

单词 mathematical
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALGOL〕An algebraic computer language for solving primarily mathematical and scientific problems using algorithms.算法语言:一种使用算法来解决首要的数学和科学问题的代数计算机语言美国传统〔COMMON〕It's a common mathematical error. 这是个常见的数学错误。朗文写作活用〔INTELLIGENT〕Einstein was probably the greatest mathematical genius of all time. 爱因斯坦可能是有史以来最伟大的数学天才。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕Jobs in areas that use mathematical skills, such as computer programming, tend to pay well. 电脑编程等用到数学技能的工作往往薪酬很高。朗文写作活用〔SOLVE〕Give Tom a mathematical puzzle and he'll just keep on trying till he cracks it. 给汤姆一道数学难题,他就会一直解下去,直到解出来为止。朗文写作活用〔SOLVE〕These games encourage children's ability to solve puzzles using their mathematical skills. 这些游戏可以增进儿童运用数学技巧来解开难题的能力。朗文写作活用〔Turing machine〕A hypothetical computing device capable of storing information and responding to computational questions, used in mathematical studies of computability.杜林机器:假想的计算装置,能够储存信息,并对计算问题作出反应,用于可计算性的数学研究中美国传统〔ability〕The test measures verbal and mathematical ability.这种测试考查的是语言能力和数学能力。朗文当代〔absolute convergence〕The mathematical property by which the sum of the absolute values of the terms in a series converge.绝对收敛:序列中各个项的绝对值总和会收敛的数学性质美国传统〔addition〕Twice a week the children are tested in basic mathematical skills such as addition (= calculating the total of different numbers put together) and subtraction.孩子们每周要参加两次加减法等基础数学能力的测试。剑桥高阶〔additive identity〕An identity element that in a given mathematical system leaves unchanged any element to which it is added.加性恒等式:在特定的数学系统中与任何元素相加都不变的单位元素美国传统〔analyze〕Mathematics To make a mathematical analysis of.【数学】 进行数学分析美国传统〔biomathematics〕The application of mathematical principles to biological processes.生物数学:应用于生物学过程的数学原理美国传统〔calculated〕Determined by mathematical calculation.计算出的:通过数学计算来确定的美国传统〔calculate〕These verbs refer to the determination of a result, such as expense, through the use of mathematical methods.这些动词表示通过使用数学方法对结果的确定,如花费。美国传统〔calculator〕A set of mathematical tables used to aid in calculating.计算图表:一套数学图表,用于辅助计算美国传统〔calculator〕An electronic or a mechanical device for the performance of mathematical computations.计算器:一种电子装置或机械装置,用于完成数学计算美国传统〔charge conjugation〕A mathematical operator that changes the sign of the charge and of the magnetic moment of every particle in the system to which it is applied.理论性换算:一种数学运算符,可改变电荷符号以及它所应用的系统里的每一个粒子的磁力矩符号美国传统〔child-friendly〕The book provides child-friendly definitions of mathematical words.这本书里给数学名词作出了简单易懂的定义,适合儿童阅读。剑桥高阶〔cliometrics〕The study of history using economic models and advanced mathematical methods of data processing and analysis.分析历史学:采用经济模式和先进的数据计算和分析的数学方式来研究历史的学科美国传统〔combinatorial〕Relating to the arrangement and manipulation of mathematical elements in sets.组合的:和一列数字的排列和运用有关的美国传统〔concept〕Some students failed to grasp even the simplest mathematical concepts.一些学生连最简单的数学概念都没掌握。麦克米伦高阶〔connect〕The boxes are connected by lines that show their mathematical relationships.这些方框都用线条连了起来,表明其数学关系。麦克米伦高阶〔constant〕A quantity assumed to have a fixed value in a specified mathematical context.恒量:在一个具体数学问题里被假设具有固定值的一个量美国传统〔crunch〕Slang To perform operations on; manipulate or process (numerical or mathematical data).【俚语】 运行,处理:在…上运行;处理(数字或数学数据)美国传统〔definition〕The mathematical definition of an even number is one that is exactly divisible by 2.偶数在数学上的定义是能被 2 整除的数。牛津搭配〔dependent variable〕Mathematics A mathematical variable whose value is determined by the value assumed by an independent variable.【数学】 应变量:值依赖于自变量的值的数学变量美国传统〔dizzy〕Those mathematical formulas make people dizzy.那些数学公式把人弄得晕头转向。英汉大词典〔dyscalculia〕Impairment of the ability to solve mathematical problems, usually resulting from brain dysfunction.计算障碍:数学计算能力低下,常由脑部功能损伤而引起美国传统〔endomorphism〕A homomorphism that maps a mathematical set into itself.自同态:一数学集映入自身的同态美国传统〔equal sign〕The symbol (=) used to indicate logical or mathematical equality.