

单词 lou
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPLAIN〕Their neighbours complained about their constant loud music. 左邻右舍不满他们连续不断以很大音量播放音乐。朗文写作活用〔DISTURB〕Loud frogs are disturbing the sleep of local home owners. 高声鸣叫的青蛙妨碍了当地居民的睡眠。朗文写作活用〔GAME〕Sweet Lou played for the Detroit Tigers. 斯威特·卢效力于底特律猛虎队。朗文写作活用〔HEAR〕My grandfather's a little hard of hearing, so he has the TV on very loud. 我祖父有点耳背,所以他把电视开得很响。朗文写作活用〔IMMEDIATELY〕There was a loud explosion in the engine-room, and almost immediately a fire broke out. 发动机房里发生了爆炸,一声巨响后随即起了大火。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕We hooked up my stereo and turned up the volume as loud as it would go. 我们把我那套立体声音响装好,并把音量调到最大。朗文写作活用〔JUST〕His voice was barely loud enough to be heard at the back of the theatre. 剧院后面的人勉强能听到他的声音。朗文写作活用〔Klaxon〕A trademark used for a loud electric horn.电喇叭:用于响亮的电喇叭的一个商标美国传统〔LOUD〕The boy gave a loud cry of pain. 那男孩痛得大叫了一声。朗文写作活用〔LOUD〕Three seconds later there was a loud bang and the hall was filled with smoke. 过了三秒钟,随着“砰”的一声巨响,大厅里烟雾弥漫。朗文写作活用〔Orleanist〕A supporter of the Orléans branch of the French royal family, descended from a younger brother of Louis XIV.奥尔良派成员:法国王室奥尔良一支的支持者,该支为路易斯十六弟弟的后代美国传统〔SOUND〕As I hit the floor, I heard a loud crack in my arm. 我倒在地板上时听到我的手臂很响地喀嚓了一声。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕I heard a loud bang - it sounded like something had fallen down upstairs. 我听到砰的一声,好像是有什么东西从楼上掉下的声音。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕There was a loud cracking noise and then the chair collapsed. 哗啦一声巨响,椅子就散架了。朗文写作活用〔WANT/NOT WANT〕He felt a sudden compulsion to laugh out loud. 他突然感到有一种要大声笑出来的冲动。朗文写作活用〔WASH〕Lou was on her knees, scrubbing the kitchen floor. 卢跪着刷厨房的地板。朗文写作活用〔acclimatization〕This year he has left for St Louis early to acclimatise himself.今年他早早地前往圣路易斯以便适应新环境。柯林斯高阶〔accompaniment〕He entered to the accompaniment of loud cheers.伴随着欢呼声, 他走了进来。外研社新世纪〔arrest〕The loud noise arrested our attention.响声吸引了我们的注意。21世纪英汉〔articulate〕All we could hear were loud sobs, but no articulate words.我们听到的只是大声啜泣,没有清楚的话语。牛津高阶〔aware〕I became aware of a loud knocking sound.我发觉有一个很响的敲击声。韦氏高阶〔bang〕A sudden loud noise, as of an explosion.巨响:突发的巨响,如爆炸声美国传统〔bang〕I heard a loud bang.我听见一声巨响。韦氏高阶〔bang〕I heard four or five loud bangs.我听到了四五声巨响。外研社新世纪〔bang〕She slammed the door with a loud bang.她砰的一声关上了门。牛津搭配〔barker〕An employee who stands before the entrance to a show, as at a carnival, and solicits customers with a loud, colorful sales spiel.大声叫卖者:在巡回演出时,站在入口处以大声叫喊或各种各样降价推销招徕顾客的雇员美国传统〔bellow〕A very loud utterance or other sound.大声的发音或其他声音美国传统〔be〕There was a loud explosion.传来巨大的爆炸声。朗文当代〔bird〕A loud sound expressing disapproval; a raspberry.表示不满的响亮的声音;咂舌声美国传统〔bless〕I bless the day I met Lindy Lou.我有幸那天认识了林迪·卢。