剑桥国际Financial aid is being provided to the country under the auspices of the International Monetary Fund.在国际货币基金组织的赞助下,这个国家正获得财政援助。剑桥国际Has the euro become the monetary unit of the UK? 欧元成为英国的货币单位了吗?牛津商务Lately the main focus of monetary policy has shifted to interest rates.最近货币政策的主要重点已经转移到了利率上面。剑桥国际Meanwhile the debate on European political and monetary union continues.与此同时关于欧洲政治和货币同盟的辩论仍在继续。剑桥国际Our society places a monetary value on labour.我们的社会赋予劳动以货币价值。牛津商务Poland and the International Monetary Fund reached agreement on the terms for a $1 billion loan.波兰和国际货币基金组织就10亿美元的贷款条件达成协议。剑桥国际Pressure is also growing for further monetary easing by the central bank.中央银行进一步放松银根的压力还在增加。牛津商务She was in complete charge of all monetary matters affecting the household. 她全权负责一切有关家务的财政事宜。译典通The Monetary Policy Committee has/have voted to keep interest rates unchanged.货币政策委员会已投票决定维持利率不变。牛津商务The monetary unit in the US is the dollar. 美国的货币单位是"元"。译典通The monetary unit of the United States, Australia and Canada is the dollar.美国、澳大利亚和加拿大的货币单位是元。剑桥国际The European Monetary System was designed to link together the currencies in the European Community.欧洲货币体系是为了把欧洲联盟的货币联成一体而设立的。剑桥国际The European Central Bank is easing monetary policy.欧洲中央银行正放松货币政策。牛津商务The German economy required a bit of monetary stimulus (= an increase in the supply of money).德国经济需要一点货币刺激(增加货币供应量)。牛津商务The new government introduced widespread changes in the monetary system.新政府将大规模改革货币体系。剑桥国际There are considerable monetary rewards in running a large company.开办大型公司可以带来相当可观的金钱回报。牛津商务There have been massive changes in the world's monetary system.世界货币制度发生了巨大变化。牛津商务




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