

单词 lotto
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WIN〕Unemployed roadsweeper Mickey Reid hit the jackpot when his £4 Lotto ticket won him £1.8m. 失业的马路清洁工米基·里德中了头奖,他买的4英镑乐透彩票赢了180万英镑。朗文写作活用〔keno〕A game of chance, similar to lotto, that uses balls rather than counters.基诺:一种赌博游戏,与抽数码赌戏类似,只是用计算器代替球美国传统〔numbers game〕Four years ago, Lotto, an old-fashioned numbers game and the Italians' favourite punt, was still run on paper.四年前, 老式数字彩票游戏乐透和意大利人喜欢的赌庄游戏依然在报纸上刊载。外研社新世纪It is totally unprecedented for a man to win two lottos in a row. 一个人可以连赢两次乐透可说是史无前例的。译典通To give birth to triplets is perhaps harder than to win a lotto. 要生三胞胎恐怕比中乐透还难。译典通




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