外研社新世纪〔blinding〕There was loud bang and a sudden blinding light.随着一声巨响,突然出现了一道耀眼的光。剑桥高阶〔blubber〕A loud sobbing.哭号美国传统〔bluster〕To blow in loud, violent gusts, as the wind during a storm.风狂吹:大声的,猛烈的一阵击打,如暴风中的风美国传统〔brake〕I heard the brakes squealing, then a loud crash.发出刺耳声麦克米伦高阶〔brawl〕A loud party.喧闹的宴会美国传统〔bump〕We landed with a loud bump.随着砰的一声巨响,我们着陆了。牛津搭配〔burst forth〕The crowd burst forth into loud cheering at the singer.群众对歌唱家顿时发出响亮的喝彩声。21世纪英汉〔call〕The call of this bird is very loud.这鸟的鸣声很响。英汉大词典〔call〕We heard a bird that had a very loud and unusual call.我们听到一只鸟发出了响亮而特别的叫声。韦氏高阶〔check〕I had to check the urge to laugh out loud.我只得憋住不让自己大声笑出来。朗文当代〔cheer〕Troops raised a loud cheer as the president appeared.总统一出现,军队中就响起了热烈的欢呼声。麦克米伦高阶〔clunk〕The book hit the floor with a loud clunk.那本书砰的一声掉在地上。韦氏高阶〔coating〕Under the coating of dust and cobwebs, he discovered a fine French Louis XVI clock.在一层灰尘和蜘蛛网底下,他发现了一座精美的法国路易十六时期的时钟。柯林斯高阶〔come through〕The message came through loud and clear.信息明白无误地接收到了。韦氏高阶〔come〕The pilot's voice came through loud and clear.飞行员的声音大而清楚美国传统〔count〕Let's count out loud (= speak the words) from one to ten.我们来大声地从1数到10。剑桥高阶〔crack〕Suddenly there was a loud crack and glass flew into the car.突然啪的一声巨响, 玻璃飞进了汽车内。外研社新世纪〔crack〕We heard a loud crack as the ice broke.我们听到冰块裂开时巨大的爆裂声。韦氏高阶〔crash〕A sudden loud noise, as of an object breaking.碰撞声:物体破裂等突然发出的很响的声音美国传统〔crash〕I heard a loud crash .我听到一声巨响。朗文当代〔crash〕The bike hit the street and made a loud crash.自行车砸在大街上,发出一声巨响。牛津搭配〔crash〕There was a loud crash from the kitchen.厨房里传来哗啦一声巨响。麦克米伦高阶〔crash〕Two people in the flat recalled hearing a loud crash about 1.30 am.公寓里的两个人回想起大约在凌晨1点半的时候听到了一声巨响。外研社新世纪〔cymbal〕A percussion instrument consisting of a concave brass plate that makes a loud clashing tone when hit with a drumstick or when used in pairs.钹:一种打击乐器,由一个凹铜片构成,当用单个或者双个鼓槌敲击时,可发出高的撞击声美国传统〔deafen〕To make deaf, especially momentarily by a loud noise.使震聋:使…聋,尤指被巨大的噪音暂时震聋美国传统〔dialogue〕Students were asked to read simple dialogues out loud.学生被要求大声朗读简单的对话。朗文当代〔distract〕I was distracted by a loud noise.一声巨响分散了我的注意力。韦氏高阶〔drive〕With a few loud whistles, they drove the donkeys out of the enclosure.随着几声响亮的哨声,他们把驴子赶出了围栏。朗文当代〔effort〕Lou lifted the box easily, without using much effort.卢没费多大力气就把箱子搬了起来。朗文当代〔erupt〕He erupted into loud, desperate sobs.他突然拼命地大声啜泣起来。朗文当代〔explosion〕We heard a loud explosion .我们听到一声巨大的爆炸声。朗文当代〔explosively〕He made a loud, explosive noise of disgust.他反感地爆发出一阵叫嚷。柯林斯高阶〔explosively〕The sound of her own chewing and swallowing were explosively loud.她自己嚼咽食物的声音非常大。柯林斯高阶〔field〕There were loud cheers as the Irish team took the field.爱尔兰队进场时欢声大作。剑桥高阶〔fire〕We heard a sudden loud burst of machine gun fire.我们听见突然响起了一阵机关枪射击声。麦克米伦高阶〔forte〕In a loud, forceful manner. Used chiefly as a direction.