

单词 land mass
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Eurasia〕The land mass comprising the continents of Europe and Asia.欧亚(大陆):由欧亚大陆构成的陆地块美国传统〔Europe〕The sixth-largest continent, extending west from the Dardanelles, Black Sea, and Ural Mountains. It is technically a vast peninsula of the Eurasian land mass.欧洲:世界第六大洲,位于达达尼尔海峡、黑海和乌拉尔山脉以西,严格意义上说它是亚欧大陆板块延伸出的一巨大的半岛美国传统〔continent〕Dinosaurs evolved when most continents were joined in a single land mass.恐龙进化的时候,多数大陆连为一体。柯林斯高阶〔dispersed〕Botswana's large land mass and dispersed population博茨瓦纳大片的土地和散落的人口外研社新世纪〔extend〕The new territory would extend over one-fifth of Canada's land mass.这块新领土将会使加拿大陆地面积扩展1/5以上。柯林斯高阶〔extend〕The new territory would extend over one-fifth of Canada's land mass.这块新领土面积可达加拿大大陆面积的五分之一。外研社新世纪〔extrudabilities〕The land masses extrude into the sea.大块大块的陆地伸入海里。21世纪英汉〔glacier〕A huge mass of ice slowly flowing over a land mass, formed from compacted snow in an area where snow accumulation exceeds melting and sublimation.冰川:巨大的冰块在巨大的地上慢慢滑动,由于一个地区雪的积累超出了融化和升华而形成的结实的雪形成了冰川美国传统〔island〕Abbr. is.,i.,Is.,I.,isl.A land mass, especially one smaller than a continent, entirely surrounded by water.缩写 is.,i.,Is.,I.,isl.岛屿:一片陆地,尤指比大洲小而完全被水环绕的陆地美国传统〔isostasy〕Equilibrium in the earth's crust such that the forces tending to elevate land masses balance the forces tending to depress land masses.地壳均衡:地壳的均衡,以使趋向于抬高大陆的力与趋向于降低大陆的力保持平衡美国传统〔neutrality〕At the horizon the land mass becomes a continuous pale neutral grey.陆地在地平线处变成了一片浅灰。柯林斯高阶〔neutral〕At the horizon the land mass becomes a continuous pale neutral grey.地平线上的大片土地变成了绵延的浅灰色。外研社新世纪




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