等号:用来指示逻辑或数学上相等的符号(=)美国传统〔equiprobable〕Having equal mathematical or logical probability.数学或逻辑上概率相同的美国传统〔error〕NASA discovered a mathematical error in its calculations.美国国家航空航天局在它的计算结果中发现了一个数学错误。柯林斯高阶〔expression〕This forms the basis for our mathematical expression for the electric field.这是电场数学表达式的基础。柯林斯高阶〔feeling〕He has a natural feeling for mathematical ideas.他对数学概念有天生的感觉。朗文当代〔field theory〕An explicit mathematical description of physical phenomena that takes into account the effects of one or more fields.场论:将一个或多个场的影响考虑进去的物理现象的明确数学描述美国传统〔formula〕A simple mathematical formula has been devised to allow you to calculate the interest due.已经设计出一个能帮你计算应得利息的简单数学公式。牛津搭配〔formula〕He developed a mathematical formula describing the distances of the planets from the Sun.他提出了一个表述行星到太阳距离的数学公式。外研社新世纪〔formula〕He developed a mathematical formula describing the distances of the planets from the Sun.他研究出了一个用于计算行星与太阳之间距离的数学公式。柯林斯高阶〔functional〕Of, relating to, or indicating a mathematical function or functions.函数的:一个或多个数学函数的、与此有关的或精于此的美国传统〔genius〕He’s a mathematical genius.他是数学天才。牛津同义词〔genius〕She was a mathematical genius.她是个数学天才。麦克米伦高阶〔grub〕For years, Galileo grubbed away in underpaid mathematical teaching posts.伽利略有好些年在收入菲薄的数学教师职位上苦干。英汉大词典〔head〕Einstein's theories stood the mathematical world on its head.爱因斯坦的理论使数学界以全新的观点看问题。麦克米伦高阶〔impossibility〕Mathematical physics is an almost impossibly difficult subject.数学物理是一门难得超乎想象的学科。柯林斯高阶〔impossibly〕Mathematical physics is an almost impossibly difficult subject.数理物理学是一门难度大到几乎不可能掌握的学科。外研社新世纪〔innumerate〕A person who is unfamiliar with mathematical concepts and methods.对数学概念和方法不熟悉的人美国传统〔innumerate〕Unfamiliar with mathematical concepts and methods.对数学概念和方法不熟悉的美国传统〔mathematically〕Given the sheer number of stars that exist it's a mathematical certainty that there is life on other planets.考虑到现有星球数量,从数学的角度来说,其他行星上面肯定存在生命。柯林斯高阶〔mathematical〕Given the sheer number of stars that exist it's a mathematical certainty that there is life on other planets.仅凭现有星体的数量, 从数学的角度来讲, 其他星球上肯定也存在生命。外研社新世纪〔mathematical〕He arranged the items with mathematical precision on the plate.他在板上以数学般的精确排列好那些项目。麦克米伦高阶〔mathematical〕The team has only a mathematical chance of making the play-offs.这支球队打人季后赛的可能性很小。韦氏高阶〔mathematical〕The team has only a mathematical chance to win the championship.这个队赢得冠军的可能性极小美国传统〔mathematical〕The whole trip was planned with mathematical precision.整个旅行计划得十分周密。朗文当代〔mathematical〕They claim 65% of people agree and 45% disagree - a mathematical impossibility.他们声称有65%的人支持,45%的人反对,这在数学上是不可能的。剑桥高阶〔mathematical〕They recorded the changes with mathematical precision.他们准确无误地记录下了所有变化。韦氏高阶〔mathematical〕Tureck deconstructs the composer's work with mathematical precision.图雷克无比精准地解析了作曲家的作品。外研社新世纪〔mathematical〕We will be testing the mathematical ability of every child.我们将测试每个孩子的数学能力。麦克米伦高阶〔mathematize〕To reduce to or as if to mathematical formulas.数学化:简化或似乎简化为数学公式美国传统〔matrix〕Mathematics A rectangular array of numeric or algebraic quantities subject to mathematical operations.【数学】 矩阵:用于数学运算的数值量和代数量的矩形阵列美国传统〔metamathematics〕The branch of mathematics that deals with the logic and consistency of mathematical proofs, formulas, and equations.哲理数学:数学的一个分支,以数学证明、公式和等式的逻辑性及稳定性为研究对象的学科美国传统〔numerical analysis〕The study of approximation techniques for solving mathematical problems, taking into account the extent of possible errors.数值分析:用近似值技巧解决数学问题的研究,并考虑可能错误的范围美国传统〔obey〕For some time mathematicians have suspected that biological shapes and processes obey mathematical rules.有一段时间数学家们曾推测生物形态和进程是遵循数学规律的。外研社新世纪〔operations research〕Mathematical or scientific analysis of a process or an operation, used in making decisions.运筹学,作战研究:在程序或操作中关于数学或科学的分析,常用于决策制定中美国传统〔optimization〕The procedure or procedures used to make a system or design as effective or functional as possible, especially the mathematical techniques involved.最佳化:使一个系统或一项设计尽可能有效或有用的方法或步骤,尤指包含有复杂的数学技术美国传统〔placeholder〕In a mathematical or logical expression, a symbol that may be replaced by the name of any element of a set.