强音地(的):响亮而有力地。主要用作演奏演唱指示美国传统〔fortissimo〕In a very loud manner. Used chiefly as a direction.极强音地(的):极强音地(的)。主要用作演奏演唱指示美国传统〔further〕I've never been further west than St. Louis.我到过的西边最远的地方就是圣路易斯。韦氏高阶〔give〕He gave a loud cry(= cried out loudly)and fell to the floor.他大叫了一声倒在地板上。牛津高阶〔grate〕I hear a loud grating sound whenever I step on the brake.每次踩到刹车我都会听到刺耳的声音。韦氏高阶〔guffaw〕She let out a loud guffaw.她嘎嘎大笑起来。牛津高阶〔hammering〕Loud hammering was coming from next door.重重的敲打声从隔壁传来。韦氏高阶〔hammering〕There was a loud hammering at the door.有人使劲敲门。朗文当代〔harshly〕It's a pity she has such a loud harsh voice.可惜她的嗓门太大太难听了。柯林斯高阶〔harsh〕It's a pity she has such a loud harsh voice.可惜她的嗓门太大、声音也太难听了。外研社新世纪〔have〕She's got the radio on so loud.她把收音机声音开得那么大。韦氏高阶〔hear yourself think〕That music is so loud I can't hear myself think.音乐声太大,我已不能认真思考。韦氏高阶〔heavy metal〕Music Very loud, greatly amplified, brash rock music often with shouted, violent lyrics.【音乐】 重金属音乐:强节奏、大音量、刺耳的摇滚音乐,通常配有尖声叫喊的歌词美国传统〔hector〕In a loud, hectoring tone, Alan told us that he wasn't going to waste time discussing nonsense.艾伦大声威逼我们说,他不会把时间浪费在讨论没用的事情上。柯林斯高阶〔hell〕She's the neighbour from hell, playing loud music all day and all night.她是一个很烦人的邻居, 从早到晚大声放音乐。外研社新世纪〔hiccup〕She gave a loud hiccup.她打了一个响嗝。牛津搭配〔home〕The home crowd roared a loud welcome.当地群众高呼欢迎。英汉大词典〔how〕Louis is the only person who understands how the system works.路易斯是唯一知道这个系统如何运作的人。麦克米伦高阶〔in your tracks〕A sudden loud scream stopped me (dead) in my tracks (= caused me suddenly to stop what I was doing).突如其来的一声大叫惊得我停下了手中的工作。剑桥高阶〔knocking〕They were wakened by a loud knocking at the door.他们被声音很大的敲门声吵醒了。外研社新世纪〔laugh〕He's one of the few writers who can make me laugh out loud .他是少数能让我放声大笑的作家之一。朗文当代〔laugh〕It's very rare that a book is so good you actually laugh out loud.一本能让你笑出声来的好书真是不多见。剑桥高阶〔liking〕She has a liking for loud music.她喜欢劲爆的音乐。韦氏高阶〔load〕We got a load of complaints about the loud music.很多人向我们抱怨音乐声太大。朗文当代〔loser〕You are a very bad loser Lou, aren't you?洛乌, 你这人真的输不起, 是不是啊?外研社新世纪〔loud〕Don’t play your music too loud.你播放音乐声音别太大。牛津高阶〔loud〕I laughed out loud when I read the book.我读那本书时放声大笑。英汉大词典〔loud〕I laughed out loud.我大笑出声。外研社新世纪〔loud〕In a loud manner.大声地美国传统〔loud〕Lisa's voice comes through loud and clear.丽莎的声音清楚地传过来。外研社新世纪〔loud〕Read it out loud, so we can all hear.大声念出来,这样我们都能听到。朗文当代〔loud〕Say it loud.大声说出来。韦氏高阶〔loud〕The men at the bar were loud and obnoxious.酒吧里的那些男人咋咋呼呼的让人作呕。剑桥高阶〔loud〕The message came through loud and clear.那消息传达得清清楚楚。朗文当代〔loud〕The television is too loud.电视声音太大了。外研社新世纪〔loud〕The trade unions have been loud in their opposition to privatization.各工会一直坚决反对私有化。麦克米伦高阶〔loud〕There was a loud bang.砰的一声巨响。外研社新世纪〔loud〕There was a loud holiday air all over the country.全国洋溢着一片热烈的节日气氛。