

单词 aimlessly
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PURPOSE〕John wandered aimlessly all day and returned to his gloomy room in the evening. 约翰整天漫无目的地逛来逛去,晚上则回到他那阴暗的小屋去。朗文写作活用〔aimlessly〕He wandered aimlessly along the beach.他沿著海滩漫无目的地信步而行。文馨英汉〔aimlessly〕I wandered around aimlessly.我漫无目的地到处游荡。外研社新世纪〔aimlessly〕I wandered around aimlessly.我漫无目的地到处游逛。柯林斯高阶〔aimlessly〕She drove around aimlessly for a while, not caring where she went.她漫无目的地开车转了一会儿, 无所谓去哪里。外研社新世纪〔aimlessly〕She liked to wander aimlessly around the park.她喜欢在公园附近随意走走。韦氏高阶〔aimless〕He drifted aimlessly from one job to another.他漫无目的地换了一份又一份工作。牛津高阶〔bat〕Slang To wander about aimlessly.【俚语】 晃荡:漫无目的地徘徊美国传统〔bowed〕He walked aimlessly along street after street, head down and shoulders bowed.他低着头、垂着肩,漫无目的地走过一条条街道。柯林斯高阶〔bowed〕He walked aimlessly along street after street, head down and shoulders bowed.他低着头弓着背, 漫无目的地从一条街走到另一条街。外研社新世纪〔doodle〕To scribble aimlessly, especially when preoccupied.胡乱画,涂鸦:尤指在精神集中在其它事情时,心不在焉地乱涂美国传统〔drifter〕One that drifts, especially a person who moves aimlessly from place to place or from job to job.漂泊者:漂泊的人,尤指漫无目的从一个地方到另一个地方,从一个工作至另一工作的人美国传统〔drift〕He just drifted aimlessly from job to job.他漫无目的地跳槽(从一个工作转到另一个工作)。21世纪英汉〔drift〕He spent the day drifting aimlessly around the house.他一整天都在房子周围漫无目的地晃来晃去。牛津搭配〔drift〕The talk drifted aimlessly from one subject to another.谈话漫无目的地从一个主题转向另一个主题。剑桥高阶〔freewheel〕To live or move freely and sometimes aimlessly or irresponsibly.随心所欲地生活或行动:自由地,有时无目标不负责任地生活或行动美国传统〔loiter〕To stand idly about; linger aimlessly.闲逛:空闲地呆在某地周围;漫无目的地闲逛美国传统〔maunder〕To move or act aimlessly or vaguely; wander.游荡,闲逛,徘徊:无目的或无精打采地移动或行动;漫游美国传统〔maunder〕To talk incoherently or aimlessly.胡扯,胡说:语无伦次地或漫无边际地说美国传统〔mill around〕Hundreds of students were milling aimlessly around.几百名学生在漫无目的地转来转去。外研社新世纪〔mooch〕To wander about aimlessly.闲逛:无目的的闲荡;徘徊美国传统〔moon〕To wander about or pass time languidly and aimlessly.闲逛:没精打采地或无目的地闲逛或虚度时间美国传统〔page〕She aimlessly turned the pages of her magazine.她漫无目的地翻阅杂志。英汉大词典〔page〕She is paging through a magazine aimlessly.她漫不经心地在翻阅一本杂志。21世纪英汉〔perambulate〕He perambulated aimlessly about the park.他在公园里漫步。英汉大词典〔roam〕He'd roamed aimlessly for a few hours.他已经漫无目的地闲逛了几个小时。牛津搭配〔screw〕Slang To act or fool around aimlessly or in a confused way and accomplish nothing.【俚语】 虚度:无目的地或以糊涂的方式行动或干傻事,什么也没有完成美国传统〔search〕For the rest of the morning he searched aimlessly through the town.上午余下的时间里,他在镇上漫无目标地四处搜寻。牛津搭配〔tramp〕One who travels aimlessly about on foot, doing odd jobs or begging for a living; a vagrant.流浪汉:徒步毫无目标地四处旅行的人,做些零星的工作或以行乞为生;流浪者美国传统〔tramp〕To wander about aimlessly.流浪:毫无目的地四处漂泊美国传统〔wander〕She wandered aimlessly about the house.她漫无目的地在房子里走来走去。朗文当代〔wander〕She wandered aimlessly around the streets.她在大街上漫无目的地到处游荡。牛津高阶〔wander〕They found him wandering around aimlessly.他们发现他漫无目的地四处闲逛。牛津搭配Nancy wandered for hours aimlessly along the intertwining roads and footpaths. 南茜毫无目的地在纵横交错大路与小径之间徘徊了几个小时。译典通While she waited, she walked aimlessly around the car park.她等待的时候,在停车场附近漫无目的地走着。剑桥国际




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