占位符号:数学或逻辑用语,可以用其它元素的名称代替的符号美国传统〔prime〕One used to distinguish different values of the same variable in a mathematical expression.(在数学表达中用来)区别同一变量的不同值美国传统〔problem〕She gave us 20 mathematical problems to solve.她让我们解 20 道数学题。朗文当代〔problem〕With mathematical problems, you can save time by approximating.做数学题时, 你用逼近法能节省时间。外研社新世纪〔problem〕With mathematical problems, you can save time by approximating.对于数学题,可以用取近似值的办法节约时间。柯林斯高阶〔prodigy〕He read in the paper about a mathematical prodigy who was attending university at the age of twelve.他在报纸上看到一则12岁就上大学的数学奇才的报道。剑桥高阶〔proportional〕One of the quantities in a mathematical proportion.比例项:在数学上成比例的数或项之一美国传统〔prove〕Computers have been used to prove mathematical theorems.计算机被用于证明数学定理。剑桥高阶〔reckoner〕A handbook of mathematical tables used to facilitate computation.计算表:用于帮助方便计算的手册或算术表格美国传统〔relationship〕His latest book examines the relationship between spatial awareness and mathematical ability.他在其最新著作中探究了空间想象能力与数学学习能力之间的关系。牛津搭配〔reliant〕Students have become too reliant on/upon calculators and don't truly understand basic mathematical principles.学生过于依赖计算器,并没有真正理解基本的数学原理。韦氏高阶〔rig〕The mathematical odds are rigged against the divorcee.数学概率全对那离婚的人不利。英汉大词典〔rule〕He would begin his lesson chanting mathematical rules.他开始上课前会先朗诵数学法则。外研社新世纪〔solitary〕Mathematical research is a largely solitary pursuit.数学研究很大程度上是个人独自进行的研究。麦克米伦高阶〔stick〕Will you help me with this mathematical problem? I'm stuck with it. 这道数学题你能帮我一下吗? 我怎么也解不出来。 英汉大词典〔thinking〕Development of mathematical skills aids the whole thinking process, improving logic and reasoning.数学技能的发展能提高逻辑和推理能力, 有助于整个思维过程。外研社新世纪〔transform〕The result, especially a mathematical quantity or linguistic construction, of a transformation.一个转换的结果,尤指数学的量或语言结构美国传统〔transitive〕Mathematical equality is transitive, since if x = y and y = z, then x = z.数学等式是可迁的,因为如果x= y而y= z, 那末x= z。英汉大词典〔transmit〕Mathematical knowledge is transmitted from teacher to student.数学知识由教师传授给学生。朗文当代〔unary operation〕A mathematical operation, such as the square root function and complex conjugation, that requires only one operand.单元运算:只需要一个操作数的数学运算,如平方根函数和共轭复美国传统〔verbally〕The test has scores for verbal skills, mathematical skills, and abstract reasoning skills.测试包含对语言能力、数学能力和抽象推理能力的考查。柯林斯高阶〔wave function〕A mathematical function used in quantum mechanics to describe the propagation of the wave associated with any particle or group of particles.波函数:数学函数,在量子力学中用来描绘与任何粒子或粒子群有关波的传播美国传统〔waveform〕The mathematical representation of a wave, especially a graph obtained by plotting a characteristic of the wave against time.波形:波的数学表示,尤指通过描绘波随时间变化特征而得到的图形美国传统〔work〕It took him twenty minutes to work the last mathematical problem.他花了二十分钟的时间计算出最后一道数学题。21世纪英汉Computers have been used to prove mathematical theorems.计算机被用于证明数学定理。剑桥国际He read in the paper about a mathematical prodigy who was attending university at the age of 12.他在报纸上读到一则关于12岁就上大学的数学奇才的报道。剑桥国际He was a mathematical prodigy. 他是一位数学天才。译典通Her precocious mathematical ability astounded her parents. 她那早慧的数学能力令她的父母非常吃惊。译典通In accountancy, it often helps to have a mathematical mind (= to be good at solving problems involving numbers).擅长数学对会计工作很有帮助。剑桥国际Physics is thought of as a hard science because of its mathematical nature, but sociology is not.由于其数学本质,物理被认为是硬科学(自然科学),但社会学不是。剑桥国际Rather than using words (=language) many mathematical concepts are more effectively expressed in equations.用方程式比用语言更能有效地表达许多数学概念。剑桥国际The course will help students develop mathematical skills including the use of decimals, fractions, percentages and simple statistics.这一课程将帮助学生发展算术技巧,包括小数、分数、百分数和简单的统计学。剑桥国际They use complex mathematical formulas to calculate the insurance premium.他们使用复杂的数学公式来计算保费。牛津商务Twice a week the children are tested in basic mathematical skills such as addition (=calculating the total of different numbers put together) and subtraction.孩子们一周两次参加加减法等基础算术技巧的测试。剑桥国际




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