英汉大词典〔make yourself heard/understood (etc.)〕The music was so loud that she could hardly make herself heard.音乐声太响了,她几乎没法让别人听清她说话。韦氏高阶〔mark〕The politicians were quick off the mark with loud talk about tax cuts and Social Security reform.政治家们迅速反应, 开始大肆谈论减税和社会保障改革问题。外研社新世纪〔membrane〕Loud noise can damage the delicate membrane in the ear.很响的噪声会损伤脆弱的耳膜。朗文当代〔mezzo forte〕Moderately loud. Used chiefly as a direction.中强,不很响:中等强度的声音,主要用于指挥中美国传统〔misfire〕There was a loud bang, like the sound of an engine misfiring.有一声巨响,像是引擎发动不起来的声音。剑桥高阶〔mute〕The loud colors in this room need to be muted.这个房间里花哨的颜色需要调和一下。韦氏高阶〔narrative〕At this point in her narrative, Lou suddenly paused.卢讲到这一点时突然停了下来。麦克米伦高阶〔neighbour〕The neighbours complained about his loud music.邻居们抱怨他放音乐的声音太大。牛津搭配〔noise〕I heard a loud noise and ran to the window.我听见一声巨响,于是向窗户跑去。剑桥高阶〔notice〕Her work also came to the notice of the French actor-producer Louis Jouvet.她的作品也引起了法国演员兼制片人路易·茹韦的注意。柯林斯高阶〔obnoxious〕Some teenagers were being loud and obnoxious.几个十几岁的孩子大声吵闹,让人讨厌。韦氏高阶〔obscure〕A loud brassy chord ran down the corridor, obscuring the sound of her voice.响亮的铜管乐声从走廊的另一端传过来,掩盖了她的嗓音。英汉大词典〔offstage〕There was a loud crash offstage.后台传来一声很响的碰撞声。朗文当代〔outcry〕A loud cry or clamor.大声喊叫或喧嚷美国传统〔palaver〕A loud palaver then ensued.然后紧接着是一阵大声的喧哗。外研社新世纪〔pitch〕There was a loud bang and he was pitched from his seat.一声巨响,他被从座位上抛了起来。牛津搭配〔pithily〕Louis Armstrong defined jazz pithily as 'what I play for a living'.路易斯•阿姆斯特朗简练地把爵士乐定义为“我为谋生而演奏的东西”。外研社新世纪〔play〕Lou Gehrig played first base.卢·格里克打一垒美国传统〔play〕You kids are playing your music too loud.你们这些孩子把音乐声开得太大了。韦氏高阶〔plume〕There was a loud explosion, followed by a plume of thick black smoke.巨大的爆炸声之后,腾起一股浓浓的黑烟。麦克米伦高阶〔pop〕Each corn kernel will make a loud pop when cooked.烹调时, 每个玉米粒都会发出很响的砰的声音。外研社新世纪〔pop〕The cork came out of the bottle with a loud pop.软木塞砰的一声从瓶口迸了出来。牛津高阶〔pop〕The cork came out with a loud pop.瓶塞砰的一声弹出来了。牛津搭配〔pop〕We heard a loud pop when the lights went out.灯灭时,我们听到啪的一声巨响。韦氏高阶〔praise〕He was loud in his praises of his new car.他张口闭口夸耀自己的新车。英汉大词典〔put on〕She poured them drinks, and put a record on loud.她为他们倒上饮料,然后开大音量播放唱片。柯林斯高阶〔rant〕To speak or declaim in a violent, loud, or vehement manner; rave.大叫大嚷,夸夸其谈:用粗野的,极大的声音或粗野的态度说话或下结论;大声责骂美国传统〔rattle〕Loud or rapid talk; chatter.聊天:大声急促的谈话;聊天美国传统〔rattle〕The loud claps of thunder rattled.炸雷劈啪。英汉大词典〔read〕I read you loud and clear.我能清楚地听到你宏亮的声音美国传统〔read〕We read you loud and clear. Over.我们能够清楚地听到你的声音。完毕。柯林斯高阶〔receive〕I'm receiving you loud and clear.我可以清楚地听到你讲话。剑桥高阶〔rendering〕They began with a loud rendering of the hymn “Onward Christian Soldiers”.他们响亮地奏出“前进,基督教战士们”的赞美诗乐曲,作为开始。英汉大词典〔report〕Soon afterwards there was a loud report as the fuel tanks exploded.不久之后就听到燃料箱爆炸的巨响。