

单词 aim at
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕International terrorists have mounted an attack aimed at disrupting the huge tourist industry here. 国际恐怖分子发动了袭击,旨在打击这里庞大的旅游业。朗文写作活用〔DECAY〕Bedtime drinks aimed at helping children to sleep may be rotting their teeth. 为帮助儿童入睡而给他们喝的睡前饮料可能会蛀蚀牙齿。朗文写作活用〔END〕The talks are aimed at bringing the dispute to a conclusion. 会谈旨在结束分歧。朗文写作活用〔HARM〕The protests were aimed at ending the dumping of harmful industrial waste at sea. 这些抗议行动的目的是为了阻止向海里倾倒有害的工业废料。朗文写作活用〔OFFEND〕He's always offended by jokes aimed at Irish people. 听了针对爱尔兰人的笑话,他总要生气。朗文写作活用〔SCHOOL/UNIVERSITY〕The educational program is aimed at preschoolers. 这个教育方案是针对学龄前儿童的。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕The government is introducing new measures aimed at curbing inflation. 政府正在采取新的措施,致力于抑制通货膨胀。朗文写作活用〔adult〕The play is definitely aimed at an adult audience.该剧的目标观众无疑是成年人。外研社新世纪〔aim at sth〕The government's campaign is aimed at influencing public opinion.政府开展这场运动的目的在于引导公众舆论。剑桥高阶〔aim〕Aim at the yellow circle.瞄准黄圈。剑桥高阶〔aim〕A man with a shotgun was taking aim at the deer.一名男子拿猎枪瞄准了那头鹿。外研社新世纪〔aim〕His remarks are aimed at his father.他的话针对的是他父亲。外研社新世纪〔aim〕Republican strategists are taking particular aim at Democratic senators.共和党的战略家正尖锐地攻击民主党的参议员。柯林斯高阶〔aim〕We're aiming at reducing taxation over the next two years.我们力求在今后两年减税。外研社新世纪〔alignment〕The exercises are aimed at improving postural alignment.这些练习旨在促进体态的调整。外研社新世纪〔at〕The course is aimed at those aged 16 or over.这门课程的对象是 16 岁和 16 岁以上的人。朗文当代〔better〕We followed a policy aimed at bettering the lot of the poorest areas.我们奉行一项旨在改善极贫困地区命运的政策。21世纪英汉〔conservation〕The projects are aimed at promoting energy conservation.这些项目旨在促进节约能源。外研社新世纪〔détente〕The talks are aimed at furthering détente between the two countries.会谈旨在进一步缓和两国间的关系。剑桥高阶〔emission〕New regulations are aimed at reducing vehicle emissions.新规章旨在减少汽车尾气排放。麦克米伦高阶〔extravagance〕The reorganization of the department was aimed at reducing extravagance.改组这个部门是为了减少浪费。韦氏高阶〔fact〕Prices reflect the fact that the company is aiming at the luxury market.价格反映该公司正将目标瞄准奢侈品市场这一事实。牛津搭配〔harsh〕The harsh sentences appear to be aimed at setting an example.严厉的刑罚似乎是为了杀一儆百。外研社新世纪〔language arts〕The subjects, including reading, spelling, and composition, aimed at developing reading and writing skills, usually taught in elementary and secondary school.语言艺术:一个包含阅读,拼字及组合的学科,用以帮助培养阅读及写作能力的技巧,通常于小学及次级学校教授美国传统〔master plan〕The job losses were part of a master plan aimed at transforming the structure of the company.裁员是旨在转变公司结构的总体规划的一部分。朗文当代〔pave〕The discussions are aimed at paving the way for formal negotiations between the two countries.探讨的目的在于为两国的正式协商铺平道路。外研社新世纪〔produce〕Talks aimed at producing a new world trade treaty have been under way for six years.旨在制定出一个新的世界贸易条约的谈判已经进行了6年。柯林斯高阶〔purely〕The society said the move was 'purely and simply a business decision' aimed at reducing costs.该协会说此举是旨在降低成本的“不折不扣的商业决定”。柯林斯高阶〔put〕Advertising aimed at children puts a lot of pressure on parents.针对孩子们的广告给家长们造成了极大的压力。麦克米伦高阶〔rehabilitate〕The new scheme is aimed at rehabilitating local heroin addicts.新计划是为了使当地海洛因吸食者戒除毒瘾。麦克米伦高阶〔result〕He aimed at influencing the result of the presidential elections.他的目的在于影响总统选举的结果。牛津搭配〔revolve〕The gun turret revolved until the gun was aimed at the advancing soldiers.炮塔旋转着,最后炮口瞄准了正在前进的士兵。剑桥高阶〔round〕This is the latest round of job cuts aimed at making the company more competitive.这是旨在使公司更具竞争力的最新一轮裁员。外研社新世纪〔rush through〕The government rushed through legislation aimed at Mafia leaders.政府匆忙通过了针对黑手党首领的立法。柯林斯高阶〔short story〕A short piece of prose fiction, having few characters and aiming at unity of effect.短篇小说:一篇短小的散文虚构作品,人物不多,追求统一的效果美国传统〔something〕Most of these places are aimed at twenty-somethings.这些地方大多数是以二十多岁的人为目标群体的。剑桥高阶〔tee〕Sports Games A mark aimed at in certain games, such as curling or quoits.【体育运动】 【游戏】 目标:在特定比赛中瞄准的标志,例如冰上溜石游戏或掷圈游戏,美国传统〔upmarket〕Anne chose an upmarket agency aimed at professional people.安妮选择了一家以专业人士为服务对象的高端代理商。柯林斯高阶〔week-long〕They open week-long talks in New Zealand on Tuesday, aimed at reaching a settlement.他们星期二在新西兰开启了一周长的谈判,目标是要达成协议。剑桥高阶Her latest collection of poems includes a number of squibs aimed at other writers.她最新的诗集中包括了一些针对其他作者的讽刺短文。剑桥国际She is aiming at winning a gold medal at the next Olympic games.她希望在下一届奥林匹克运动会中赢得一枚金牌。剑桥国际The food and health magazine is aimed at people with busy lifestyles.针对忙碌生活方式的人们而出版的食品和健康杂志。牛津商务The gun turret revolved until the gun was aimed at the advancing soldiers.炮塔旋转着,直到大炮瞄准了正在行进中的士兵们。剑桥国际The hunter aimed at the lion and fired. 猎人瞄准了狮子开火。译典通The magazine is a quarterly aimed at people working in advertising.这份杂志是针对广告从业人员的季刊。牛津商务The talks are aimed at finding a mutually agreeable solution.会谈旨在找到一个能够共同接受的解决方法。剑桥国际The talks are aimed at furthering detente between the two countries.对话的目的在于进一步缓和两国关系。剑桥国际These advertisements are specifically aimed at young people.这些广告是专门针对年轻人的。剑桥国际This legislation is aimed at stimulating the faltering economy.这个法规旨在刺激不景气的经济。剑桥国际We aim at doubling our production. 我们的目标是将生产增加一倍。译典通




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