柯林斯高阶〔report〕Witnesses reported hearing a loud noise before the plane crashed.证人讲述说在飞机坠毁前听到一声巨响。麦克米伦高阶〔repress〕Repressing an impulse to laugh out loud, she thanked him and walked out.她抑制住想大笑的冲动,谢过他后就走出去了。麦克米伦高阶〔retreat〕The bugler sounded the retreat (=gave a loud signal for retreat) .号角手吹号撤退。朗文当代〔roar〕A loud, deep, prolonged sound or cry, as of a person in distress or rage.大声喊叫:如人在痛苦或恼怒时发出的响亮、深厚且持续时间长的声音或哭喊美国传统〔roar〕The lion let out a loud roar.狮子发出一声吼叫。剑桥高阶〔robust〕His laughter was loud and robust.他的笑声又响又粗野。英汉大词典〔ruffle〕A low continuous beating of a drum that is not as loud as a roll.连续的轻擂:比隆隆的摆鼓声轻一些的低声连续擂鼓美国传统〔scare〕Loud noises can scare animals or birds.很大的噪声会惊吓到鸟兽。朗文当代〔screech〕He let out a loud screech.他发出了一声尖叫。剑桥高阶〔set to〕Dad had a bit of a set-to with the neighbours about their playing loud music all the time.爸爸因为邻居整天大声放着音乐而和他们发生了一些摩擦。剑桥高阶〔shake〕There was a loud bang and the building shook.砰的一声巨响,大楼颤动了起来。朗文当代〔shock〕It was such a loud crash - it gave me/I got quite a shock.轰隆一声巨响就撞上了——真把我吓了一跳。剑桥高阶〔slam〕A forceful impact that makes a loud noise.撞击:有力的,发出很大声音的撞击美国传统〔slapstick〕A paddle designed to produce a loud whacking sound, formerly used by performers in farces.响棒:一种用于发出很大的重击声的桨状物,以前在闹剧中由表演者使用美国传统〔smacker〕A loud kiss.响吻:一个出声的亲吻美国传统〔smack〕To strike sharply and with a loud noise.劈啪作响:猛烈地打击并发出很大的声音美国传统〔sniff〕She gave a loud sniff of disapproval.她不以为然地大哼了一声。牛津搭配〔sound〕The creaking of the hinges sounded very loud in that silence.合页的吱嘎声在一片寂静中听上去很响。外研社新世纪〔spite〕They're playing the music so loud just to spite us.他们把音乐放得这么响就是存心要搅扰我们。牛津高阶〔stop〕He put the radio on loud to stop himself thinking about it.他把收音机的音量开得很大,好让自己不再想这件事。柯林斯高阶〔strain〕Too loud sound would strain your ears.过响的声音会损伤你的听力。21世纪英汉〔stun〕To overwhelm or daze with a loud noise.使震聋美国传统〔talk〕She talks very loud.她说话声音很大。韦氏高阶〔talk〕To silence (a person), especially by speaking in a loud and domineering manner.以滔滔不绝的大声议论压倒:使(某人)安静,尤指通过大声地或不可争辩地说话来达到这一目的美国传统〔thing〕That thing is loud.那东西声音很大。韦氏高阶〔thought〕Louis could not bear the thought of losing her.路易斯想都不敢去想要失去她。朗文当代〔thwack〕The book hit the floor with a loud thwack.书啪的一声砸到地板上。韦氏高阶〔to〕We were dancing to loud music.我们跟着喧闹的音乐起舞。外研社新世纪〔up〕Grandma always turns the TV up really loud because she can't hear very well.奶奶总是把电视音量调得很大,因为她听力不好。剑桥高阶〔vociferous〕These adjectives all mean conspicuously and usually offensively loud.这些形容词都有引人注目地和通常令人讨厌地大的意思。美国传统〔voice〕There was a sound of loud voices from the kitchen.厨房里传出大声说话的声音。外研社新世纪〔wake〕A loud noise woke me.一声巨响把我弄醒。牛津同义词〔wear〕The loud monotony of his voice wore the listeners down.他那又响又单调的嗓音使听者不胜厌烦。英汉大词典〔whang〕To strike so as to produce a loud, reverberant noise.发出打击声:敲击使发出砰砰响亮声美国传统〔whisper〕The cold breeze moved through the bushes around him, whispering just loud enough to obscure the chanting.冷飕飕的风吹动着他周边的矮树丛,沙沙声刚好盖过了吟唱的声音。柯林斯高阶〔wolf whistle〕Her dancing brought loud cheers, wolf whistles and applause.她的舞蹈赢来震耳的欢呼声、口哨声和掌声。外研社新世纪〔yawn〕A loud yawn escaped my lips.我没能忍住打了一个大哈欠。牛津搭配Louis Armstrong's playing represented (= was an example of) the best of traditional jazz.路易斯·阿姆斯特朗的演奏是传统爵士乐的典范。剑桥国际A loud bugle aroused everyone from sleep. 嘹亮的号声将每个人从睡梦中唤醒。译典通A loud clap of thunder made the herd stampede/stampeded the herd.一声响雷使牛群惊窜。剑桥国际As he read the poem out loud, he mangled the rhythm so badly that it scarcely made any sense.他大声朗读那首诗时完全不合韵律,以致诗歌听上去毫无意义。剑桥国际He spoke loud and clear. 他讲话声音大而清楚。译典通I think the brass is too loud in this recording.我认为这一段录音中铜管乐器部分太响了。剑桥国际I thought that the band's percussion section was too loud.我认为乐队的打击乐器部分太响了。剑桥国际I was expecting the actress to be loud and aggressive but found the contrary.我原以为这位女演员虚荣招摇、咄咄逼人,但发觉实际恰恰相反。剑桥国际It was such a loud crash --it gave me/I got quite a shock.轰隆一声这么响----真把我给吓了一跳。剑桥国际Many MPs have been wondering out loud about (= expressing doubts in public about) the prime minister's competence in the handling of this crisis.许多下院议员一直对首相处理这场危机的能力公开表示怀疑。剑桥国际Our dog gave a loud bark and rushed to the door, wagging her tail.我们的狗大叫一声冲到门口,摇摇尾巴。剑桥国际Our neighbours are very inconsiderate--they're always playing loud music late at night.我们的邻居不替别人着想----他们总是在很晚把音乐放得很响。剑桥国际She broke the broom handle over her knee with a loud snap (= cracking sound).喀嚓一声,她用膝盖折断了扫帚柄。剑桥国际She has an extraordinarily (= unusually, very) loud voice.她的声音出奇地大。剑桥国际She wore a loud dress. 她穿一件艳丽的连衫裙。译典通Suddenly we heard a loud knocking sound from the engine.突然我们听见引擎发出了响亮的敲击声。剑桥国际Tap dancers make loud clicks with their shoes.跳踢舞的人会把他们的鞋踏得嗒嗒作响。剑桥国际The loud music brought on (= caused) another one of his headaches.过响的音乐声再次使他头痛。剑桥国际The loud noise made me jump / leap out of my skin (= surprised me very much).巨大的声响使我大吃一惊。剑桥国际The Crow, anxious to refute the reflection cast upon her voice, set up a loud caw and dropped the flesh. 乌鸦为了迫不及待反驳对它嗓音的贬低,张嘴大叫了一声,把肉掉了。译典通The human ear allows us to detect subtle differences in loudness (= how loud something is) and in pitch, and to locate the source of a sound.耳朵使我们能辨别出音量、音调的微小差别,并能确定声音的来源。剑桥国际The water went down the plughole with a loud gurgle.水发着响亮的汩汩声流下了排水洞。剑桥国际Their loud parties have recently caused a number of complaints from the other people in their building.他们近来举行的喧闹的晚会使同一幢楼里的其他人多次抱怨。剑桥国际There was loud bang and a sudden blinding light.随着一声巨响突然发出了一道耀眼的光。剑桥国际This car is alarmed (=has a device which makes a loud noise if anyone touches the car without permission).这辆车有报警装置。剑桥国际To succeed as a journalist a woman might have to appear somewhat brassy (= loud and self-confident) and fearless.要成为一名成功的新闻工作者,妇女可能要有点厚脸皮和大无畏的精神。剑桥国际




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